However, when he turned his head and saw the carriage of the imperial concubine, the wind blew the curtain, revealing her figure.

Immediately, Zhu Feng's face sank.

The people standing below to greet him were excited and nervous when they saw the emperor coming back. After all, it was the turbulence in Jinling that made the emperor return to the old capital so quickly. They were afraid that the place was not doing the right thing. The emperor Longyan was furious, and the black yarn was lost.

Therefore, the Jinling City was cleaned up and the old palace was refurbished.

Even this time the pomp of the pick-up is so big.

Unexpectedly, the emperor's face became so ugly as soon as he stood up, everyone was frightened to death, especially the leading Jiangning chief ambassador Tian Yan, immediately stepped forward nervously: "The emperor, the ministers, etc. are guilty."

After speaking, he knelt down again.

Zhu Feng turned his head and glanced at him. His expression was still a bit unhappy, but when he spoke, his tone was calm: "You? What's wrong?"

"As the chief ambassador of Jiangning, the official of the parents of one of the people, the Weichen was supposed to let the people live and work in peace and contentment, but nowadays, there are constant disturbances and conflicts. The Weichen has to bear the grace and the death penalty! Death!"


Everyone also knelt down.

Zhu Feng looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He still understands this in the officialdom. Although the trouble in Jinling was also caused by his ineffective governance, it was basically caused by the incident in Beiping. He first attributed everything to his ineffective governance, so sincerely pleaded guilty. , Zhu Feng naturally couldn't punish him severely.

So he just gave a cold snort at the tip of his nose, and said, "You are serious."


"I already know about Jinling. I'll discuss this matter later."

Upon hearing this, I knew that Zhu Feng did not intend to deal with him.

Tian Yan, including the people behind him, breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone stood up in a cold sweat, and Zhu Feng said: "Well, under the poisonous sun, you have been standing for so long. Go to the city and go back to the palace."

Tian Yan was overjoyed: "Yes."

So, immediately let the ceremonial soldiers clear the way in front, Zhu Feng sat back in the golden car, and drove into the city, while Tian Yan naturally rode a horse and followed the golden car to serve.

Entering Jinling City, there is no one on the street.

Zhu Feng sat in the golden car for a long while, and said, "Is there martial law in the city?"


"It's only a trivial matter when I come back, so there is no need to alarm the people like this."

Tian Yan said cautiously: "The safety of the emperor is important, especially these days, the students in those academies move very strangely, and the ministers cannot let the emperor take risks."


Zhu Feng said: "What did they do?"

Tian Yan said: "The emperor had previously ordered that scholars be treated courteously, so the ministers were afraid to do anything to those academies, but kept people staring at them. These days, a lot of people have come from those academies."

"Who are these people?"

"Weichen is also letting people search, but those academies are too deep to be searched."


"Weichen is worried, they are directed at the emperor, at the Great Ci'en Temple."


Zhu Feng sat in the golden car without speaking.

The curtain in front of him swayed slightly, sometimes showing his firm chin and sometimes showing his cold eyes. After a long time, he slowly said, "I see."

Tian Yan couldn't hear the joy or anger in his tone, so he could only ride the horse quietly.

Zhu Feng looked at the scenery outside through the swaying curtain, only feeling that everything here is both familiar and strange.

However, Nanyan on the other side was very emotional.

After all, this is where she grew up.

She carefully lifted the corner of the curtain and looked at the familiar streets and shops outside. Everything was the same as before, but her mood was completely different.

While walking, she suddenly saw a strange scene.

A nine-story tower came into view.

"That is--"

Ran Xiaoyu also moved over and took a look carefully, and said, "Is that the tower in the Great Ci'en Temple that the emperor asked them to build? What tower is it called?"

"Chong En Pagoda."

Nan Yan murmured.

Because there are still some pavilions in front of them, they cannot see the Great Ci'en Temple on the flat ground, but the nine-story tower stands tall in the middle of the city, allowing people to see it from a distance.

In the sun, the body of the tower was shining with multicolored lights. After looking at it for a while, she recognized that the tower was actually made of colored glaze, and every corner of the tower was equipped with a permanent light.

It looks solemn and luxurious.

Zhu Feng seldom pays attention to the appearance of anything like this on weekdays. Even the palaces that he moved to build are rebuilt on the old Yanwang Mansion, mainly simple and practical, but this tower is unexpectedly luxurious.

Obviously, he is very important.

Not only Nan Yan, but other concubines in the car, even Zhu Chengxuan and the others noticed the tower when they were passing this avenue. Everyone lifted the curtains and watched silently.

It wasn't until Shengjia approached the old palace that he couldn't see it gradually.

The crowd returned to the old palace.

Because he had been tired for most of the day, he stopped saying anything. Zhu Feng asked them to return to their respective palaces to rest, and he himself also walked along the path of the past. Although he did not remember, his body was It seems to have memory.

Nan Yan is also moving forward.

However, as soon as he reached a fork in the road, heading to Lenggong, Grandpa Yu appeared in front of him and said with a smile: "Manny, this road is not working."


Nan Yan looked at him in surprise, and Grandpa Yu smiled: "This time everyone came back, Master Tian and they naturally let people clean the palace, but they won't clean Lenggong."


"Niangniang, let's go back to Yikun Palace."


Nan Yan couldn't laugh or cry for a while, only feeling extremely embarrassed.

Indeed, this time Zhu Feng came back with a second-grade or higher concubine. How would he not come back with the abandoned palace people? Who would have thought to clean the cold palace, and no one would usually clean it.

and so--

I am going back to Yikun Palace.

Grandpa Yu took a step forward, and said with a smile: "Manny, don't hesitate anymore. If you have anything, wait until Jinling's affairs are over."

Ran Xiaoyu on the side also said: "Yes."


Nan Yan had no choice but to turn around and walk to Yikun Palace.

The more I go, the more I feel like a joke.

She was angry, and didn't know whether to be angry with herself or Zhu Feng, and when she returned to Yikun Palace, as soon as she entered the door, she found that Zhu Feng was already sitting inside.

And his face was somber, he seemed to be more angry than himself.

Nan Yan hesitated for a moment: "The emperor?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her coldly and saw her feet from the head.

Then said: "What are you wearing?!"

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