"Concubine knows," Feng Qianyan smiled and said: "Speaking of which, the concubine is also the empress. She is still ill, so she walked directly outside the Jiaomen. What if she catches a cold again?"

Upon hearing this, everyone around was quiet.

Xu Miaoyin said, "What did you say?"

Wu Wan, who was sitting next to him, also frowned: "You said, the imperial concubine went outside the corner gate?"


"Are you right?"

Feng Qianyan smiled and said: "Hui Concubine Empress is a joke. Although the concubine has a big belly, her eyesight is not affected. What kind of status is the Concubine Empress, how can she be mistaken?"


"She is still following Ran Xiaoyu."


"Even if my concubine reads her wrong, she won't be wrong with Ran Xiaoyu."


When she heard these words, everyone suddenly looked at the queen.

You know, the inner palace also has the rules of the inner palace, and the concubines of the harem can't go outside casually, just to avoid any unbearable rumors.

Now, the imperial concubine had just been taken out of the cold palace, and immediately did something like this——

Is she crazy?

Debi Xinqing, who was sitting at the side, frowned and said hesitantly: "Here, does the concubine lady have anything to do?"

Feng Qianyan glanced at her, only sneered, and didn't mean to tell her more.

Xu Miaoyin hesitated for a while, and said, "You, are you sure you read it right?"

Feng Qianyan smiled and said, "Concubine, dare not deceive the empress."

At this time, Hui Fei sneered.

"This is interesting."


"Two days ago, we said that the rules in this palace were almost destroyed by her alone. Who knows that this happened again today."


"The empress, the concubine, is she really not under the control of the harem?"

Concubine Feng Qianyan also said: "The concubine has no other meanings, but feels that the imperial concubine's kindness is really negative for her."

Xu Miaoyin's brows became more frowning when they heard them one after another.

However, she still did not speak immediately.

At this time, a low voice came from the door: "Who has the grace to disgrace me?"

As soon as they heard this sound, everyone seemed to be stabbed, and they all bounced off their chairs. Xu Miaoyin immediately raised his head and saw a tall figure slowly walking in from the door.

No one else, it is Zhu Feng!

He walked slowly into Yonghe Palace with his hands behind his back.

I don't know if it's because there are too many people here and it's a bit depressed. When he walked in, a gloomy atmosphere naturally added to his face, and his eyes became darker.

Everyone immediately bowed down to him: "My concubine worships the emperor, long live my emperor."

Zhu Feng walked over first, helped Xu Miaoyin's arm to get her up, and sat back on the couch.

Then, turned around and looked at these concubines who knelt on the ground.

Said: "Flat."

"Xie Emperor."

Everyone got up one after another. When Concubine Hui stood up, she lowered her head and carefully winked at Concubine Ning. Feng Qianyan naturally saw it, and nodded calmly.

When everyone got up, Zhu Feng dusted the corner of his clothes and sat on the chair in front of him. Seeing that the queen and everyone were still standing, he waved his hands lightly.

"Sit down."

"Xie Emperor."

Everyone sat down again.

Xu Miaoyin sat aside, put a hand on the small table, and said softly, "Why did the emperor suddenly come over today?"

Zhu Feng said: "I heard that the queen is also ill. I will come and see you."

Xu Miaoyin immediately smiled and said: "They are all worried about this in vain. The concubine just got a bit of cold, just take a few doses of medicine, and bother the emperor to make a special trip."

"It's okay."

Zhu Feng said indifferently: "If I don't take this trip, I won't hear so much'news'."

As he said, he looked at everyone again: "Just now, what were you talking about?"

Everyone closed their mouths and sat quietly.

Zhu Feng said: "Who has failed my grace?"


Still no one answered, Zhu Feng turned to look at Xu Miaoyin, and said, "Queen?"

"This—" Xu Miaoyin hesitated for a moment before saying: "That's it. Just now Concubine Ning said that she saw the concubine go outside the corner gate."


"I'm afraid it is, she has something to do."


Zhu Feng did not speak immediately, but frowned slightly, turned his head to look at Feng Qianyan, and said, "Ning Fei, you said that?"

Feng Qianyan hurriedly said: "When my concubine just came to Yonghe Palace, I passed by the corner door and just saw the imperial concubine empress go out. The concubine didn't know what she was going to do, so she went back and forth to the queen empress."


Zhu Feng looked at her in silence for a while, and said, "You did it right."


"In the harem, you should report anything to the queen first."

Upon hearing these words, Feng Qianyan's mouth immediately showed a little smile.

But the next moment, Zhu Feng said again: "However, I approved the concubine."

When everyone heard it, they were taken aback.

Everyone raised their heads to look at him. Zhu Feng said indifferently: "She is not in good health, and the doctor also ordered her to go out and walk more, so I allow her to walk around in the palace."


"In the future, you can ask me directly about the concubine."


Upon hearing this, where could everyone say.

Ask him directly about the imperial concubine. Who really dares to ask him about the imperial concubine?

As a result, everyone said in a solemn way: "Yes."

After Feng Qianyan sat down, although she tried not to show a frustrated look on her face, she couldn't help gritting her teeth, and there was still a hideous look between the corners of her eyes and the brows.

At this time, Zhu Feng said again: "However, having said that--"

He looked at Feng Qianyan: "Why did you get to the Jiaomen?"


Feng Qianyan was stunned and stunned.

Everyone also looked at her at this time.

Recalling that, I realized that from Jianfu Palace to Yonghe Palace, it is unnecessary to go to the Jiaomen in the middle of the journey.

Feng Qianyan immediately stood up and stammered: "This, concubine—the concubine also listened to what the imperial doctor said, and the imperial doctor asked the concubine to move around more in order to facilitate delivery. Therefore, when the concubine walked over, she went around specially. A section of road."

"...So it is."

Zhu Feng nodded gently: "You have to move more in the palace too."

"Yes, yeah."

Feng Qianyan laughed with him and sat down again when Zhu Feng waved his hand to her.

After sitting down, I felt a little soft and even collapsed in his hands and feet.

For some reason, the emperor was clearly not angry, nor did he say anything against him, but the moment he looked at himself, he seemed to see through his muscles and flesh all at once.

Feng Qianyan couldn't help but sweat.

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