Wang Shuxing said breathlessly, "Qian Xiuwen, Qian Xiuwen is awake!"


When these words came out, it was like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, and everyone was stunned. Suddenly, the crowd that was still noisy fell silent for an instant.

Jian Ruocheng was a little bit unable to believe his ears. He held the edge of the table with one hand and said, "What did you say? You say it again!"

Bank Wang Shu let out a sigh of relief, and then said, "Qian Xiuwen is awake!"


"Just now, he woke up suddenly!"

This time, everyone finally heard him clearly and finally understood the meaning of what he said, but they couldn't believe it.

Especially Xia Fuxiu, who was still holding his hands by Jin Yiwei, his face instantly turned pale and said: "How is it possible, how can he wake up?"

Wang Shuxing said, "That person just gave him a glass of water, and he woke up after a while."

"That person" he said was of course Zhu Chengxuan.

Hearing this sentence, Zhu Feng's brows frowned, but before he could think about it, he heard the people around him breathe a sigh of relief.

He turned his head and glanced at Nan Yan.

But seeing that Nan Yan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, he showed him an expression that seemed to be a smile.

However, before Nan Yan could say anything, Jian Ruocheng stood up and said eagerly: "Go, let's go and see how he is."

At this time, everyone naturally turned their attention to that side. The students at the door didn't even say anything, and stepped back one after another, making way for the Wako room.

Some could not wait to walk to the school building on the other side.

Nan Yan grabbed Zhu Feng's hand: "Let's go take a look too."

Zhu Feng did not speak, but immediately got up, and by the way, he held her hand back and pulled her up. However, when the two people walked out of the Wako room, Zhu Feng made a gesture to a Jin Yiwei next to him, and that person immediately Come over.

Zhu Feng whispered a few words in his ear.

The man immediately said: "Yes."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Nan Yan glanced at them and didn't know what he had explained, but it was too late to ask at this time. It was important to go and see first, and then followed Jian Ruocheng and the students in front, and everyone walked to the other side of the school building.

Soon, he walked into that room.

Jian Ruocheng walked in first and saw Qian Xiuwen who was lying on the bed unconscious. He had already opened his eyes at this time. Zhu Chengxuan was taking a pillow to cushion his back so that he could sit comfortably. bedside.

His face was still pale, and his lips were pale with blood loss, but he finally woke up.

Jian Ruocheng walked in and found that he and Zhu Chengxuan were the only ones left in the room, and there was another student, Sun Jia, who was standing here, but Li Buhuan was gone.

However, he was too late to take care of this, and immediately said, "Qian Xiuwen, you are awake."


When Qian Xiuwen saw him, his face also showed an apologetic smile, and said, "Master, it's me who is not good, so Master is worried."

Jian Ruocheng walked to the bed, looked at his frail appearance, and asked: "Don't talk about it yet, how are you doing now?"

"Fortunately. This Xiongtai just gave me a drink of water, I feel much better."

Jian Ruocheng turned to look at Zhu Chengxuan, and said with a complicated expression, "Thank you."

Zhu Chengxuan hurriedly waved his hand: "You must not say that. I just hope that he can wake up soon and make everything clear."

At this time, Zhu Feng, Nan Yan, and Jin Yiwei also walked in with Xia Fuxiu.

Although it is not convenient for all other students to come in, they all stood at the door and squeezed the water outside. Before Qian Xiuwen could figure out what was going on, he saw so many people and so many strangers. Suddenly he was a little astonished: "Master, what is going on?"


Jian Ruocheng's breath sank, and then said: "Because you were injured, everyone is worried about you."


Qian Xiuwen was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Am I injured? Where am I—"

As he said, he suddenly saw his wrist, wrapped in a thick bandage, with some blood stains on it, and he was shocked: "What's the matter, how could I—"

Jian Ruocheng said, "This is what we want to ask you. What happened yesterday?"


"this person--"

He pointed to Zhu Chengxuan and said, "What did they do to you?"

Suddenly, the still-noisy student school fell silent, everyone closed their mouths, everyone held their breath and looked at him nervously.

Zhu Feng squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the pale, somewhat dazed student.

He said, "He? What did he do to me?"


"He didn't do anything."


"Yesterday, the Master asked us to study and learn about things. I--I walked outside the department and saw a bunch of bamboo, and I started to check the bamboo. But the more the class, the more uncomfortable, the more dizzy I will be."


"I used to be at home, and I was fine after taking a break, but yesterday, I was particularly uncomfortable. It happened to be this Xiongtai and he appeared."

Everyone immediately held their breath.

Qian Xiuwen pointed to Zhu Chengxuan and said, "He told me that the bamboo in front of me should not be the bamboo in front of me, but the bamboo in my heart. I think he was right. I originally wanted to discuss it with him again, but I immediately Passed out."

Everyone gasped.

Jian Ruocheng said: "So-he, they, didn't hurt you."

Qian Xiuwen opened his eyes wide: "Hurt me? I, I didn't. This Xiongtai was just discussing things with me. What did he hurt me?"

Having said that, he looked at the wound on his wrist, and was a little dazed: "This—"

At this time, it seems that things have become clear.

Jian Ruocheng took a deep breath, slowly turned his head to look at Zhu Feng, then at Zhu Chengxuan, and then said: "It seems we have misunderstood you."

Zhu Chengxuan immediately smiled.

However, Xia Fuxiu, who was held by Jin Yiwei, said loudly: "Master, you said this too early. Qian Xiuwen only said that before he passed out, these two people did nothing to him. But after he passed out, this person I really want to harm him!"

Zhu Chengxuan said immediately: "I said, I cut off his wrist to save him!"

"Huh, who knows whether to kill or save. Besides, someone assassinated Qian Xiuwen last night, who knows who sent the killer."

As soon as his voice fell, a low and cold voice came from the door——

"The answer to this question, we also want to know."

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads hastily.

But seeing Li Bushang and another Jinyiwei walking to the door, they both held a student in their hands. It was the Su Erjun who stayed here until the dawn last night!

Xia Fuxiu's face suddenly changed.

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