"You said this, in fact, you don't want to leave at all in your heart, right?"


"You don't want to leave him!"

For some reason, hearing this question made Nan Yan's heart sink again, especially Li did not hurt that cold and faint voice, the way he looked in front of him on weekdays was nothing like two people.

She did not look back.

I am afraid that when I look back, I will see a complete stranger Li Bu hurt.

She just gritted her teeth and said, "Whether I want to leave or not, it's all my own business."

Li Bushang didn't seem to hear her at all, and said in a deep voice: "You don't want to go, is it because of your daughter, or because, you simply can't let go of that man?!"


Nan Yan's heart jumped fiercely.

She did not expect that Li Bushang would really ask herself that.

In the past, Zhu Feng had reminded her countless times. In fact, the possibility that she herself had already guessed completely became a reality at this moment.

Li is not hurt, he really, really thinks about himself!

Nan Yan shuddered, and the breath behind him grew deeper and deeper.

She heard the sound of Li Bushang getting up from the bed, and those wolf-like eyes staring at her in such a dark night, like a lone wolf staring at her prey.

This feeling made her hands and feet cold.

Li Bushang slowly said, "Why do you still have trouble letting him go?"


"He has treated you that way. He put you in the cold palace. On the night of your miscarriage, he spoiled other women when you were most painful. He condoned these women and let them bully you and insult you!"


"Why, you have been bruised all over by him, do you still remember him?"


"Is he that good?"


Nan Yan was silent and did not speak.

Not only was Li's innocuous attitude shocked her, but the words he said at the moment were like a knife, piercing her chest fiercely.

I thought I didn't care anymore.

After the original intention was to break, it would no longer affect me.

But as soon as he said, she seemed to be back when she had a miscarriage, and the pain that almost tore her body had not gone away, Zhu Feng said those unfeeling words to her.

Then, he went to Feng Qianyan's side.

When he was sad for the passing of his child and suffering for his words, he was mingling with Feng Qianyan, tender and lingering.

Once she realized this, the scabs had already formed in her heart, and she was torn apart again.

Bloody, painful.

Nan Yan bit her lower lip fiercely, her whole body trembling, while Li Bushang stared at her thin, frail body, and said in a deep voice, "Is he really worthy of you?"


After a long silence, Nan Yan took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said, "Whether it's worth it or not, it's my business and him."


"Nothing to do with you."

After speaking, she had to go out.

But just as she took a step, suddenly, a hand stretched out behind her and grabbed her wrist.


Nan Yan was shocked. Before he could react, he felt that hand was pulled hard, and he was pulled back, and fell heavily on the bed.

She was smashed to the black for a while, and when she looked up, she met a pair of scarlet wolf eyes.

At this moment, Nan Yan's breathing was choked.

She trembled: "What are you going to do?"

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