At exactly this time, Nan Yan also went out.

Hearing the noise here, she turned her head and took a look, and saw a few court ladies guarding outside the Yulan Hall, as if there was some conflict with Qin Ruolan, and the faces on both sides were not good.

What happened?

Although she was puzzled, looking at the weather, it was almost time for the family dinner. As a noble concubine, it was not good to be late, so she didn't ask more, just went to Yishoutang first with a little doubt.

I just saw Xu Miaoyin coming out from inside.

"Meet the Empress Empress."

"The imperial concubine is here too."

"Yes, the concubine wants to go with the empress."

Xu Miaoyin smiled and glanced at her, nodded and said: "It's still you, knowing the rules, and sensible."


These words made Nan Yan move slightly in her heart. She subconsciously thought of what happened to Yulan Hall just now, and Xu Miaoyin knew what she had seen when she looked at her face. The two of them walked forward while she Said: "You have seen it too, this palace sent someone over and watched Lady Qin."

"Yes. The concubine just doesn't know why the empress did this."

Xu Miaoyin said coldly: "She has too many words."


"Before, I was talking nonsense in front of the emperor to confuse people."


"Now, I'm talking about Wei Wang's life experience again."

Nan Yan immediately understood.

Before, Qin Ruolan ran to Zhu Feng to lay down her black material. Moreover, through Jian Ruocheng, Xu Miaoyin reminded herself in advance, but she did not come out in person. After all, the matter had not yet happened to her. As a queen, she did not. I don't want to do anything to an unidentified Lady Qin.

But this time...

Qin Ruolan ran to Zhu Feng and talked about the life experience of King Wei?

This poke the queen's lungs.

No wonder, she did it directly.

Nan Yan frowned and thought for a while, and said, "The emperor already knows--"


"What is the Queen Mother going to do?"

Xu Miaoyin sighed, and said, "In fact, this palace didn't intend to keep the emperor from the emperor. It's just that there are priorities, and there are certain things that I have to say slowly."


"But no matter what, there is no turn for others to get over the head of the palace."

Nan Yan glanced at her.

This female general, although she looks amiable and quiet on weekdays, she acted mercilessly.

Nan Yan was just a little worried: "Then, what if she really proposes to recognize Wei Wang?"


Xu Miaoyin's footsteps stopped slightly.

Then he said: "My palace never minds that they recognize each other, it's just that King Wei——"

Having said that, she did not go on.

But Nan Yan was already moved a little bit of chill, radiating from her body, even directly in her heart, making her shudder slightly.

She understood that Xu Miaoyin was already considering the question of Wei Wang's crown prince.

As a queen, of course she has to consider everything for Zhu Feng, but it is impossible to completely ignore her own problems. After all, she does not have a biological son. In the future, the position of the queen mother is unstable and it depends on who Zhu Feng sets up as the prince.

Right now, of course, there is no second candidate.

Originally, Zhu Chengxuan was the one who brought her up and regarded her as a mother. In the future, she will be regarded as the queen mother. Everything is logical.

However, if Qin Ruolan must recognize Zhu Chengxuan, Xu Miaoyin will most likely not support him as a prince, but will turn to other concubines in the harem, let them give birth to sons, adopt them on their behalf, and then become princes.

After all, Zhu Feng is still in his prime.

Everything is too late.

Nan Yan couldn't help but sighed in her heart, thinking: Qin Ruolan, you want everything, but have you ever thought that one day you might not want anything?

At this moment, there was a burst of light ahead.

When they looked up, they had arrived at the entrance of the lobby, which was brightly lit, with a round table in the center, and guards and court ladies standing around.

The two walked in.

The lobby is scented with warm fragrance, and it feels full of spring as soon as you enter it, which is very comfortable.

However, the chill in my heart has been unable to dissipate, Nan Yan faintly felt that if things are not handled properly, the harem and the front are afraid that there will still be waves.

At this time, Xiao Shunzi's voice sounded outside.

"The emperor is here."

The two hurriedly turned around and saw Zhu Feng coming in from outside.

There were three people behind him. It was his cousins ​​who came with the master of truth yesterday.

Originally, the lobby was brightly lit, and as soon as the three of them appeared, they felt that the eyes were brightened even more.

Needless to say, Zhu Feng himself is a handsome and handsome man. The three cousins ​​behind him are almost the same in shape. Jin, so when I walked in, the momentum was exceptionally strong.

Among them, the young man behind him was his big cousin Chen Zixiao.

This person has a cold face, and even his look at people has a hint of frost and a kind of natural arrogance. However, he is also the oldest of the three, and the other two younger brothers follow him.

Chen Yiliu, who followed behind him, was the son of Empress Chen's second elder brother. Although he was wearing a Taoist robe, he looked more like a Confucian student with a beautiful smile, which made people feel close.

The young man walking at the back is called Chen Xuan.

He is the adopted son of the old uncle. Strictly speaking, he is not a relative of the emperor, but because he grew up next to the old uncle, the old uncle regards him as his own, because the court, and Zhu Feng It is not good to be negligent.

He is the youngest, up to twenty years old, handsome, with a touch of softness.

His eyes were even a bit naive.

Although counted, they are not really dragon sons and grandsons, but after so many years of cultivation on the mountain, these three-character young people also look very good.

Xu Miaoyin and Nan Yan went forward to salute together: "The emperor."

"Don't be polite."

Zhu Feng raised his hand, and after the two of them got up, the three brothers bowed to them again: "Meet the empress and empress."

Both sides met with each other.

Zhu Feng said: "Today is just a family dinner, everyone is relatives, so there is no need for so many false courtesies between monarchs and ministers."


"Come on, take a seat."

After speaking, he waved his hand and took them to a seat.

The queen and the imperial concubine naturally sat on the left and right hands of the emperor, while several cousins ​​sat at the lower hand. Although they were relatives, after all, men and women were different. They were still separated from the queen’s and concubine’s seats.

In this way, a round table seems to divide them into two parts.

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