After having a boring discussion in the palace, and being ridiculed by Concubine Hui's yin and yang, Feng Qianyan was holding a belly of fire, but because he was holding a big belly, he had to walk back carefully all the way.

When he returned to Jianfu Palace, he finally couldn't hold back.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he swept the cups on the small table and swept them all to the ground.


Hanxiang stood behind her, shocked by the crackling noise, but saw Feng Qianyan waved his arm too hard, and even staggered a step with her, and hurried forward to support her.

"Be careful, mother!"

Feng Qianyan didn't have a temper, but she was shocked.

Hanxiang hurriedly helped her sit back on the side of the chair, wiped her chest carefully to help her get along, and whispered: "Niang, Doctor Shao has already ordered, these days, the mother must not get angry, lest she lose her breath. what!"


Hearing these words, Feng Qianyan gritted his teeth again.

They have already begun to use the method of burning moxa to prevent pregnancy and induce labor.

This process was simply miserable, but in order to give birth to the child smoothly, she still gritted her teeth.

However, seeing his suffering like this, Sinanyan returned to his previous position day by day.

Could it be that these days, all your efforts have been wasted?

"I can not be reconciled!"

She clenched her fist and thumped it **** the table.

The imperial concubine's return to Yikun Palace is more than just changing a place. When she has the power to assist the sixth house again, she will become the mud in her hands!

"The **** anger, the **** anger."

Hanxiang can only continue to persuade: "Don't forget your mother, you still have children!"


"When the little prince is born smoothly, who in the harem can get past the empress?"

Feng Qianyan's fists were clenched and then loosened, loosened and clenched.

After struggling for a long time, he gritted his teeth and swallowed this breath.

Some cramping hands slowly stretched out to his high protruding belly. Since the method of burning moxa was started, the fetal movement was obviously much more than before.

Feeling twitches in her belly, she gritted her teeth and burst out a few words between her teeth——

"No matter what, I won't lose!"


"When I give birth to the little prince, I will definitely get back everything that belongs to me!"


"Si Nanyan, wait for it!"


On the other side, after some busy schedule, Nan Yan returned to Yikun Palace with Ran Xiaoyu and others.

As Zhu Feng said, there are always people cleaning here.

Not only was the inside and outside of the house clean, but there was not even a single leaf in the courtyard. When they entered, the stove was even lit.

As soon as I entered the door, I felt a burst of warmth, which made people very comfortable.

Aunt Tongyun smiled immediately.

"Finally came back."

Following her, Nianqiu, who was carrying a big burden in her hand, jumped in happily and said, "It's better to go back to us."

Grandpa Yu who came back with them laughed.

"Ms. Nianqiu is right. Did she suffer some grievances in the palace?"

When he heard this, although Grandpa Yu was still smiling, Nianqiu was also taken aback, and hurriedly said: "No, of course not. I mean-the empress should return to Yikun Palace. After all, this is only here. It's the mother's home."

Duke Yu smiled and said to the south flue: "This harem is the home of the imperial concubine."

Ran Xiaoyu helped Nan Yan cross the threshold. Hearing these words, Nan Yan raised his head and smiled at Duke Yu.

But he didn't answer the words, just said: "Dear Jade has worked hard."

"Where, Niang Niang finally came back, and the servants were relieved."


"It's just that I haven't lived here for a long time, so I don't know if there is anything wrong. If there is a shortage, the empress will just ask someone to come to the ward as a servant."

"Of course."

"Then, the slave and maid will stop harassing the lady, and the lady should rest earlier."

"Father-in-law has worked hard, read Qiu, give it away."


Grandpa Yu turned and walked out, Nianqiu put the two big burdens in his hands on the couch, and immediately followed him out to see him off.

After a while, several capable young eunuchs moved all the belongings back, received the reward, and left. Aunt Tongyun and the others cleaned up the inside and outside. When they finally stopped, it was already evening.

The dusk was heavy, adding a bit of gloom to the Yikun Palace, which was finally a little popular.

Nan Yan looked at them and said, "You are all tired, go down and eat first."

"How about you, mother?"

"My palace is a little tired, I want to lie down for a while."

"Then, the servants will retreat first."


Aunt Tongyun and the others bowed to her and left Yikun Palace together.

Only Ran Xiaoyu remained in the room. She helped Nan Yan walk to the bed and let her sit down. When she was about to hold the quilt inside, she accidentally touched her hand and was shocked.

"Why is it so cold?"

I have been back to Yikun Palace for so long, and the heater here is probably because it has been unoccupied for too long, so Grandpa Yu specially ordered it to be burned vigorously. In such a warm place, her hands are as cold as cold. Like ice.

"Manny, why are your hands so cold?"


Nan Yan didn't seem to feel at all, he didn't feel warm or cold.

Hearing her say so, he slowly raised his head.

Looking at her, he seemed to smile again.

But in those eyes, there was no smile at all, and only calmly said: "Yes."


Seeing her like this, Ran Xiaoyu couldn't help but feel a chill.

Today, after accompany her to enter the cabinet library, Nan Yan entered the library house by herself, and let herself wait outside. After about a stick of incense, she came out.

At that time, she had this expression.

There was a smile on his face, but there was no smile in his eyes.

The whole person, not only lacking vitality, but not even a little bit of heat, has been standing under the eaves, despite the wind and rain, she has no feeling at all, as if the whole person has become an ice sculpture.

Later, the emperor came.

I don't know what she said to the emperor. The two people seemed to be reconciled, but Ran Xiaoyu felt that everything was not that simple.

Some things on Nan Yan seemed to be gone.

It seems that something has been added.

She couldn't see through her, she could only feel that her hands were cold at this moment, just like her heart, so no matter how she smiled, there was not only no smile in her eyes, but also no temperature at all.

What did she see in the cabinet?

Seeing something, let her change her normal and make peace with the emperor.


Ran Xiaoyu was worried, and finally couldn't help but ask: "What did you see in the cabinet?"

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