He Yi was silent for a while, and then said: "I think there is another person who might also have some influence."


"Noble concubine."

"Noble concubine?"

Xu Miaoyin frowned, and then said, "But last time, when the emperor lost control, the concubine almost died in his hands."

He Yi was silent for a while, without speaking.

Ye Xu also glanced at him.

In fact, he also faintly felt that when the imperial concubine was there, it did have some influence on Zhu Feng, including what he said when he scared Nan Yan, "It’s so good to kill in a dream." After that, some changes were made.

However, no one can be sure whether it is their illusion or reality.

And the imperial concubine can't stand the second life and death barrier.

The three of them stood in front of the door of the imperial study room and fell silent for a moment.

At this moment, not far ahead, there was a sound of footsteps.

Turning his head to see, it was Duke Yu.

He also saw the three of them standing here, and immediately came forward to salute.

Seeing his hurried appearance, Xu Miaoyin said, "Duke Yu, where did you go, why didn't you see you serving by the emperor?"

Jade justice said: "There was news coming in from outside the palace just now."

"what news?"


Grandpa Yu was silent for a while, looked around, and confirmed that there was no one around him, and then said in a low voice: "The emperor sends someone, hurry up and feel Ling Tianshan, go to find the old country uncle."

"Old country uncle?"



"But when the news came back, the old country uncle had left Zhenwu Temple and traveled around."


When the three people heard the news, they were all taken aback.

You know, only a few days ago, Chen Zixiao and the three brothers followed the Shouzhen Dao to grow up, but now, the old uncle has left Zhenwu Temple.

It feels like--

It seems to be avoided specially.

Could it be that he could still tell the prophet?

Ye Wei was also taken aback, and said, "When did the emperor send someone there, why don't we know?"

Grandpa Yu sighed and said, "It was the night when His Royal Highness Ning left, the emperor issued a decree overnight to let them speed up. This time, several horses died before he brought the news back. As a result—"

Having said that, Grandpa Yu shook his head.

At this moment, even if they were standing outside, they felt the tight atmosphere in the Imperial Study Room penetrated outside, making people breathless.

In their hearts, they all thought silently--

The emperor really still cares.

In fact, there is no way to ignore it.

Therefore, when King Ning said those things that night, even if he faced so many problems, he immediately sent people to Zhenwu Temple to find the old country uncle, obviously in order to prove King Ning's words.

But in this way, who can guarantee how this event will affect him in the end?

He Yi thought for a while, then turned around and whispered to Duke Yu, "Daddy, please be with the emperor, please take more care."

Jade justice: "What do you say, my lord."

Xu Miaoyin said: "You also know that the emperor's last time, if the previous situation reappears this time, he will immediately notify the palace and there must be no mistake."


After Yu Gonggong finished speaking, he turned back to the royal study room.

Xu Miaoyin had barely closed his eyes in the past few days, and by this time he was in a state of lack of energy and returned to Yonghe Palace to rest.

When they were all gone, Ye Xu asked, "Then what are you going to do now?"

He Yi said: "There is another person, I want to find him."

Ye Yin was taken aback for a moment: "You mean, Jian Ruocheng?"

"Not bad."

"I think it's weird. At this time, he hasn't appeared yet, what is he thinking?"

"This is not the most important thing."

As He Yi said, there was a rare gloom in his expression. He turned and walked forward. Ye Wei hurriedly followed: "It doesn't matter? What does it matter?"

He Yi turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "How big can Beiping City be? The Sixth Army of the Forbidden City, including Jin Yiwei, have all been dispatched. I haven't found him for so many days. Don't you think this is strange?"


Ye Xun was taken aback for a moment, and he seemed to come back to his senses: "When you say it, I also feel strange."


"So many people can't find him alone."

He Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Ye Xu hurriedly said: "However, he avoids seeing him deliberately, and it is difficult to find him."

He Yi said: "If you want to avoid seeing it, you can hide for a while, but I calculated it for sure. You can find him within three days at most. However, there has been no movement these days, and the Jane's house was out that night. After that, I sent more people to watch Jian’s house, but I didn’t find him."

"So, how is it?"

"I suspect that someone is helping him."


Ye Yin was taken aback for a moment: "Someone can help him? But, his current status is so special, on the one hand is a person who used to work in Prince Ning's Mansion, and the emperor sent so many people to look for him, who dares to help him? Can you help him again?"

"It's hard to say whether you dare or not, but it's the most important thing that the Sixth Army of the Forbidden City and Jin Yiwei have searched the city for so many days and found nothing."

Ye Xun's eyes flashed: "You mean--"

He Yi was silent, and walked forward slowly. After a while, he said: "King Ning was poisoned and the people in Dali Temple were wiped out, including the fact that we were unable to find Jian Ruocheng in Beiping. We can see that this time we met Yes, it is an invisible but extremely powerful enemy."


"The other party's hand has already reached the court, but we still don't know."

Ye Xu's cold sweat came out: "Who, with such a lot of energy?"

He Yi did not speak, but walked forward silently.

After a long time, he stopped again and looked back at the Imperial Study Room, which was already very far away. Even though it was too far away to see, he could still feel the dull breath.

He said solemnly: "This person, step by step. I only hope that the emperor will not be affected again, otherwise--"


This night is extremely long.

However, Zhu Feng almost didn't close his eyes, just sitting in the chair of the imperial study room, suffering in this long night.

It seems that a long night that I have experienced was dark and long, as if it would never end.

The empty Yushufang made him feel suffocated for the first time.

As long as he closes his eyes, he seems to be in a chaotic situation, as if - a frantic hurricane, with yellow sand in the sky, forcing people to breathe.

It seems that a nightmare is too long.

Duke Yu, who had been standing by, saw that his face was getting paler, and his heart became more and more disturbed, and said softly: "The emperor, do you want to go back to rest?"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Feng stood up abruptly.

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