Nan Yan only felt that her breathing was about to be choked.

"What's the matter?"

Ran Xiaoyu looked at her and said with some difficulty: "Yes-it's about, Jian Ruocheng."

"Second Young Master Jian?!"

Hearing Jian Ruocheng's name, Nan Yan's whole body trembled.

She suddenly remembered that since she woke up, she hadn't heard from him again, and she was only thinking about Zhu Feng and forgot about him.

He, as the master of Takema Academy, went to the ceremony to offer sacrifices and chants. Now suddenly something like that happened, and he also protected himself from the fire. What will happen to him?

When it comes to this, Ran Xiaoyu's heart is also heavy.

She said in a deep voice, "Actually, I found out about him last night, it's just that you are worried about the maidservant, so I didn't tell you."

Nan Yan asked eagerly: "What happened to him?!"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "His back suffered severe burns."


Upon hearing this news, Nan Yan was taken aback.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "In fact, it didn't take long for you to faint at that time, Niang Ma, after we sent you back to the palace, he passed out in a coma. Before that, he had been holding on."


"Moreover, to this day, I am still unconscious."


Nan Yan's eyes widened suddenly.

It was not until this time that she remembered that when the Chong En Pagoda was on fire, the top of the tower collapsed and the flames were sprayed everywhere. At that time, she almost burned herself, but Jian Ruocheng rushed to her in the first place. In front of him, hold himself in his arms.

Looking back now, the flame must have hurt his back.

It was just that at that time, he did not show an injured expression at all, and because he was only thinking about Zhu Feng in the tower, he completely ignored him.

I didn't expect him--

In Nan Yan's heart, there was pain and guilt again, and his eyes were a little red: "He, he--"

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly shook her hand. In such a hot weather, she felt that her fingertips were cold, even trembling slightly, and said hurriedly: "Manny, don't think too much, this - this it's not your fault."

"This is my fault."

Nan Yan said painfully: "If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have suffered anymore."


However, she did not fall into such anguish and couldn't help herself, but immediately looked at Ran Xiaoyu again and said: "Then, you just went out, and what news did you find? Did he have any accidents?"

Ran Xiaoyu's expression became more solemn.

She hesitated for a while, then said, "It's Concubine Kang, and Concubine Kang and the others."

"They?" Nan Yan frowned upon hearing these two people: "They, what are they going to do?"

Ran Xiaoyu said: "They said that since the imperial concubine has been punished, then the improper behavior towards the imperial concubine, especially the traitor Jian Ruocheng who conspired to harm the emperor, should not be merciless!"


"After Jian Ruocheng was injured, he was originally sent to the palace and under house arrest in a palace. He was also sent to see by the imperial doctor to make him sober, but now—"

"How is it now?"

"Now, they have directly charged him with the crime of murdering the emperor, saying that he is an assassin emperor's rebel, and they want to-kill him!"


Upon hearing this news, Nan Yan was completely stunned, pale and stood up from the bed: "They want to kill him?!"

Seeing her like this, Ran Xiaoyu also stood up and grabbed her hands harder.

"Niang, don't worry about it—"

"How can I not be in a hurry?!"

Nan Yan's eyes were red, and her whole body was shaking.

Jian Ruocheng, they actually want to kill Jian Ruocheng!

Even if he was the master of Takema Academy; even if he had spread rumors against the emperor; even if, he might even have some connections with the master messenger behind the scenes.

But Nan Yan believed that he was definitely not the main messenger of this assassination!

She could even feel that he had made the right choice when he chanted under the Chong En Pagoda.

I just didn't expect--

A big fire burned everything beyond recognition!

Nan Yan shook his head and murmured: "No, absolutely not!"


"He can't die, they can't kill him!"


"I can't let them treat him like this!"

After speaking, she hurriedly went out, and Ran Xiaoyu said loudly in fright: "Niang Niang, don't be impulsive!"

However, Nan Yan couldn't listen to her words at all.

Jian Ruocheng, Jian Ruocheng!

Now, in Nan Yan's mind only the face of Qingjun, his lustrous temperament, and the painful and contradictory expression when he faced himself again.

He has experienced too much suffering.

Absolutely not, let them kill him!

Only this obsession was in Nan Yan's heart, and he waved Ran Xiaoyu's hand away, then turned and rushed out.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he felt the hot sun above his head, like a fire directly burning him, Nan Yan felt dizzy for a moment, and his eyes were blank.

She couldn't help but stagger.


Ran Xiaoyu rushed up to support her: "You mother, be careful, you are still pregnant—"

"Xiaoyu, don't say more!"

She shook a bit, and finally grabbed Ran Xiaoyu's hand and barely stood firm, and immediately gritted her teeth, staring at the scorching sun above her head, and walked out: "We must hurry up, not let him be killed!"


"Whether it's for him or for—"

Speaking of this, Ran Xiaoyu's gaze was also wink.

She said, "Manny, what do you mean--"

Nan Yan looked back at her, her face was reddened by the sun, but she didn't have a drop of sweat, because at this time, her five inner circle was very cold.

She said: "There are still some unsolved mysteries on him."


"The messenger behind the scenes, if he didn't want to save him, he would definitely want his life and kill his mouth."


"I can't let this happen!"


Ran Xiaoyu suddenly understood.

But she was still worried: "But you mother-"

Nan Yan turned to look forward and said, "At this moment, we can no longer rely on others."



After speaking, she continued to walk forward without looking back.

Seeing her such determination, Ran Xiaoyu couldn't help but hurriedly followed up to support her, for fear of her accident.

Two people hurriedly walked out of the gate of the cold palace.

But just after the two of them left Lenggong, under the scorching sun, behind a thick flower bush, a few pairs of eyes were looking at their backs coldly, with a cold smile at the corners of their mouths.

"She's really gone. Our noble concubine is really affectionate and righteous."

It was Wu Wan who spoke.

Standing beside her, Gao Yurong also sneered: "If she is not sentimental and righteous, how can she have such a chance?"

After speaking, she turned her head again and looked at Feng Qianyan, who was standing on the other side, kept silent, with cold eyes.

"Kang Bi, what are you thinking?"

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