
Princess Xinping held her face in a pair of small fleshy hands, squinted and smiled.

Nanyan Road: "Who brought you here?"

When she asked, Princess Xinping's big round eyes turned into a pair of pea horns with a smile at this time, a chubby finger pointed at the door, and said crisply: "Father!


As soon as they heard these two words, everyone in the palace turned around. Sure enough, they saw a tall figure outside the gate, but they didn't walk in, just standing outside.

At this time, a long leg stepped over the high threshold and walked in.

It really was Zhu Feng.

Everyone knelt down immediately: "Meet the emperor!"

When Nan Yan saw him, her heart sank a little somehow, and Xingping, who was lying in her arms, with a fat hand still around her neck, immediately opened her small hand to Zhu Feng: "Father. Emperor, come!"


Zhu Feng came over slowly.

"Father! Father!"

Like seeing the mother, Princess Xinping was very excited to beckon him, her small face smiled, the flesh on her face was about to fly, and her eyes were surprisingly bright.

When Zhu Feng walked in, he first looked at the people who were kneeling at his feet, and said in a deep voice, "Go out."

His voice is low and deep, and it usually sounds particularly oppressive.

But this time, there was a strange tenderness.

I don’t know if it’s because of my daughter’s presence here that everyone heard his voice for the first time. Everyone didn’t know if they were more surprised than happy, or more happy than surprised, but they all bowed their heads in fear and hurriedly got up and quit. Up.

Grandpa Yu stood outside the door, waiting for everyone to go out, and then closed the door hurriedly.

In the bedroom, it became quiet again.

Only Xinping's sweet and crisp laughter filled the entire bedroom, as if his heart was full.

Zhu Feng walked slowly to the bed, his hand hanging to his side, he was caught by Cao Ping's hand.

She seemed to have caught some baby, raised her head and smiled at her father Huang Gege.

Zhu Feng also smiled at her.

Then, her gentle eyes moved from her round face to Nan Yan's somewhat thin face.

He whispered: "Did you drink the medicine?"


Nan Yan sat leaning on the head of the bed without speaking.

However, as soon as she was quiet, Xiaoping in her arms became strange. Turning her head, a pair of big eyes looked at her with doubts, as if to say: Mother concubine, why don't you answer the father?

Such gaze makes people speechless.

Nan Yan coughed lightly before saying, "Drink it."


Zhu Feng's breath sank.

This is the first word Nan Yan said to him these days.

Although it is not too emotional, but finally, it is willing to speak.

A little smile appeared on his face unconsciously, and he smiled more calmly and happily, touching Nan Yan's face with the other hand, and said crisply, "Mother concubine."

Even she knows that drinking medicine is "good".

Nan Yan was so speechless, she couldn't wait to reach out and twist her face heavily.

But I found that this action seemed very familiar.

At this time, Zhu Feng had slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, reached out his hand to hug Xinping's chubby body, and said, "Hey, don't lie on your mother and concubine, she is still sick."

But Nan Yan couldn't stand it, and finally met, and just held her daughter for a while.

She hurriedly said: "Hey--!"

Zhu Feng glanced at her and said, "I will bring her here every day for the past few days. When you feel better, it won't be too late to hug her."


That's right.

Indeed, Xinping has grown so fat, just lying on her body, she is indeed out of breath.

She looked down and looked at Zhu Feng's grasping past, lying on the brocade with fleshy heart-ping, although she was a little reluctant, she could only nod her head gently.

A little smile appeared on Zhu Feng's face.

Although Xin Ping was hugged, she was still lying on the bed, holding Nan Yan's hand in her two small hands, and having a great time, Zhu Feng protected her with one hand so that she would not fall off the bed happily. With the other hand on the other side of the quilt, he looked at Nan Yan who was sitting on the bedside.

Both people's eyes flickered a little, if you can't see it.

Obviously, she is also an old husband and wife, and I don't know why, but at this time, the old face is a bit unable to pull it off. Zhu Feng is also the first time he feels so at a loss.

Probably because he knew that if it wasn't for the babbling little fat girl in his arms, Nan Yan would not pay attention to him.

After a long time, he said again: "In a few days, it will be Chongyang."


This time, Nan Yan ignored him.

After all, it wasn't that I was asking myself any questions, and even Xingping didn't understand what to do with this for no reason, nor did he help.

Therefore, the atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

Zhu Feng continued: "I want to take Xinping out for a stroll."


This time, Nan Yan's eyes flickered slightly.

Go out for shopping?

What he meant was, go out of the palace and go shopping?

She looked up at Zhu Feng, but saw him looking at herself, and said softly, "Do you want to go together."


Nan Yan fell silent again.

However, this time it was a problem, and I could understand it naturally, so I raised my head again and looked at my mother and concubine with big eyes, and the one with vivid eyes was helping to ask: mother concubine, you go Not going?

Nan Yan was silent for a while, but did not answer immediately, but said, "I want to go, but—"

Zhu Feng's eyes lit up immediately: "What?"

"The concubine is weak."

Zhu Feng glanced at her.

Indeed, only a few days after being out, certainly not enough for her to raise her body.

But at least, his complexion is better than before, not as pale as any blood.

Just like that night, when he took her out of the cold palace, his soft body didn't have any strength at all, and he almost made him think she was going to--

Zhu Feng said: "Anyway, there are still a few days before the Double Ninth Festival, so you can rest for a few days."


"Of course, just rest is not enough, you should also walk around in the yard."

Hearing this, Nan Yan said immediately: "It's only in the yard, the place is too small and it's meaningless."

She glanced at the closed door.

After all, he lived in the emperor's palace, which was different from her own place.

Moreover, since she left Lenggong, Zhu Feng moved the group of guards who had been guarding the gate of Lenggong to the neighborhood, staring at her every day.

When Zhu Feng heard this, he immediately said: "Of course you can walk around in the palace. You should also walk around after lying down these days."


Nan Yan looked up at him then.

"Thank you, the emperor."

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