"Look, he is coming!"

Upon hearing this, Nan Yan's heart couldn't help but turned away.

At this time, the main hall was about to begin, the guards patrolling around had already stood at their respective positions, and the people who came to observe the ceremony had also arrived at their respective positions.

In front of the Chong En Pagoda, gradually more people increased.

And from that row of rows of houses, a large group of people walked out.

As soon as Nan Yan saw the clothes of those people, his heart jumped. They were all wearing gray and white gowns with square scarfs on their heads. The clothes were very bright. It was the uniform dress of the students of Zhujian Academy. .

Sometimes, people rely on clothing.

If these students just walk out like this, maybe everyone still can't figure out their identities, but when they are dressed like this, everyone immediately recognizes them.

"They are the students of Takema Academy!"

"Really they?!"

"I heard before that at the grand ceremony that opened the Great Ci'en Temple this time, the emperor ordered them to come to the ceremony and eulogize. He thought it was just a rumor, but he didn't expect it to be true!"

"But, they haven't always been--"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

"What else is going on?" At this point, some people inevitably had some contempt in their tone, and said coldly: "It's not a group of people who are greedy for life and fear of death."

"Don't say that, is it possible that you are not afraid of death? Why are you here if you are not afraid of death?"


"But speaking of it, these people are really true. They were so spineless before, especially their master. I heard that the whole family was destroyed by the emperor, and the ten clan of his family will be destroyed. coming."


Listening to the words of these people, Nan Yan's eyes kept searching among the crowd.

Immediately, he found the familiar figure.

Although he is also wearing gray and white clothes, he is still somewhat different from everyone else. Not only is he taller, he is more upright and handsome, and even the temperament of his light and wind is also very prominent among a group of people. .

When Nan Yan saw him, his heart sank.

But at this moment, I don't know if I could feel her gaze. Jian Ruocheng was walking at the back of these students. His gaze looked a little dazed at everything in front of her. Suddenly, she raised her head and looked to this side.

The eyes of the two people suddenly met, and their breathing was choked.

Jian Ruocheng stopped in place.

Today, although the sun is shining and the weather is hot, but fortunately there is still wind, and Nan Yan is sitting in the pergola, and the white veils hanging down around it are constantly flying with the wind, like layers of clouds and mist between him and her. Transpiration.

In a daze, he seemed to see a dignified and beautiful noble concubine, sitting there.

She was so far away from him.

It really seems to be a heaven and an underground.

Looking at her so far away, Jian Ruocheng's original chaotic mood, at this moment, is even more chaotic.

At this time, the student Qian Xiuwen next to him said softly: "Master, what's the matter with you?"

The voice shook him slightly.

He raised his head again. At this moment, the wind just stopped, and the flying white veil slowly fell down. He saw again that Nan Yan was sitting upright inside. She was not a fairy concubine, she There was still joy, anger, sorrow, and joy on his face, and even when he looked at himself, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Nan Yan murmured: "Second Young Master..."

The two of them were so far away that they could hardly even see each other's face, but Jian Ruocheng seemed to hear her calling herself, and the expression on her face was a little stiff.

He murmured: "Nanyan..."

She is still her.

Although they couldn't get close, she was still her after all.


Feeling that Jian Ruocheng was lost, Qian Xiuwen called him again. Jian Ruocheng looked back at him and said with a complicated expression: "Xiuwen, you said yesterday that the bamboo is still the same bunch of bamboo, but when it is in people's hearts At that time, people's hearts are covered in dust, and bamboo is no longer that bush."


I don't know why, he would suddenly talk about searching things at this time.

Qian Xiuwen didn't know why, but he nodded.


"People's hearts are covered in dust, so the people and things in their hearts are no longer what they were."


"But, are those people and things that change, or the person himself, or the heart of the person?"


Listening to Jian Ruocheng's mumbling, Qian Xiuwen also felt a little puzzled, not to mention why he mentioned this at this time, so he could only look at him in surprise.

At this time, Jian Ruocheng seemed to have recovered himself.

He looked back at Qian Xiuwen and showed a faint smile, as if his previous cautious worries had been blown away by the wind at this moment, with a little lightness in his eyes.

Such him made Qian Xiuwen even more puzzled.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm okay."

After speaking, he glanced at Nan Yan again, with a faint smile on his face, and then turned around: "Let's go."

So, together with all the students, walked forward.

Nan Yan looked at his figure. Although the two people were so far apart and didn't know what was going on with each other at all, she seemed to feel something changed in Jian Ruocheng's body at that moment.

It's really strange, why do you feel this way?

She frowned in surprise and looked at his back. At this time, a familiar voice rang in her ear: "Mother Concubine..."

Upon hearing this sound, Nan Yan's eyes lit up suddenly.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw Xinping!

Several court ladies who usually took care of her, and the nurse, took her over, and just put her on the ground, she threw herself into her arms.

It's heavy again!

In the past two days, I was busy with the college affairs, and after being pregnant, Zhu Feng was cautious. He was pestered by people from the hospital for a long time, and he did not take care of his daughter.

As a result, she gained a lot of weight again, and her belly became round.

"Heart is calm, my care is calm!"

Nan Yan hugged her and kissed her fleshy cheek several times. Xiaoping hadn't seen her mother for a few days, and she missed her very much. At this time, the whole person stuck to her: "Mother concubine! "

Nan Yan kissed her and asked the nurse: "Why did she come?"

The nanny knelt on the ground and said softly: "The emperor originally arranged for the princess to be in the palace, but when he saw the empress alone, he brought her and got together with the empress."

Nan Yan smiled.

Xinping is too young, unlike Wang Wei, she doesn't have to attend the ceremony, but Zhu Feng still let her come over and stay with herself, which shows her intention.

At this moment, there was a sound of drums ahead.

Nan Yan's expression froze.

The ceremony begins!

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