Zhu Feng said: "Then, how much do you remember what happened at that time?"

Xinqing froze for a moment, looked up at him, and said softly: "Does the emperor want to know about the emperor's childhood?"


Zhu Feng thought for a while and said, "I seem to remember that they said that you have been by my side since you first entered the palace, and you are the one who has served me the longest."

A smile appeared on Xinqing's pale face: "Yes."


"At that time, the concubine was selected into the palace as soon as she came to Guishui. Together with a group of sisters, it was heard that she was going to be assigned to serve with several little princes."

This incident can be regarded as Zhu Feng's experience, but now, hearing Xinqing say this, it has another taste.

In fact, Xinqing and their group of palace ladies are not ordinary palace ladies, but their brothers have been well-known for several years. There must be close-fitting palace ladies around them, also known as general house girls, who are dedicated to serving them. Yes.

However, he seemed to be carelessly enthusiastic about this kind of thing. It wasn't until he married Xu Miaoyin that he really had **** with Xinqing.

Because according to the rules, if such a girl does not accept the house after marrying the right wife, she can only be driven away, but such a fate is often very miserable, but she serves herself very hard, unlike others. Like a girl, Hu Meizi seduced her master all day long, so he still kept her.

Once I stayed, I stayed for so many years.

Looking at her, I felt a little emotional.

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, then looked at her and asked: "Then, before entering the palace, have you heard of me?"


Xin Qing looked at him in surprise, as if she had never thought about this problem, frowned subconsciously, thought for a while, and said, "It seems, there really is not."


"The concubine enters the palace with a group of sisters. Everyone is joking. They don't know that they will be assigned to serve by the master. Some people talk about King Jing and King Ning, but it seems that King Yan has not been mentioned."


Zhu Feng frowned.

Xinqing seemed to feel something, and looked up at him: "The emperor? Is there any problem with this?"

Zhu Feng shook his head: "It's okay, you continue to say. Where and when did you first see me? At that time, what was I like?"


Xinqing was even more surprised.

Zhu Feng hasn't come to see her for so long, why did he start to ask this when they met?

However, she immediately thought that there were legends in the palace that His Majesty the Emperor had forgotten all the dust because of some special reasons. Now he came to ask herself about this, is it because he wants to know his past?

Thinking of this, a little warmth rose in my heart.

Seeing that she hesitated for a while without answering, and it didn't seem like she had forgotten, but as if she was thinking about something, Zhu Feng said: "Why, you don't want to tell me?"

Xinqing looked up at him and said softly: "No, it's just that my concubine remembered something from the past. In fact, when my concubine came to serve the emperor, it was not the first time my concubine saw the emperor."


"Before that, the concubine saw the emperor for the first time. It was the third day after the concubine entered the palace. At that time, she had just twisted her hair and was following her aunt and they were following the rules. Suddenly something happened in the palace and there was no time to find someone to serve. My aunt looked at her concubine as clever, so she took her with her."

She said softly: "It has been more than 20 years, and there are some details that my concubine can't remember clearly, but I still remember that time, it was a little like now."

"right now?"

"Yes," Xinqing said with a smile: "It's just that the emperor was sick at that time, and the concubine was someone who took care of the emperor."

"I, sick?"


"What disease did I have?"

"I can't tell what kind of illness, but at that time, the emperor was wearing very shabby clothes and looked like a dusty man. I don't know what happened. He was covered in dust and there were many injuries on his body."


"Yes, fortunately, it's not a fatal injury, just some bumps. The emperor Gao felt very distressed. He ordered the people from the Tai Hospital to come and heal the emperor. The concubine was also nearby to help deliver medicine, water, and bandages."

"How could I get hurt? How old was I at that time?"

Xinqing smiled and said, "It's probably about ten years old."


"However, the appearance of the emperor is much stronger than the average ten-year-old boy. But at that time, you had a high fever, the fever was so unconscious, and you kept talking nonsense."

Zhu Feng said: "What am I talking about?"

Xinqing glanced at him again and said softly: "The emperor said a lot, some concubines could not hear her clearly, only one sentence was heard clearly, the emperor said, let people not leave you."

"do not leave……?"

Zhu Feng's brow furrowed tighter, and the shadow between his brows became deeper.

Xinqing looked at him, a little worried, but she did not seem to be absent-minded. She hesitated for a while, and then said: "At that time, the concubine just happened to be by the emperor’s side and was going to help the emperor apply medicine. As a result, the emperor suddenly Reached out and grabbed the concubine's hand and refused to let go."


"At that time, the concubine was afraid of presumptuousness and wanted to retreat, but when the emperor Gao saw the emperor doing this, he told the concubine not to move. Therefore, the emperor kept holding the concubine's hand and kept saying not to leave."

When she was talking, she laughed again and said: "At that time, although the emperor was not very old, his hand strength was really not small."


"The concubine's wrists are all pinched out of blood."

Zhu Feng was silent for a long time and said: "You know, I'm saying, who should not leave?"

Xin Qing shook her head: "Concubine doesn't know."


"Later, after the emperor became more sober, the concubine was taken away by his aunt and the others. After that, he studied the rules in the harem for half a year. During that time, I heard that the emperor was canonized as King Yan."

Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

It turned out that it was during that time.

Xinqing said: "Although the concubine is not with the emperor, there are still many rumors about the emperor in the palace, so the concubine can often hear it. After I heard that the concubine was very ill to the people in the palace. Beware, it's hard for ordinary people to get close to the emperor, and it's hard to even choose people to serve the emperor."


"However, the emperor has a natural affection for the daughter of the Qin family and does not reject her at all."

"The Qin family's daughter?"

Zhu Feng's brows frowned slightly.

Xinqing also froze for a moment, and then remembered that she had overheard several aunts in the palace talking. They all said that His Royal Highness Yan had ignored anyone since she woke up, but she had just treated the Qin family. 'S girl has an inexplicable favor, as if she was born with it, and Xinqing accidentally said this in their tone.

She hurriedly said: "It's Ning-Lady Qin."

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