Jian Ruocheng shook slightly and raised his head to look at him.

When meeting his gaze, Zhu Feng's heart was also shocked.

After the amnesia, his understanding of Jian Ruocheng was entirely from other people's mouths, and even from some feelings about Nan Yan. He was not familiar with him.

But at this moment, when he saw Jian Ruocheng's eyes, he felt a sudden shock.

This elegant, handsome, and glamorous man would have such a look.

Zhu Feng's eyebrows frowned slightly.

At this moment, Jian Ruocheng had stood up, the gloomy color in his face and eyes was swept away, indifferent as if there was no temperature at all, and he bowed to him: "Your Majesty the Emperor."

Zhu Feng looked at him and said, "Unexpectedly, you really came."

Jian Ruocheng said: "It is a condition put forward by the emperor, so why didn't you expect the grassroots to come?"

"I didn't expect that you would really agree."

"Your Majesty Tianwei, how dare Caomin refuse?"

The two people spoke without leaking, but this kind of Jian Ruocheng made Zhu Feng feel a little unspeakable depression in his heart. He frowned and looked at him.

After a long while, smiled faintly.

"Anyway, come, just fine."

With that, they looked at the students around them, and they all looked at themselves, their eyes full of vigilance and the unknown about the future.

No one knows what will happen to them after today's ceremony.

Their destiny is completely in the hands of the Ninth-Five Lord.

Zhu Feng smiled faintly and said, "Get ready."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

As soon as he turned around, Jian Ruocheng seemed to hesitate behind him, and then said: "I heard that the imperial concubine is happy."


Zhu Feng's brows twitched again.

He stopped and turned to look at Jian Ruocheng.

I saw that a slightly pale face floated with a warm expression, looking at him, and whispered: "Caomin, congratulations to your majesty."


Zhu Feng turned around slowly, facing Jian Ruocheng.

He really doesn't know much about him, but in some matters, it is enough to understand.

Taking a cold look at him, Zhu Feng said indifferently: "You, on the contrary, are interested."

Jian Ruocheng smiled, but the smile was already very obvious, very reluctant, he said: "I wonder if the concubine is here today."

Zhu Feng's face sank again.

He said, "She is here, but you can't see her."


"She is pregnant and will not attend today's ceremony."


"I will let her rest on the side."


Jian Ruocheng's gaze flickered, then smiled faintly, and said: "The concubine is pregnant, so naturally she should take care and let more people protect him."

Zhu Feng's complexion darkened even more.

He said coldly: "Of course I will protect her well. For this, you don't need to be beaked by others."

Jian Ruocheng raised his head and looked at him, as if finally letting go of a heavy burden in his heart, and said, "Caomin - I see."

Zhu Feng sneered: "I know, it's fine."

After speaking, he turned and left without looking back.

And Jian Ruocheng still stood on the spot, motionless, only the hands hanging beside her, the fingertips trembling slightly, like convulsions.


When I walked out of the row house, there was a lot of sunshine outside, but the gloomy color on Zhu Feng's face still did not disappear.

Even more somber than before entering.

However, as he walked forward with a cold face, he heard a sound of footsteps and a clamor of noise around him. When he looked up, it was a group of guards leading a group of people from behind the hall. Step out and walk behind the high platform.

This piece is the viewing area for the ceremony, and on the front, only the emperor's concubines and civil and military officials can use it.

Other celebrities and celebrities are all arranged in the other sides of Gaotai.

Grandpa Yu asked carefully: "The emperor, do you want to go over and have a look?"

"No need."

Zhu Feng only glanced at it from a distance, and then said, "Let Jin Yiwei, the Imperial Army soldiers, and the people of Guo Gong pay close attention. Today's Dacien Temple is forbidden to have any accidents."


After Zhu Feng finished speaking, he was about to move forward, but saw a familiar figure walking out of the side hall.

It was Nan Yan.

He frowned, and immediately walked forward: "What are you running out for?"

Nan Yan originally felt that there were too many people in the side hall, and it was a little noisy, so he would rather come out to get a good breath. He didn't expect to hit Zhu Feng as soon as he came out, and when he saw the direction he was walking, he also knew that he must have gone. The row house.

Jian Ruocheng, it should be over there.

She whispered, "The emperor, the concubine just came out to breathe."

Zhu Feng frowned, "What if I hurt my child?"

Nan Yan couldn't help but smiled: "The emperor is too careful. The concubine is just walking around. How can this hurt the child?"


Hearing her wishing Feng so much, Zhu Feng also felt that he seemed a little too careful.

But no way.

For this child, for him and her child, he really looked forward to it, and he even wished that the October pregnancy period would pass in the blink of an eye, so that he could welcome the birth of this child safely.

So, he took a deep breath and said, "Anyway, you have to be more careful."


"If there is any damage to this child, I--"

When he said this, when looking at her smiling, Zhu Feng couldn't help but stretched out his hand to twist his cheeks a little while smiling: "I will strangle you!"


Nan Yan looked at him slightly in shock.

After a long while, couldn't help but smile.

Zhu Feng frowned: "Huh?"

She could still laugh when she said so.

Although Nan Yan was "threatened", she gently leaned her head on him, and there was a little sweetness in her heart.

In the past, he used to threaten himself like this from time to time, even, when he lost his memory and was crazy, he almost came to terms.

Unexpectedly, it is still like this now.

She smiled and said, "Concubine knows."


Zhu Feng glanced at her coldly, and then raised his head. The monks who were preparing for the ceremonial ceremony were already holding the sacrifices and began to walk on the high platform. Nan Yan looked at their busy figures and said suddenly, "The emperor, here Why is there no joss stick?"

In ordinary festivals, there should not be joss sticks, but there is no smoke or fire in this one.

Zhu Feng said: "You can't light incense candles at the festival here."


"Because," he pointed to the Chongen Pagoda in front of him: "This tower is built entirely of wood, without a single nail."


Nan Yan stared at the tower in shock.

Zhu Feng said: "So here, there can be no fireworks."

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