"The empress means—"

"For example, a swaddle wrapped in this palace, or something worn on this palace."


Hearing Nan Yan's words, Gu Tingchun hesitated.

After a long while, he said with a smile: "This, I'm afraid I have to go to Xirongtang."


Nan Yan listened and nodded with a smile.

Of course she knows that Gu Tingchun hates herself since she was a child, and of course it is impossible to keep the things she carried with her when she was a child. If she can be the master, she will not only throw away the things she brought, but she will also throw her away. Up.

However, at that time it was the grandmother who was in charge.

The old grandmother even kept the letter left by Si Zhongwen for so long, maybe she would keep her own things; and when the old grandmother passed away, she was already a noble concubine, of course Gu Tingchun did not dare to move those things. Therefore, some clues may be left.

So Nan Yan said, "Then let's go to Xirongtang and have a look."


Gu Tingchun responded, and then turned and left the ancestral hall with her.

In a short while, I walked to Xirongtang.

This was Tong Yuhua’s residence during her lifetime. After she left, Gu Tingchun had also cleaned up the place neatly and neatly. Everything was arranged in the same way she lived when she was alive.

However, when I opened the door, I still smelled a cold smell.

After all, people have already left.

Even if all the furnishings are the same as before, some of them are different and will not come back.

An inexplicable sorrow and grief rose in Nan Yan's heart, and the corners of her eyes were a little red. Standing next to him, Ran Xiaoyu immediately felt her emotions and helped her whispered, "Niang, are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

Nan Yan barely smiled and shook his head.

Gu Tingchun walked in, and then said to Nan Yan: "Niang, the old lady's things are here, what do you need to do for your mother?"

"Oh, no more."

Nan Yan smiled and said: "It's rare to come back. I also want to stay here alone for a while, missing my grandmother. My mother is very tired today, so let's take a rest first."


After speaking, Gu Tingchun took Simulan and the others to leave Xirongtang.

When they left, Ran Xiaoyu went over and closed the door.

Then turned around: "Manny?"

Nan Yan said, "Open the cabinet first and take a look. Don't mess up things."

"Don't worry, Empress."

With that said, Ran Xiaoyu walked over, opened the closet first, and some wooden boxes in the corner. Inside were neatly stacked the clothes that Mrs. Si used to wear. Gu Tingchun was also careful, and also specially let go. Herbal medicine packet to prevent insects.

I rummaged for a while, but did not find anything for a child.

At this moment, Nan Yan turned his head and saw a cabinet on the other side.

The cabinet is made of mahogany, beautifully carved, and the corners are covered with copper, and it is also locked. Obviously, it is used to place more expensive things.

Ran Xiaoyu saw it too, walked over and took a look, but said annoyedly: "Niang, there is no key."

Nan Yan thought for a while, walked to the other side of the bed, reached out and touched the pillow and bedding, but there was nothing. She picked up the pillow again, rummaged for it, and found a key from it.

Ran Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Niangniang, you are so amazing."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Old people often do this."

As she said that, she walked over by herself, carefully opened the lock on the cabinet, opened the cabinet to take a look, and her expression suddenly became serious.

In the cabinet, there was a swaddle made of floral cloth.

However, she only glanced at it and found that it was wrong.

The colors on the swaddle are different from the ones they often see. The shapes are weird and quite exotic.

If, according to the letter left by Si Zhongwen, he brought back from Lao, then these things should be Lao.

But now it's not at all.

It's a bit like something from the Western Regions.

However, more than 20 years ago, there was no trade between the Yan Kingdom and the Western Regions. The Silk Road was cut off by the Kingdom of Lao. It is not surprising that Si Zhongwen returned to the Kingdom of Yan by Dao Lao.

It just means that before he returned to Yan Country, his place was not in the Kingdom of Su, but somewhere in the Western Regions.

Nan Yan was holding the swaddle in her hand, and her thoughts were full.

Ran Xiaoyu stood by her side, looking at these things, and at the way her brows were furrowed, without disturbing her, only carefully looking at the other things in the cabinet.

When she was looking for it, she accidentally knocked the swaddle apart.

Suddenly, something fell from inside.


Ran Xiaoyu was taken aback, then looked down: "This is—"

Nan Yan's thoughts were interrupted by her, and she lowered her head, but saw a small sachet falling on the corner of the cabinet, she hurriedly reached out and picked it up.

Just looking at it, she was suddenly shocked and speechless.

Ran Xiaoyu on the side also looked astonished. The two were silent for a while, or she broke the silence and said: "Manny, servant girl-the servant girl is right."


"This sachet, this sachet and the one brought by the emperor--"

Nan Yan didn't speak, and his other hand trembled slightly into his arms, took out the purse that Ran Xiaoyu had prepared, and took out the sachet inside.

Put it in the palm of your hand, and compare——

It turned out to be exactly the same.

The style, color and knot are exactly the same.

She put the sachet just found under her nose again and took a deep breath. Suddenly, her breath was choked.

Ran Xiaoyu was already too anxious. At this time, regardless of the rules, he leaned forward and sniffed deeply in her hand.

His eyes widened in surprise: "Niang, the scent of these two sachets is exactly the same!"


of course.

exactly the same!

No wonder, when I first smelled the scent of the sachet that Zhu Feng brought, I had a strange feeling in my heart, but I couldn't tell, and I wasn't even sure if I was familiar with the smell.

Thinking about it now, that feeling should be a strange familiarity.

Because this sachet is in my baby, that is to say, I was surrounded by this fragrance when I was unconscious.

After being brought back to Si's house by Si Zhongwen, she was not sure if she had smelled this kind of smell again, but she should have had it before, but maybe she was young at that time and had been over a dozen or so years. Ten years, I can't remember it clearly.

Otherwise, no one will really obsess over the smell of swaddling.

Ran Xiaoyu looked at her complicated expression and couldn't help but said again: "Manny, what is going on?"

Nan Yan gasped.

She also wants to know!

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