The little **** said cautiously: "Yes."

"How is she?"

If other people can't believe it, the bedroom belongs to the emperor, but he himself doesn't dare to go in. He has to ask others about the body of the concubine.

The little **** hurriedly said: "If you return to the emperor, the concubine will be much better."

"Are you still coughing?"

"Stop coughing. The slave and maidservant went in and waited for a while, and the concubine did not cough."


Zhu Feng nodded lightly, and said nothing, but waved his hand at him. The little **** bowed in fear and retreat, while Zhu Feng was still standing at the door, looking up at the twilight. That own bedroom.

The little **** walked out cautiously, and when he walked outside the door, he saw Grandpa Yu, who was accompanying the emperor.

He asked softly: "Duke Yu, this palace belongs to the emperor, so why doesn't he dare to go in?"

Father Yu's eyes squinted.

"With that much care, can I have more bowls of rice?"


"Beware of the day I cut your tongue."

"Yes Yes."

The little **** shrank his neck and ran away in a hurry.

Waiting until Grandpa Yu turned around and looked at Zhu Feng's back, he also sighed. He stepped forward and said softly: "Isn't the emperor go in and see the empress?"

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, and said, "There is nothing to look at."


Grandpa Yu was dumbfounded by his words.

After thinking about it, he could only say softly: "The emperor, I have just heard that the concubine's body is much better, and the Yikun Palace has also been cleaned out. It's better to just--"

Zhu Feng glanced at him coldly: "What are I going to do, when is your turn to arrange?"

"Slaves dare not."


The emperor walked away.

Looking at his back, Grandpa Yu looked back at the closed bedroom, and smiled more bitterly in his heart.

He also saw that the emperor sent the imperial concubine to the palace, and not the purpose of Yikun Palace, was to let her choose to go back to Yikun Palace.

However, the imperial concubine has not moved.

Both of them have reached this time and are still angry.

In fact, having been with the emperor for so long, Grandpa Yu had already fully understood that this was Zhu Feng's end to find a little face for himself, and the discerning person would go along with the water, but the imperial concubine was not willing to accept it at all.

You know, if it were past, this situation would have been beheaded long ago.

He shook his head and followed Zhu Feng away.


The next day, in Yonghe Palace.

The concubines of the palaces still follow the usual practice. They come here early in the morning to greet the empress and empress. Xu Miaoyin also asks everyone to sit down and chat together as usual.

However, the atmosphere is not too warm.

Fei Hui and the others who like to talk the most on weekdays are all quiet at this time. Other people see them not speaking, and they are all holding back. The whole Yonghe Palace is so quiet that everyone is drinking tea with cups.

Xu Miaoyin sat right above, looked at everyone, and smiled: "Why are all my sisters so quiet today."

Everyone looked at each other.

Xu Miaoyin smiled and said, "Concubine Hui, why aren't you talking?"

There was a smile on Wu Wan's face, and he said, "Early this morning, my concubine waited to greet the emperor, but I didn't expect it to become someone else's residence."


"Concubine, there is nothing to say."

Xu Miaoyin's face stiffened slightly when she said this.

But immediately he smiled and said: "The imperial concubine's body is unwell, and the emperor asked her to stay in the palace temporarily, which is also convenient to take care of."

Concubine Feng Qianyan on the other side said coldly: "But the concubine lady seems to be much better now, do you want to stay there?"


"Queens, the rules of the harem-afraid that there will be no rules?"

While speaking, Fei Hui and Fei Ning looked at each other again.

Although the two people had a suspicion before, now, as soon as Sinanyan left the cold palace, the invisible connection between them came into play again.

Originally, Wu Wan was also reluctant to pay attention to Feng Qianyan.

But this time, her affairs were almost exposed, and the people at the Royal Pharmacy were wiped out again, which can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

In this case, she didn't want to confront Ning Fei anymore, after all, it would take some time to ease.

Seeing them unite, some other dissatisfied concubines also said: "Yes."

"Queens, this is not in compliance."

"If so, everyone can go to the emperor's palace in the future."


Listening to their babbled discussion, Xu Miaoyin sighed, and then said, "Okay!"

She suddenly raised her tone, but suppressed everyone's voice.

Xu Miaoyin glanced at everyone and said, "You don't know the condition of the imperial concubine empress. She was affected by the foolish group of the imperial drugstore before and almost caused a serious illness. Naturally, she needs more care."



She said: "There is the emperor's palace, whoever he allows to live in can live in."

When she said that, everyone closed their mouths unhappy.

Xu Miaoyin sighed and looked at Concubine Ning again: "Concubine Ning, some time ago, you were also affected by the imperial pharmacy, so you should stay in the palace to restore your body. Don't worry about these things."

Hearing her say this, although Feng Qianyan was not convinced, she could only get up and endure her breath: "Yes."

So, after talking for a while, everyone separated.

After leaving Yonghe Palace, Feng Qianyan was depressed, and did not go back to Jianfu Palace directly, but walked forward along the path for a while, and after a while, he arrived at the Imperial Garden.

But on the small road, Concubine Hui and An Bi were standing there.

He looked at him with a smile, as if he was waiting for him.

She thought for a while and walked forward with a smile.

"Concubine Hui."

"Fei Ning, can you come in?"

"TOEFL, much better."

"That's good, you know, everyone is staring at your belly in a palace now."

"is it?"

"No, if not, how do you think the imperial concubine who was obviously beaten into the cold palace came out? Doesn't she just want to do this bitter trick and get rid of the child in your stomach by the way."


"If it hadn't been for this palace's long-term discovery, and people moved their hands and feet on the aconite soup, you--now, you might not have such a stable life."

Although this incident was completely wrong, she said it was her own credit, but she didn't blush at all.

Feng Qianyan glanced at her with a sneer, but did not pierce it.

Just said: "Then, my sister should still be grateful to sister Huifei."

"No thanks, there is only one sentence. My palace wants to ask you. Of course, you don't have to answer."


Wu Wan walked up to her and whispered in her ear: "The aconite soup, is there really no effect at all?"

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