In the camp, bonfires everywhere slowly burned, and the sky was getting darker and darker, but this area was as bright as day.

Everyone is still busy.

Of course, the emperor does not have to move.

Someone has set up a tent for him, and the utensils inside are all the same, not much worse than living in a beautiful house, but he is not willing to go in, but sits in front of the tent and guards a bonfire .

After autumn, the evening is a bit cool, but it is still very hot so close to the fire.

In addition, his body was already strong and bloody, so he leaned in this way, and after a while, the sweat on his forehead came out.

However, the palm of his hand was cold.

A pair of eyes quietly looked at the flame in front of him, and the flame reflected in his eyes constantly fluttering, but his eyes were quiet, even a little condensed.

At this time, Xu Miaoyin walked around and offered a cup of hot tea.

"The emperor, have a cup of tea."

Zhu Feng raised his head and glanced at her, and reached out to take it: "How can the queen do this kind of little thing herself?"

Then she pointed her finger at the cushion next to her and motioned her to sit down.

Xu Miaoyin smiled, sat next to him, and whispered softly: "I'm sitting in a carriage on this road, it's rare to get up and move."


Zhu Feng didn't seem to be in the mood to speak, and took a sip of tea for himself.

Even if he is traveling, the tea prepared for the emperor is naturally good, but I don't know why. These days, no matter how good tea is drunk in his mouth, he only tastes bitterness and no sweetness at all.

If it is said that the mood of drinking tea and the taste of tea are life, can it be said that his current mood and life are as bitter as he has tasted?

How could this be?

When he thought of this, the unspeakable flame in his heart was burning again, reflecting the bonfire in front of him, making him feel sleepy and uneasy internally and externally.

Seeing his furrowed brows, Xu Miaoyin said softly, "What's the matter with the emperor?"


"However, I am still worried about what happened in Jinling."

That, of course, is also an annoying thing.

Although the subsequent sacrifice on the ruins of the Chong En Pagoda completely dismantled the opponent's plan to use his life experience to defeat him, but the main messenger behind the scenes still did not show up.

And now, he is like a **** hidden.

This man is out there, on the sea, in Jiaodong, in Beiping, and in Jinling, constantly making trouble for himself, but he never appeared in front of him and confronted himself, did he dare to, or is he still planning secretly? What are you holding?

Obviously this was the thing that caused the emperor the most headache, but thinking of this, Zhu Feng was a little more relaxed.

He was never afraid of enemies.

The only thing he couldn't defeat was the demons in his memory, and now, the number of demons seemed to have increased by one.

He pondered for a while, and said: "Jinling is done, the queen doesn't need to worry, just take care of the harem."


These words seem to be meaningful.

Xu Miaoyin glanced around subconsciously.

Unfortunately, the sky was already dark at this time, and the lower court ladies and eunuchs couldn't get close to the emperor and concubine's activities, so she could not see some people.

Can only sigh softly: "Yes."

At this time, Feng Qianyan on the other side had changed his clothes and walked out to sit in front of the bonfire.

She fell into the water and caught a cold, and she kept sneezing.

When Xu Miaoyin saw this, he ordered: "Call the imperial physician over to see Concubine Ning. Don't catch cold and get sick."


The little **** immediately ran over to call someone.


In the silent woodland, the light is getting darker and darker.

Nan Yan looked at those eyes that had turned sharp, really like wolves watching their prey in the night, shining when staring at him.

She knew that he would not hurt herself, and knew that she didn't have to be afraid of him, but at this time, she still shuddered uncontrollably.

After a long while, Li Bu hurt said: "You know."



Nan Yan took a deep breath: "It's really you!"



Li Bushang looked at her: "You guys, why are you doing this?"


"It's not because she still refuses to let you go, and is still trying to harm you. I did it just to help you."


Nan Yan looked at him with a complicated expression: "You, aren't you the emperor's Jinyiwei? You should not behave according to the rules. Why do you want to start with Concubine Ning? You are not afraid--"

Li Bu hurt looked at her solemnly, and said word by word: "I am Li Bu hurt."


"I am your Li, don't hurt!"


"I will not let anyone hurt you, even if that person is—"

Having said this, he paused, probably feeling the panic in Nan Yan's eyes. He swallowed the words that followed, and was silent for a while before saying: "Anyway, I will protect you."


Nan Yan looked at him in silence for a while, the finger pierced by the wooden thorn obviously no longer hurts, but it still retains a hot touch. She turned her head away, avoided the eyes of the same temperature, and said softly: "I am fine now, the only thing I worry about is peace of mind."

Li Bushang looked at her and said, "You don't need to worry."


"The queen has always let King Wei take the Princess Xinping. His Royal Highness is very kind to the princess and takes care of her."

Hearing this, Nan Yan showed a little smile on his face and said, "I know he is a good boy. I can rest assured that he is there. I just--"

"Just what?"

"It's just that I want to meet my daughter."

At this point, my eyes are a little red.

After all, she is her own daughter. She has never seen her since she was beaten into the cold palace during this period. She said that she didn't want to miss it. Many times at night, her eyes were swollen because she missed her heart.

Li Bushang looked at her, was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "I can bring the princess to see you."


Nan Yan was startled and looked at him in amazement, "Is it really possible?"

Li Bu hurt: "I'm with Wang Wei now. At night, after the princess sleeps, I can secretly bring her out and let you meet. It's just—"

He leaned into her ear and said, "You can't let anyone know."

"of course!"

"Then, we'll make an agreement, right here, when you are born tonight, you don't tell anyone, Ran Xiaoyu don't tell, come here secretly.

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, Nan Yan was very happy to see Xinping like this.

After the agreement, Li Bushang left first, she found a few firewood in the woodland, pretended to be fine, and returned to the camp.

However, as soon as I went there, I found the atmosphere was not right.

The emperor and concubine’s camp was full of joy, and many people gathered around, talking loudly and laughing.

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