early morning.

When the first ray of sunlight penetrated the dust and mist and shone on the nine-story tower, all the people who participated in the opening ceremony of the Great Ci'en Temple came here one after another.

This was also the first time Nanyan saw this Great Ci'en Temple.

Before, when I first entered Jinling City, I was just sitting in a carriage and looking at it from a distance. I couldn't see the whole picture, and I didn't know what was inside.

At this moment, they are standing in front of the Great Ci'en Temple,

This temple is very large, with a base of nearly two feet. There are dozens of steps in front of the door. Under the steps, there is a large open space where they stop at this moment, which is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people. At this time, the emperor came here. By the time, the clearing was full of people, and colorful flags of various colors fluttered in the wind.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the large Buddhist temple above. The vermilion door was closed tightly, and it was shining red and dazzling red under the shining of the sun. There was a plaque hanging on the door with the emperor’s handwritten four. Big characters-

Great Ci'en Temple.

At this time, only a creak was heard, and the door of the Great Ci'en Temple slowly opened from inside.

A group of monks lined up in two rows and came out from inside.

Standing in front of the temple, facing Zhu Feng and his entourage guard, civil and military officials, and concubines in the harem bowed their heads and saluted: "Meet the emperor!"

After that, he bowed down.

Zhu Feng looked up at the wide temple gate above, slowly raised his feet, and walked up the steps.

The people around naturally followed suit.

As a noble concubine, Nan Yan, like the queen, followed Zhu Feng on the left and right. It was only because of her pregnancy that Ran Xiaoyu followed her closely. Ran Xiaoyu also kept supporting her arm for fear that she would fall accidentally. Pour something.

This kind of caution makes Nan Yan dumbfounded.

However, when they walked up the steps to face the monks who were kneeling on both sides, Nan Yan heard Ran Xiaoyu's soft "Huh".

Nan Yan turned to look at her, but saw her staring at the monks with a shocked expression on her face.

"what happened?"

"It's them?"


Ran Xiaoyu spoke to the monks and said: "These monks are all monks from Dabao Temple."

"Dabao Temple? It's the temple where you hid while avoiding King Ning's pursuit in Changqing City."

"Yes, it's them!"

As if hearing their murmurs, a monk who bowed to the ground carefully raised his head, he also saw Ran Xiaoyu, with a surprised and happy smile on his face.

It was the Great Monk Shikong who was separated from them in Dabao Temple.

When Nan Yan saw the monk kneeling on the ground, he gradually understood.

In the beginning, King Ning once attacked Dabao Temple in order to catch Xinping and Ran Xiaoyu. The monks there were also arrested, and Dabao Temple was also destroyed. Later, the people of the imperial court took over the Changqing City, and these monks were released, but Homeless.

And Zhu Feng built the Great Ci'en Temple in Jinling.

This temple is a royal temple built by him. I am afraid that the monks all over the world want to come here to practice. Zhu Feng will give this opportunity to the monks in Dabao Temple who have taken care of and rescued the princess. It is also a kind of " "Repay."

No wonder Zhu Feng had always left Mingxin in the Peking Palace.

It seems that this plan was planned early on.

Nan Yan couldn't help raising his head, looking at the back of Zhu Feng who was walking in the front, a warm feeling in his heart.

Ran Xiaoyu whispered: "It's great for the emperor to do this."


She nodded to the monks, followed Zhu Feng into the temple gate, and these monks also stood up, followed the empress and concubines, and walked into the Great Ci'en Temple.

Once you enter the temple, your eyes are even more open.

Here, even more spacious than the open space outside, there is a huge incense burner right in front of it. At this moment, the green smoke is curling up. Behind the incense burner is a large hall where the golden Buddha statue of Maitreya Buddha is enshrined.

Zhu Feng walked over slowly.

Although he should pay homage to the Buddha when he enters the temple, his main purpose today is not to come to worship the Buddha, but to offer sacrifices, so he didn't sit and stop much, just walked past the main hall.

After entering, I discovered that the Great Ci'en Temple was very deep.

A large hall, a large attic.

It took them a long time to pass through these places.

Inside, countless Buddha statues are also enshrined.

When they passed through a hall again, Zhu Feng glanced back. He wanted to confirm that Nan Yan's body was okay, but saw her with a thoughtful expression.

He asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Suddenly hearing his voice, Nan Yan hurriedly raised his head: "The emperor."

"What do you think, so ecstatic?"

"It's nothing, the concubine is just thinking, why does the emperor enshrine Maitreya Buddha in the first hall?"

Zhu Feng glanced at her and said calmly: "Because he is the future Buddha."


"It's the same for me, I just want to look to the future."


Nan Yan was startled slightly, and Zhu Feng, as he said, had already turned his head and continued to walk forward.

Nan Yan's heart throbbed.

She probably knows what Zhu Feng meant. Everyone has a past, and everyone's past has some unsolvable knots. Zhu Feng's past is even more complicated and unsolvable, and there are more unsolvable mysteries.

Although he was also concerned, he never missed the past.

It's just like he accepted the incident of his own memory loss very quickly, and he didn't get to the bottom of the memory that he hadn't fully recovered.

His eyes, more often, are placed in the future, far away.

Such a man may be the truly strong man who can create a better future!

Nan Yan looked at his back and couldn't help but smile.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a little strange, and couldn't help but glance back, only to see that there were black heads behind her, and the concubines were following her.

Ran Xiaoyu next to him said: "Manny, what's the matter?"

"...No, it's okay."

She shook her head hesitantly and continued to walk forward.

In a short while, they passed through the last Famen Temple.

When I walked out of the back door, I felt a gust of wind.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly, and the temperature of the earth was already very high. Even if they walked in the hall, they were a little depressed.

But this gust of wind blows everyone's spirits into awe.

In front of me, there is a more open field.

But here is not empty. In front of this site, there is a high platform with a radius of tens of meters.

On the high platform, there is a tall forest. Each stone tower is more than one or two feet high and has different shapes.

In the middle of Tallinn, a nine-story tower stood tall, which was the tower they had seen from afar before.

This is the destination of Zhu Feng's trip-Chong En Pagoda!

When I saw this tower, Zhu Feng, who said that he was only looking forward and focusing only on the future, there was also a trace of confusion in his eyes.

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