Now, they want to "force the palace" when the emperor can't come forward, and there is no reliable person around the queen.

Helpless, Xu Miaoyin looked up at her.

After a moment of silence, he said: "Come here, let the concubine-temporarily enter the cold palace."


"After the emperor wakes up, he will make a decision."

Ran Xiaoyu became anxious when she heard this, especially when she looked at the successful faces of Wu Wan and the others, she was not angry, and stepped forward: "The empress, the noble concubine, she still—"

Nan Yan stretched out her hand and stopped her.

Ran Xiaoyu frowned and looked at her, only to see Nan Yan shook his head at her.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Niang Niang!"

Nan Yan took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Xu Miaoyin, and bowed his head to her in a solemn salute: "Concubine, please follow the decree."

When she said this, the attendant on the side dared to come over.

After all, the status of the noble concubine and her current pregnancy situation, ordinary guards dare not move her. If she resists again, if something goes wrong, no one can guarantee how many people the emperor will kill after he wakes up. Head.

If she agrees, they dare to step forward.

Said politely: "Noble concubine, please."

Nan Yan looked back at the front again. Those screens tightly surrounded the inner room of the palace. She didn't know what was going on inside, so she could only turn around and walk outside.

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly followed.

And when she turned to leave, Feng Qianyan, who was kneeling on the ground, slowly raised her head. At this moment, those originally soft eyes showed a little cold light, and the smile on the corner of her mouth also revealed no. A sense of hideousness.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head and looked at each other with Wu Wan.

Wu Wan raised her head, only to see Xu Miaoyin frowning, looking at Nan Yan's leaving back with a heavy face, she stood up, walked to Xu Miaoyin's side, and said softly: "The queen, my concubine has another word To say."

Xu Miaoyin turned to look at her: "What are you going to say?"


Nan Yan was taken by someone and entered the cold palace.

Although in the past, she had also entered the cold palace of Jinling Palace and saw what it looked like, but now it is completely different.

When she had just returned to the Jinling Palace, she wanted to go to the cold palace. Duke Yu told her that this time they came back, Master Tian and they only let people clean the palaces in the harem, naturally they would not let people clean the cold palace. .

Plus, it has been idle for a long time, and it is even more dilapidated.

At this moment, Nan Yan was led to an empty room. There was not even a chair in it, only a dilapidated bed, surrounded by cobwebs, fallen leaves in the dusty soil, and even mice running in the corners.

Ran Xiaoyu looked at this room, gritted his teeth.

"How can they treat you this way, you—you are still pregnant!"

Nan Yan didn't speak, only frowned.

Ran Xiaoyu looked at her pale face, hurriedly walked over, cleaned the dusty bed, and helped her sit down.

Nan Yan sat leaning on the head of the bed with a heavy expression.

"Niang," Ran Xiaoyu gritted her teeth and said, "Why do you agree to enter the cold palace?"


"If you don't agree, the empress will not force you!"

Nan Yan originally felt a splitting headache, and was propping her forehead with her hand. Hearing her asking like this, she knew that she had been squeezing a sigh of anger. At this time, she could only raise her head, sigh lightly, and said: You have also seen, Concubine Kang, An Bin, and—Kang Bin, they came prepared."


"It's hard to commit anger. Even if the queen is the Lord of the Sixth House, she can't just go her own way."


"Besides, they forced her to put me into the cold palace. This is still a situation she can control. If the stalemate continues, I don't know how the situation will develop."


Nan Yan looked up at her and said, "Now, no one knows the situation of the emperor, and we are in Jinling. There is no one beside the queen."


Hearing these words, Ran Xiaoyu suddenly widened his eyes: "You mean--"

"Concubine Kang's father, Master Cheng Guo, is the one who brought people to Jinling."


"Right now, among the officials, there is no one with a higher rank than the grandpa. Whenever something happens to the emperor, the grandpa becomes the highest officer here."


"Who can fight against their surname Wu."

Ran Xiaoyu's complexion became serious.

At this time, she also felt that this incident was not just a bit of gunpowder in the harem.

The "forced palace" in the bedroom just now is just a little prelude.


She thought for a while, and said: "But, even if you are forced into the cold palace, what about? Once the emperor wakes up, everything still has a chance to change!"

At this point, Nan Yan's expression became serious.

She said: "Yes, this is also the reason why I stopped you just now."


"I also want to know what they want to do."


"It's just to put me into the cold palace. This is definitely not their purpose. Everyone knows that once the emperor wakes up, he will definitely pick me up. Then I will clean them up. It will be easy."

Ran Xiaoyu immediately became nervous: "Do they want to do something to you while you are in the cold palace?"

Having said this, her fist clenched involuntarily.


Nan Yan glanced at her and said nothing.

This, of course, was also something she was worried about just now.

However, having Ran Xiaoyu by his side is equivalent to having a team of people to protect him. In the harem, not many people dare to do something with Ran Xiaoyu.

Moreover, they should step back ten thousand steps and say, when Zhu Feng wakes up, how many of them can live?

So, what is their purpose?

When Nan Yan thought of this, his brows tightened.

She murmured: "I always feel that this is not easy."


"Moreover, these things in the harem are just trivial matters. The most important thing is—"

Ran Xiaoyu said, "The fire at Chong En Pagoda?"


Thinking of the fire, even though the raging flames seemed to have become her nightmare, her heart fell into the ice cave. She whispered: "Where did those arrows come from? Who is trying to murder the emperor..."

Ran Xiaoyu said: "We just didn't have time to ask."

Nan Yan shook his head: "You can tell from the appearance of the queen, it must have not been caught."


"Moreover, the emperor is offering sacrifices to the Chong En Pagoda, and the surrounding defense must be very strict. Those people can actually attack the Chong En Pagoda..."

Ran Xiaoyu immediately said: "The person who started this time is not easy!"


Nan Yan's eyebrows were twisted into a knot.

After a long silence, she said to Ran Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, you can find a way to get in touch with Ye Yu and let him pass it over no matter what news is out there. I'm worried--"

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