
In the darkness, Nan Yan heard a voice, which sounded softly in his ears.

At the same time, with a very gentle hand, after gently brushing the mess on her face, she took a veil soaked in warm water and carefully wiped the cold sweat on her forehead. That feeling made her more comfortable.

However, the dull pain in my heart remained undiminished.

Nan Yan's throat was so uncomfortable that he dried out. After struggling for a long time, he finally opened his eyes slowly. Sure enough, he saw Ran Xiaoyu sitting on the edge of the bed, lowering his head, carefully taking care of her.

When she saw her waking up, she immediately said in surprise: "Manny, you finally woke up."


"You have been asleep for a day."


"You, how are you?"


As soon as he woke up from his drowsiness, Nan Yan was still not awake, his eyes were in a daze, staring at Ran Xiaoyu blankly, and after a while, he said, "Xiaoyu..."

"The servant is here."


"Mother, you passed out and slept for almost a day."

"Sleep... one day..."

Nan Yan thought in a daze. In other words, he had been sleeping before, and what he saw and heard before was all dreaming?

It's a dream!

Thinking about this, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and a little smile appeared on her face: "Great—"

However, before finishing speaking, I saw the sad expression on Ran Xiaoyu's face under the sunshine. When those **** and white eyes looked at her, there was also a trace of redness and swelling.

Nan Yan's breath was choked.

She tremblingly said, "Yes, is it true?"


"Isn't it a dream?"


"Jian's family, is it possible that Jian's family really—"

Upon hearing her words, Ran Xiaoyu knew that she was delighted at that moment, and she must have thought everything was fake.


She choked and said in a low voice: "Manny, everything is true."


"The Jian family has indeed been destroyed."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Nan Yan's face suddenly turned pale, as if all of his blood was drained in an instant. Ran Xiaoyu was so scared that he hurriedly stopped. Just as he was about to help her, he heard Nan Yan's horrible cry of "Ah", and he lay down on the bedside and vomited a mouthful of blood.


Ran Xiaoyu screamed in shock.

Nan Yan was speechless, and only felt heartbroken, her eyes turned black for a while, and in the darkness, familiar faces kept flashing past--

Old Master Jane who is serious and staid, but also dedicated to the public...

The gentle and kind-hearted Madam Jiahe...

Cute little Yu...

And the honest Jian Ruojun...

They, they are all, all, dead? !

Do not!

The intense pain spreading from the bottom of my heart made Nan Yan feel so painful that she burst into tears. She grasped her chest, obviously unable to bear it, but there was no way to escape the struggle, so she could only endure all this abruptly.

"no, I can not!"

She gritted her teeth, her lips and teeth were full of the smell of blood, even she bit her tongue, but she didn't know it anymore, only the tears rushed wildly, mixed with the blood, the salty taste made her more difficult.

She kept shook her head and kept denying.

"No, they didn't, they didn't..."


Ran Xiaoyu's eyes became red too, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only help Nan Yan to sit back on the bedside, and watched her face blue and gray, she was a little lifeless, she knew that the Jian family changed. It gave her a big blow.

Otherwise, she would not have fainted as soon as she heard about the destruction of Jian's house last night.

It turns out that it's good to be able to pass out.

At least, she doesn't have to bear all this soberly, as soberly as she is now, she has been so weak and suffered so many blows, and now, she has to bear all this.

Ran Xiaoyu felt so distressed that she could only protect her with her hands, and said softly: "Manny, don't be too sad."

Nan Yan did not speak.

She just clenched her teeth, but from between her teeth and throat, she let out a low cry of pain.

She really couldn't bear such pain.

The Jian family, why is it the Jian family?

Each of them is a good person. They have given themselves care and tenderness when they were helpless and confused. Even without them, they would never be who they are today.

But why?

She leaned against Ran Xiaoyu's arms, tears soaked through her clothes, and quickly made Ran Xiaoyu's chest feel cold. She kept asking: "Why, why did they end like this? Why?"


Ran Xiaoyu couldn't answer.

She also wants to know.

Is it true that this world is really reversed, and good people can never live long?

At this moment, she heard a sound of footsteps outside.

This footsteps, because she often heard them, she was already familiar with it. However, this time, it was different from the time before. The sound of footsteps before was vigorous and orderly, but the sound of footsteps today is heavy with a bit of disorder.

It's like his mood at this moment.

Ran Xiaoyu turned his head and saw Zhu Feng's tall figure standing at the door.

In the past, when he saw his tall figure, he always gave people a sense of peace of mind, a stalwart like a mountain, but looking like this today, his broad shoulders sank slightly.

As if being pressed by something, I can't bear it.


Ran Xiaoyu said softly.

Upon hearing her voice, Nan Yan trembled in her arms. Before raising her head, Zhu Feng had already walked slowly over.

As soon as he approached, he saw that his eyes were also bloodshot and red.

Obviously, he didn't sleep all night.

He said solemnly: "Go down."


Ran Xiaoyu thought for a while, but got up and walked out.

There are only two of them left in the room.

Zhu Feng stood by the bed, looking down at Nan Yan who was sitting on the bed. At this moment, her face was full of tears, even embarrassed, but she refused to look at him. As soon as he approached, it was already Turn your face to one side.

Seeing her with a tear even hanging from the corner of her eyes, Zhu Feng frowned slightly, reaching out to wipe her.

However, as soon as his hand approached, Nan Yan immediately turned his face away.

Avoided his hand.

Zhu Feng's hands froze in mid-air, his fingers trembled slightly, and his knuckles turned white.

He said solemnly: "Nan Yan."

After calling her, he took another deep breath, as if suppressing some emotions, and then said: "I know, this incident has dealt a great blow to you."


"I also—"


Nan Yan interrupted him suddenly.

Zhu Feng frowned: "What?"

The air seemed to stagnate for a moment, making them both suffocated at this moment.

Nan Yan slowly raised his head, staring at him straight, "Why do you want to do this?"

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