Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1402: Why did the empress protect "her"?

He cautiously said: "The imperial concubine empress is-a bitter trick?"


"She wants to take this to leave the cold palace?"

When it comes to this, Zhu Feng snorted coldly for a long while with a calm face.


Before, I had said plainly that she would not let her out if she didn't admit her mistakes. In fact, these two people are just like this.

Unexpectedly, Sinanyan was really so stiff, no matter how hard it was, or even seriously ill, he just refused to open it.

In the end, use this method to make yourself seriously ill.

She would rather be seriously ill, would rather tortured herself in this way, than give him a soft word!

Thinking of this, Zhu Feng’s face was even more ugly, especially thinking of herself, because of her "bitterness", she obediently carried her out of the cold palace and let her live in her own bedroom, making it seem that she is still The "homeless" look...

He slowly clenched his hand into a fist and thumped it heavily on the table.

When Grandpa Yu saw him doing this, his heart beat.

Hurriedly said with a smile: "The emperor calms down his anger."


"Actually, in the heart of the imperial concubine, it is not that there is no emperor."

Zhu Feng turned his head and looked at him: "Huh?"

Grandpa Yu poured a cup of tea, carefully held it to his hand, and said: "The imperial concubine's temperament is known to the emperor. She has a strong temper, so she kept betting with the emperor."


"If you don't have the emperor in your heart, you will lose your breath, so why are you still angry?"


After hearing these words, Zhu Feng was skeptical: "Really?"

Duke Yu hurriedly said: "For so many years, the emperor and the imperial concubine have been supporting each other until today. The authorities are fascinated, but the slaves can still see clearly."


"The emperor has the emperor in her heart, and in the emperor's heart, besides Jiangshan, she is the emperor."


For some reason, this sentence was like a stubborn needle, and it plunged into Zhu Feng's heart. There was an indescribable tingling sensation that made people sad.

After a long silence, Zhu Feng said solemnly: "She is not as good as you!"

Upon hearing this, Grandpa Yu turned his face pale in fright, and waved his hand hurriedly: "The slave girl dare not, the slave girl dare not."

Zhu Fengbai gave him a glance.

Seeing that he seemed to lose his anger, Grandpa Yu cautiously said, "The emperor, about the Fuzitang--"

Zhu Feng said coldly: "Yufu, having been with me for so many years has made you stupid, right?"


"If this is the case, I won't need you anymore."

"The emperor spares his life."

Yu Gonggong said in a panic: "The slave and maidservant just don't understand why the emperor, the queen, and the imperial concubine can see that the aconite soup was replaced by the concubine Hui, but still—"

At this point, Zhu Feng's face really became gloomy.

In fact, apart from Nan Yan's "bitterness", this is one of his most annoying things today.

Concubine Hui Wu Wan, and An Bi Gao Yurong, are too blatant, they dared to use the aconite soup used by the imperial concubine, if Nanyan does not know it, and keep drinking it like this, I am afraid it is really very sick. Know why!


He just set up the cabinet, and replaced Wu Yingqi with Wu Ding, and then used Heyi as the cabinet's first assistant. In fact, he made the Wu family suffer a dumb loss. At this time, he didn't want to do anything to the Wu family.

After all, this cabinet has just been established and is not yet stable, and it will take some time to run in.

No matter how important the harem is, it is not as important as his cabinet.

Therefore, he let go of Huifei and them.

Thinking of this, there was another anger inside, he gritted his teeth, took the tea cup and drank it.

Seeing his expression, Grandpa Yu couldn't help but sighed.

Everyone thinks that imperial power is supreme, and being an emperor is a happy thing, but in fact, behind the superficial scenery of the people sitting on the dragon chair, there are too many last resorts, and Zhu Feng is also a promising monarch. He is also a sober person. On the one hand, he has to hold the power, and on the other hand, he has to beware of the situation before he reappears, and set up a cabinet to assist, or in other words, to check and balance himself.

This is not easy.

In addition, from King Ning's rebellion to the Jinling Incident, the Guogong performed several meritorious services and praised the court and the opposition. In this case, it is really not suitable to deal with Huifei and the others at this time.

Grandpa Yu added water for him again, and said softly: "The emperor's painstaking efforts are not understood by others, but the servants and servants see it."


"If this is not the case, the emperor will not take a breath and dispose of all the people in the Royal Pharmacy."


Duke Yu whispered, "If the emperor can reconcile with his noble concubine, it would be great."

Zhu Feng did not speak.

Just looking at the tea in the cup, dangling slightly against his own eyes.


At this time, the Royal Pharmacy delivered aconite soup again. Nan Yan pinched his nose and drank half a bowl, and he was already suffering from vomiting.

Just about to reach out and push away, Aunt Tongyun was holding the bowl.

"No, I have to finish drinking."


Nan Yan couldn't help but gritted his teeth, drank the remaining bit, and suddenly retched a few times.

Nianqiu hurriedly sent a water cup and a spittoon to rinse her mouth, and then offered her sugar-pickled plums for her to enjoy. There were two or three plums in the southern cigarette holder, finally overwhelming the bitter taste. .

She took a breath and leaned back to the bed.

Aunt Tongyun took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth, and while wiping, she whispered, "Niang."


"Isn't the empress, I knew that medicine was wrong?"


Nan Yan glanced at her, didn't say anything, just smiled.

Aunt Tongyun sighed and said, "Let’s just say, the noble concubine’s most troublesome drinking medicine is usually, and it’s hard to pour it in. How come the medicine sent to Lenggong a few days ago, the servants and maids didn’t even take a look. Was drunk."


"The mother-in-law doesn't want the servants to know?"

Nan Yan smiled: "You know, I will definitely not let me do this."

"Of course, the medicine is not right, it will cause a big deal."

"Don't worry, I have a score in my heart."

Ran Xiaoyu also came over and said, "If it weren't for this, the emperor wouldn't have picked up the empress from the cold palace so quickly."

Aunt Tongyun looked at her: "Xiaoyu, you—you know?"

The two of them looked at each other.

"Okay, just lie to me by co-authoring!"

Nan Yan smiled and said, "Don't you know that Auntie, you care about me, so you didn't say it."

Aunt Tongyun said: "Do you know how dangerous this is? The mother has such a high fever, if she can't get rid of it, it will really kill her!"

She nagged for a long time, Nan Yan also softly coaxed for a long time, and finally left after hearing her nagging.

Ran Xiaoyu walked over and closed the door, then returned to Nan Yan's bed.

The master and servant looked at each other.

Ran Xiaoyu whispered: "Why did the empress protect her?"

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