She raised her head and looked at Zhu Feng with her eyes wide open: "Da Ci'en Temple?"

"Well, after that incident, I sent someone to supervise the construction in Jinling."


After that happened?

That is, after they dealt with the Jian family's grievances and Ning Wang's case together, and temporarily gave the people of the world an explanation, Zhu Feng set about to do this?

Nan Yan glanced down at the letter again, focusing on the words "Da Ci'en Temple".

Temple of Mercy...

She asked softly, "The purpose of the emperor's building this temple is—"

Zhu Feng said: "In this Ci'en Temple there is a nine-story tower called Chong'en Pagoda, which is still under construction. I told them to forget the day and wait until we reach Jinling, which is about the time it was just completed."

"Chong En Pagoda?"

Nan Yan repeated the name again, and immediately felt complacent, and said, "Did the emperor see his parents' kindness recently?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know this too?"

"The concubine has nothing to do these days, so I asked them to look for some Buddhist scriptures to cultivate health and nature."

"What nonsense? Just take a look at these Buddhist scriptures. What are you cultivating and nurturing? I don't want to see your pure heart and low desire.

Nan Yan gave him a look.

Then he continued: "The emperor repaired this heavy grace pagoda, and named it again, in order to—"

Zhu Feng let out a heavy sigh, and said: "The solution we thought of before only temporarily resolved the Jian family’s grievances, as well as King Ning’s affairs. However, the things Ning King revealed were still circulating among the people. Although in Beiping, public opinion has been controlled a bit, in the south, it is different from here."

Nan Yan nodded: "Oh."

Indeed, since he moved the capital to Peking, the jurisdiction here has naturally been strengthened. Relatively speaking, Jinling, as the old capital, is not as strict as before.

In addition, after the students returned to Jinling, they spread everywhere and rumors abound.

Now, I am afraid that the popular support there has been very loose.

Zhu Feng said: "Therefore, on the day when the Chong En Pagoda is completed, I will send Empress Chen and some of the relics of Emperor Gao to enshrine them in order to demonstrate the concept of benevolence and filial piety to rule the world."

Nan Yan listened and nodded gently.

This is excellent. This action tells the world at least one fact. Regardless of the rumors, he is the son of Emperor Gao and Empress Xian Chen. By doing so, it can block Yoyo's mouth well.

Zhu Feng said again: "At that time, I will also invite some local famous families, including--"

Having said that, he paused slightly.

Nan Yan would be overwhelmed immediately: "Including, how many college students?"

Zhu Feng was silent for a while and said, "I'm still considering this matter."


"Let these people come, there is still a risk."

Nan Yan nodded.

This matter has disadvantages and advantages.

The downside is that these people obviously have opinions on the emperor, and even, they have been born with disagreements, so they have caused such a big incident in the south. If Zhu Feng really invited these people to the scene, I don’t know that day. What a big deal will happen.

But it is also beneficial. These people are the most powerful people against him in the South. If these people can be invited to clarify the truth in front of the people of the world, then the southern storm will have a chance to calm down.

However, it is difficult to say how things will develop.

Therefore, Zhu Feng is still considering.

Nan Yan thought for a while, and said: "Anyway, there are still a few days before departure. Besides, we have a period of time on the road. The emperor can consider it carefully before making a decision."

Zhu Feng nodded.

Then he said: "So in the past few days, you should also prepare well, because I don't know how long it will be."

"Concubine knows."


In the next few days, the palace did jump for a while.

You know, since Zhu Feng took the throne, although he has traveled a lot of time, he almost only took Nan Yan by his side, and other concubines rarely accompanied him. The last time he moved the capital, everyone followed suit, and that’s not the case. Count.

This time, it was a concubine above the second grade, together with Wang Wei and Princess Xinping.

This is the big deal.

Therefore, the concubines in each palace were very busy for a while. It happened to be the beginning of spring, and the palace was going to make new clothes for the women of the palaces, so everyone fought over and over for the clothes, colors, and colors. The supervisor of Shang Yi was rushing for work for several days and finally made those clothes. .

On this day, when Xu Miaoyin took Mingxin and Xinping princess to visit Nanyan again in Lenggong, he also sent two sets of clothes.

Nan Yan smiled and said: "Let the empress be worried."

Xu Miaoyin smiled faintly: "It's just to drop in. The people from Shangyi Supervisor are so busy that they don't remember to send it here."

"Actually, my concubine's clothes are enough."

"It's not enough. This time the emperor builds the Great Ci'en Temple and sends the relics of the first emperor and the queen dowager in for worship. It is also a big event. As a noble concubine, you should not be simple or negligent in your clothes. This is a ritual system."

"Concubine knows."

Nan Yan obediently obediently asked Ran Xiaoyu to put away the clothes.

The two of them sat gossiping for a while, seeing that the time was getting late, Xu Miaoyin left with Mingxin and Xinping Princess.

As soon as Nan Yan was about to lie down and rest for a while, she heard Aunt Tongyun say in the yard: "Your Royal Highness? Your Royal Highness, Wang Wei, why are you here."

Wei Wang? Zhu Chengxuan?

Nan Yan was startled, and immediately opened his eyes.

At this time, a somewhat familiar teenage voice came from outside and asked carefully: "Mother, isn't she here?"

"This, the empress has just left."


The voice seemed very lost.

Nan Yan subconsciously walked to the door, and she saw Zhu Chengxuan standing at the gate of the courtyard, and Aunt Tongyun looked at him with a complicated expression.

Nanyan said: "His Royal Highness, why are you here?"

Nanyan has never seen Zhu Chengxuan since the Great Sacrifice.

A child of this age grows up very quickly. He is at least half a head taller than half a year ago. The figure of the teenager gradually shows some toughness, but he has also lost a lot of weight. Before, he still had a round face. It has almost fallen off, and the lines of the cheekbones and mandible are very clear.

However, it is also a bit too thin.

Still a little haggard.

Hearing Nan Yan's voice, he raised his head, his eyes lit up, and a smile immediately appeared on his face: "Emperor Concubine!"

Seeing him, Nan Yan's mood was also a little complicated.

Zhu Chengxuan walked in happily, but immediately, as if remembering something, he stopped and said: "These days, my mother won't let me go around, so I was only allowed to study in Chengqian Palace, but I couldn't come. Visit you. Are you okay?"

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