Zhu Feng said: "Where is she?"

Xiao Shunzi lowered her head, as if she was afraid to provoke him to anger, her voice appeared cautious, and said: "After the imperial concubine returned to the palace, she did not return to Yikun Palace, but-instead went to Leng Palace."


When Zhu Feng heard this, he felt angry.

"What is she going to do in the cold palace?!"


Xiao Shunzi knew that he was angry when he heard it. She took a step back in fright and said timidly: "Here, Yikun Palace has been sealed long ago. Before King Ning's abduction, the concubine and empress lived in Leng Palace."


Hearing what he said, Zhu Feng suddenly felt that a bucket of cold water poured onto his anger, and it went out all at once.

He looked at the dark door again: "So inside—"

"It has been deserted for a long time."

After saying this, Xiao Shunzi glanced at him cautiously, for fear that he would remember something.

In fact, there are also problems with this statement.

After all, since Zhu Feng just moved the capital and the event broke out in the altar of worship, the imperial concubine has not lived in the Yikun Palace here. It hasn't been deserted for a long time, but it has never been crowded.

However, thinking of what happened before, Xiao Shunzi still adjusted his words slightly.

As expected, Zhu Feng didn't notice this detail, but frowned.

After being silent for a while, he turned and walked to the other side.

Xiao Shunzi looked up and saw that this road led to Lenggong, and he was faintly relieved and hurried to follow. However, as soon as he reached the door of the cold palace, Zhu Feng said: "You don't have to follow, just wait here."


Xiao Shunzi raised his head and saw Zhu Feng's figure disappear into the heavy night in front of him.

He sighed lightly.

The cold palace in Peiping, even if it is newly built, is still cold palace.

It was almost spring, but it was still very cold here, the snow in the corner was not cleaned in time, exuding a deep chill, and there was no sound in a huge palace.

There is no light.

However, Zhu Feng didn't use lighting at all, so he walked on the dark road without any obstacles.

He is familiar with this road.

Once, in the chaos, I walked here, crossed this long corridor, walked this trail, and then—

A little light was faintly ahead.

He eased his steps, held his breath and walked forward.

In that cold little courtyard, the doors and windows were closed, only a little candlelight reflected through the window paper. Standing in the courtyard, Zhu Feng saw the slender figure in the room sitting next to a solitary lamp.

Although she couldn't see the expression on her face, the lonely, painful mood seemed to be immersed in her heart.

Zhu Feng's breathing sank.


It turned out that at that time, even though I didn't know anything and my mind was in a mess, I still wanted to come here because I was looking for her.

However, it was wrong.

He could not help clenching his fist secretly.

At this moment, another figure walked behind her, Ran Xiaoyu, gently putting a piece of clothing on her shoulders, and said: "Mother, please rest early."

There was silence in the room for a while, and a cold voice sounded.

"I can not sleep."

"The servant girl knows that the mother is uncomfortable, but no matter what, she can't ignore her body."

"I know," Nan Yan said, her voice gradually becoming astringent: "I just—"



These two words, like a big rock, suddenly fell on Zhu Feng's heart.

He clenched his fists, almost couldn't help but want to rush in.

However, a blast of cold wind blew over him, but he recovered a trace of calm reason.

What can I do even if I go in?

He looked at the slender shadow on the window, it was obviously so weak, but there was a stubbornness, even when facing himself, he did not retreat.

The Jane’s incident really made her sad.

But why not yourself--

At this time, Ran Xiaoyu was quiet for a long time, and then said softly: "Niangniang, the servant girl wants to say something to Niangniang."


"Does the empress really think that Jane's family is the emperor--"

The atmosphere suffocated suddenly.

Without waiting for her to finish, Nan Yan already said solemnly: "I don't want to listen."


"I'm tired, go down, I want to stay alone for a while."

Ran Xiaoyu looked at her hesitantly, and in the end there was no way to say anything, she could only give a light blessing, then turned around and opened the door and walked out.

In the yard, a cold wind blew.

Ran Xiaoyu stood under the eaves, looked at this quiet little courtyard quietly, but left without saying anything.

After a while, a figure slowly walked out from the side.

I looked into the room again, but before I could see the shadow on the window clearly, I heard a sudden sound.

The candlelight went out.

Suddenly, the surroundings plunged into darkness, and the silence was like a huge black hand, covering the world.


The next day, Ran Xiaoyu opened Nan Yan's door early in the morning.

When I looked up, I was shocked.

Nan Yan sat on the bedside without even changing his clothes, his face was haggard, the corners of his eyes were red, and he had obviously not slept all night!

She hurriedly walked over: "Manny, why are you—"

Nan Yan looked up at her: "You are here."

It seemed that he didn't intend to say anything, so he got out of bed slowly, but because of sitting like this for a night, his body was already stiff, and he almost fell when getting out of bed, so Ran Xiaoyu reached out to support her.

Touching her hand, she found that her fingers were also cold.

Although the room is not as gorgeous and comfortable as in the Yikun Palace, the earth dragon is burning and the incense is smoked, but the words are said, the people in the cold palace dare not neglect this special "noble concubine", and specially prepare for her With the stove, hot water for other bedding is also readily available.

But still, can't warm her.

Ran Xiaoyu thought for a while, and said softly: "Manny, when the servant girl just came over, I heard news from outside that somehow the emperor was also sick."


"I heard that I did not know where to stand all night and caught a cold."


Ran Xiaoyu glanced at her carefully and said softly, "Does the empress know?"

Nan Yan remained silent.

But in the breath, there was obviously a trace of confusion.

How could she not know.

Last night, it was probably the longest night she had spent in her life, and it was even longer than the long night of the Battle of Peking, compared with Zhu Feng's imprisonment before. Although there was no pain to add to her body, just listening to the looming breathing outside the door caused her to be tortured.

However, she never got up and came out to take a look.

Seeing her somewhat sad gaze, Ran Xiaoyu seemed to understand something, and whispered: "Niang Niang?"

Nanyan Road: "Stop talking."

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