At this time, Xu Shifeng and Zhao Gan both came over.

"Meet the emperor, and meet the noble concubine."

Zhu Feng raised his hand to them, indicating that he did not have to pay a big gift here, then looked around, and then said, "They are all set up?"

Xu Shifeng said: "Please rest assured, the emperor, the ministers have left the manpower in the Changqing City, plus Lord Zhao's subordinates will stay in the city to maintain stability. There will be no problems in a short time."

Zhu Feng nodded.

Zhao Gan said: "It's just that King Ning's influence in Jiaodong has been rooted for more than ten years, I am afraid it is not so easy to understand. Next, the minister will return to Changqing City again and ask the emperor to send troops there again."

"Well," Zhu Feng said, "I know that King Ning's power must be completely removed."

After speaking, he looked at Xu Shifeng again: "Where is the military camp?"

"The emperor don't worry."

Xu Shifeng didn't say much, but after many years of marching in the war, he was very proficient in military affairs, and Zhu Feng was also very relieved if he left it to him.

So, only nodded.

Ye Xun walked over and said, "The emperor, although there are prisons in the city, they are only confined to some minor prisoners, so the form is not reliable. If the remnants of King Ning come to the rescue, I am afraid they will escape. may."

Without thinking about it, Zhu Feng said, "He hasn't been convicted yet, and he is still King Ning."


"Take him to the Jinlou Garden and take care of him strictly."


"Guardians, you understand for yourself."

Ye Xu immediately took his orders and said: "Yes."

So I went to work.

In front of the entire tower, there was a lot of hustle and bustle, and the flames shone, reflecting most of the sky.

Like a city that never sleeps.

However, compared to the fighting in the previous two days, this kind of busyness makes people feel at ease. After cleaning up the battlefield and capturing all the rebels, the ordinary people finally returned to the city in the cold wind.

Entering the city gate, you saw Zhu Feng and Nan Yan standing on the steps.

Naturally, there was no expression on the two of them, but when these ordinary people saw them, especially Zhu Feng's somewhat cold gaze, they all felt complacent.

Just now, they were going out by themselves.

But as soon as he went out, he encountered such an inhumane charge by the rebels. If it weren't for the emperor's insistence on letting soldiers **** them out of the city, he would scatter them on both sides, I am afraid that none of the people here would survive.

But they still suspected that the emperor sent troops to kill them.

These ordinary people slowly walked to Zhu Feng's face and knelt on the ground: "The emperor, please forgive the emperor for the lack of eyesight such as Xiaomin."

"Please forgive the emperor!"

"We were wrong, the emperor forgive us."


Just now, Nan Yan scolded people furiously, but when she saw them like this, she couldn't help but feel soft again. However, she didn't say much. After all, how to deal with them is the emperor's affairs. In this case, she is not qualified. Interrupt.

And Zhu Feng only glanced at them coldly, but waved his hand and said, "Everyone, get up."


"I think that through this incident, I have also taught you a lesson."


"Only I, only the court, is your heaven, your land, and you really rely on it. If you want to fish in the muddy waters, or think that you can benefit from the rebels-this time, your dream should wake up. ."


"And next time, I won't be so tolerant."


"All those who wish to seek refuge in the rebels for a living will be dealt with as treason!"

Unexpectedly, his previous attitude was so soft, but by this time, his attitude was hardened, and everyone was embarrassed and even more frightened.

Everyone bowed their heads to Nono: "Yes, yes..."

Zhu Feng waved his hand again: "Go down."

"Thank the emperor for not killing."

These people got up and walked away trembling.

When they walked away, Nan Yan turned his head, and saw the little woman next to him silently looking at herself, and said: "What are you looking at?"


Nan Yan was silent for a while before saying, "Why didn't the emperor say these things when they were about to leave the city?"

Zhu Feng smiled coldly and said: "Xiaomin is dull, he only looks at his immediate interests, and he has a simple mind, so he can easily be incited. At that time, he couldn't understand anything to tell them, let alone listen."


"I, I understand this very well."


"It is best to give up both grace and power. When you have to, you must give up."


"The world is too big, don't care about the gains and losses of one person."


"Let's not influence yourself for dull people."

He said this very coldly, but he was also calm and calm after seeing through the world, not being affected by one person or one thing.

Nan Yan listened, thought for a long time, and said softly: "Concubine understands. Concubine will also learn from the emperor."

Zhu Feng looked down at her, curled the corners of her lips faintly, and then said: "Just learn, but I hope you will never use it. Because there is me in front of you."

Nan Yan suddenly felt his chest soft.

Gently lowered his head and rubbed his chest.

"Concubine, I know."

She acted like a cat that had deliberately acted like a baby, and Zhu Feng only felt his breath sink.

A hand stretched out from behind and embraced her.

"Let's go back."

When I said this, my tone was still a little cold, but his eyes had become extremely hot.

It seems to light this cold night.

Nan Yan seemed to understand something at once, especially when he thought of the lovely lingering relationship between him and her that night, but it was interrupted by Ye Xian's sudden appearance.

In fact, at that time, no matter what, there was no way to feel at ease. After all, strong enemies were waiting, and the traitors were still unclear.

But now, everything has settled.

Is it just--

To Zhu Feng's gaze, as if she was really answering her, Nan Yan's face flushed to the tip of her ears, and she couldn't help but rubbed against his chest again with the slightly hot feeling.

Zhu Feng's breathing became heavier.

He grabbed her hand: "Go!"

The palm is also hot.

He was led all the way down the steps and onto the carriage. During the period, Zhu Feng only urged the driver twice to make the driver faster and faster. The driver outside complained constantly. After all, tonight is different from before. Many people It's not his fault that they are all walking on the street and the road is blocked.

But Zhu Feng and Nan Yan sat in the car, their hands never let go.

Nan Yan felt that with his hand in his palm, he was about to be burned.

But he has not pulled his hand back.

The hot breath didn't fade until he returned to Jinlou Garden. Finally, when the carriage stopped, Zhu Feng's patience seemed to have reached its limit.

Immediately dragged her out of the car.

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