His pale paper face was intact, and there was no injury on his body, but in his eyes, it was clearly scarred and it seemed to be painful without knowing it. He didn't even have any emotions.

Just bowed his head and looked at Nan Yan coldly.

"Where are your children and me?"


Nan Yan looked at him, speechless, only the tears in her eyes looked like broken beads, and the big ones fell down, dripping on her barely supportable hands.

The body is so cold, but the tears are still hot.

But at this moment, she was so hot that she shivered.

Zhu Feng's words echoed in her ears word by word, like a knife stuck in her heart, but she couldn't answer.

Where's the child?

What about their children?

She could not answer.

She couldn't tell him that the child was so eagerly anticipated by them, such a beloved child, he even had no time to be born, just look at them and he has already left.

All the love and enthusiasm only turned into a pot of blood.

Cold and lifeless.

She couldn't say it.

With only tears, she kept falling down, looking at Zhu Feng sadly, and stretched out her hand again, trying to grab his hand: "The emperor..."

"I said," Zhu Feng's voice has always been steady and firm. Even on the **** battlefield, when he was most desperate, he never trembled, but at this moment, his voice trembled severely: "This is My child, your child—our child."


"I have been looking forward to his arrival."


"No matter what I do, I hope that this child will be born safely. I even want to give him everything."


Nan Yan's heart trembled and looked up at him.

Zhu Feng also looked down at her, but at this moment, his eyes were completely cold, as if freezing ice, all sorrow, grief, and even anger were frozen in a place that Nan Yan could not touch.

"But what did you do?"

Nan Yan's tears burst out wildly, and her voice was choked.


"You ruined this kid, you ruined him."

Zhu Feng gritted his teeth, his eyes were red in the cold white lightning, and he said sternly: "You actually do it for a Jane Ruocheng, totally disregarding the danger of the child, you do it for him--"


Nan Yan panicked, she shook her head desperately, tears falling: "The emperor, listen to me!"

Zhu Feng looked at her coldly.

"Listen to what you said?"


"Listen to you, how did you forcibly go out of the palace for a Jian Ruocheng, regardless of your pregnancy, and forcibly break into the jail for him?"


"Or listen to you, your desperate, is to put this child out of control?"

"I do not have!"

"Don't you? Sinanyan, you know what I care about the most. I don’t care about the destruction of the bureau that started from the Chong En Pagoda, or that Jin Yiwei falls short because of your presence. I don’t even care about it. I can’t catch the master behind the scenes. messenger."


Nan Yan trembled badly.

In fact, she understood from the moment Li Bushang appeared in the jail with Jin Yiwei.

And when she saw Zhu Feng appear unscathed at that moment, she already knew everything.

The fire at Chong En Pagoda was what he expected.

It can even be said that he designed it.

He asked Xiao Shunzi and Chen Xuan to be sent to Jinling by him and took over the construction of the Chong'en Pagoda. He wanted to use the opening of the Great Ci'en Temple this time to induce the messenger behind the scenes to take action, so he built a secret room under the Chong'en Pagoda , Even if the towering fire came suddenly and frightened, he could appear here unscathed.

However, because I was worried about Jian Ruocheng's life and death.

Because of my appearance--

Everything fell short.

Tears raged on his face, Nan Yan couldn't stop crying, but she kept reaching out to grab his hand, but no matter how hard she tried, how she wanted to get close to him, there was no way.

He is clearly in front of him.

But it seems that he has reached a place that he can't reach.

His gaze is more like looking at himself from a long distance, there is no warmth, no gentleness, and some, it is just a kind of bone cold and strange.

It seems that I have never known myself.

This kind of recognition made Nan Yan frightened. She bit her lower lip, even bit her lip, and tasted the salty taste of blood on the tip of her tongue, which made her tremble constantly, and she was leaning on that bit of blood. Stimulated, he pushed himself hard, most of his body leaned out of the bed, and finally grabbed his hand.

Zhu Feng lowered his head and watched her fingers pale and weak. With a drowning person's expectation and weak force to grab the last straw, he grabbed his wrist.

He said coldly: "I, I don't care about anything."


"But I can't care less, you killed our child for Jian Ruocheng!"

After saying this, he waved his hand vigorously.

At that moment, Nan Yan only felt a whirl of heaven and earth, Zhu Feng pulled out her hand violently, but she lost support and fell to the ground embarrassedly.


With a cry of pain, Ran Xiaoyu outside the door was also panicked. She rushed in and saw Nan Yan fall to the ground, tears constantly sliding down her face, but she still held her head up and looked at Zhu Feng.


Ran Xiaoyu was frightened, hurriedly rushed over to help Nan Yan, hugged her into her arms, and looked up at Zhu Feng: "The emperor, the empress is not what you think, she just--"

She still wanted to explain, but Nan Yan reached out and stopped her.

She raised her head, and even though her heart had fallen into the abyss at this moment, she still looked at him stubbornly and wanted to make the last effort.

She choked, and whispered in a hoarse voice: "The emperor."


"I know that the emperor blames me, and the emperor hates me, because this child is what you expected, and I am looking forward to it, but I-did not protect him, I put him in danger, it is not good for me.



When she said this, she gritted her teeth and held back the tears, and raised her head. Only the tears in her eyes reflected the cold white lightning outside, which made her look extraordinarily pale and haggard at this moment. Her voice was hoarse and sinking. Said: "But the emperor, can you forgive me?"


"Because I am also in pain, and I am also sad."


"Will you forgive me?"

Zhu Feng opened his eyes coldly, and even his voice was cold--

"I said before that I have you in my heart, I promise you, and even more frivolous, but now I understand that it is because of this that makes you feel confident.


Nan Yan only felt her heart sinking little by little, sinking into the bottomless abyss.

"Si Nanyan,"

He said word by word: "I shouldn't have you in my heart."


"I don't have you anymore in my heart!"

After saying this, he turned and walked out without looking back.

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