Zhu Chengxuan raised his head in a panic, and saw that Zhu Feng's face was even more frosty. He looked at them coldly, even his eyes were quenched.

He knelt down in fright.

"The sons and ministers pay homage to the emperor."

Zhu Feng waved his sleeves and walked over slowly.

Although he was the only one who came over, at this moment, he inexplicably gave a feeling of coming over. Zhu Chengxuan faintly felt that he was annoying him, and he was too scared to raise his head.

And Li Bu hurt, who was standing behind him, was originally silent.

However, when Zhu Feng's gaze also looked at him, it was as if his body had been pierced by a sword. He had been silent, but he could only lower his head and slowly kneel at Zhu Feng's feet: "The emperor."

Zhu Feng walked up to them and looked down at them.

The somber color on his face is deeper.

The father-in-law on the side didn't dare to speak up, he only complained in his heart, when this little ancestor would not come, why did he come at this time? He was not so dumbfounded before.

However, it was His Royal Highness King Wei that he was still "saved".

So he took a step forward and said: "Your Majesty, His Highness Wei Wang has something to report."

Without finishing his words, Zhu Feng said coldly: "He has no mouth, can't you say it?"


Duke Yu didn't dare to speak anymore.

Zhu Chengxuan even dripped cold sweat.

Zhu Feng let out a deep breath, walked past him, and said, "Go to the Imperial Study Room."


As Zhu Chengxuan said, he got up from the ground, and fell a bit because of his soft feet.

Yu Gonggong and Li Bushang hurriedly reached out to support him.

Zhu Chengxuan was a little embarrassed, and smirked, "I am really useless."

Grandpa Yu took a look at Li Bu hurt from the corner of his eye, and then said: "His Royal Highness, think about it before doing anything. Alas, go to the Imperial Study Room, or the emperor will get angry again."

"it is good."

They walked to the Imperial Study in a group.

Until this time, Nan Yan slowly walked out from behind the door.

She had put on her clothes, but the blush on her face had not faded, and her face full of spring was not easy to see people, so she didn't come out just now, and only walked out to take a look when she heard that they had all left.

At this time, Li Bushang just walked to the door.

As if feeling in his heart, he suddenly stopped and glanced back.

The moment he met his gaze, for some reason, Nan Yan suddenly felt as if he was being held tight by something, and even his breath was choked.

But immediately, he turned and left again.

As if nothing happened.

Nan Yan gasped slightly, and even had to hold the door frame to make herself stand still. At that moment, she seemed to see a lot of things in Li's eyes, but she couldn't tell what it was.

But the suffocating feeling is too uncomfortable.

Is it my own illusion?

still is--

She felt a little complicated at the moment.

Many thoughts were tumbling in her mind. At this moment, what Zhu Feng said to her just now seemed to be echoing in her ears—

"Give me another son."

"Give me a son, which belongs to you and also belongs to my son."


It seemed that whether it was before or after the amnesia, he always held this mood, hoping to get a son belonging to both of them.

This man is too persistent.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan couldn't help but smile, but after the ridiculous, there was still a trace of worry in his eyes.

He wants a son, but can he have a son for him?

If this son is born, what will the fate be like?


In the Imperial Study Room on the other side, Zhu Feng sat behind the Imperial Case with one hand folded into a fist and placed it on the edge of the table. At first glance, he was in a bad mood.

Zhu Chengxuan stubbornly finished what he wanted to say, but he dared not lift his head.

Fortunately, Zhu Feng did not curse immediately.

Just frowned and looked at him: "You, are you going to those colleges?"


"Do you know that the students in those colleges have been against the court, this time, there will even be unruly attempts. You go, how dangerous it is, you know?"

Zhu Chengxuan took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to say: "Erchen knows, but he is willing to take risks for his father."

Zhu Feng's brows frowned again.


"Father has always said that we must treat scholars well, but this time these students are quite venomous with the emperor and the court. This seems extremely unreasonable. The son believes that scholars should not behave like this when they read wisely." There must be a misunderstanding in the action of "enjoying revenge"."


"I go here, I don't expect to solve this problem, but at least I can understand the hidden information, so I have a chance to solve the misunderstanding."


"If the matter in Jinling can be resolved peacefully, it is also what my father wants, isn't it?"

Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at him.

After the amnesia, their father-son relationship reached the shallowest period without the past emotional accumulation. This child's benevolent and cowardly temperament was not what he liked, so he hardly paid attention to him.

As for setting up the prince, he even put it down.

Anyway, I am in the prime of life. If Nan Yan can give birth to a son and cultivate him well, he will definitely be a good prince candidate in the future.

However, these words of Zhu Chengxuan made him a little surprised.

At this moment, Grandpa Yu walked in from outside.

"The emperor, the empress is here."

"Oh? Let her in."

When I heard that Xu Miaoyin was here, Zhu Chengxuan suddenly became a little nervous, his hands were tangled together, and his fingers became stretched white.

I saw Xu Miaoyin walk in from outside.

"Meet the emperor."

"Be flat."

She stood up Yingying, turned her head to look at Zhu Chengxuan, her brows frowned slightly like spring willows: "Cheng Xuan? What are you doing here?"

"My son, my son, pay homage to the queen mother."

Originally standing in front of the father, he could speak freely, but at this time he couldn't even speak.

Zhu Feng said: "He came to ask me for my order and said he wanted to visit those colleges."


Xu Miaoyin's brows frowned tighter.

Turning his head to look at the child, his expression became serious.

Although, after Qin Ruolan's uproar, she was already grudged and even started to prepare to replace his job, but things belong to things, and feelings belong to feelings.

There is still no way to leave the children alone.

She said, "Cheng Xuan, do you know how dangerous it is?"

When she heard that she cared about herself, Zhu Chengxuan's face showed a smile, and he stammered with excitement, and said: "A lot, thank you mother for caring, my son is just, just, want to contribute to the father and the emperor."

If he had such a heart in the past, Xu Miaoyin would be very happy.

But at this moment, she said: "There are so many people here who can contribute to your father. As King Wei, how can you take the risk?"

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