She looked around with some doubts, and was frowning as she walked into the room. Suddenly, her whole body became stiff.

There was a person standing in the room!

The man was standing by the window with his back to himself, looking down through the open window.

A stranger suddenly appeared in Yajian, who had thought to be empty. Nan Yan was startled. She hurriedly wanted to call someone, but before she could speak, she heard a familiar, faint voice coming from the bed.

"You came."


At this moment, Nan Yan's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

This voice--

This voice was from the mysterious master that he met on the mysterious big ship at sea before, and the ship where he and Li Bushang were taken!

Nan Yan was stunned, unexpectedly he would appear in this place.

When she spoke, her voice became hoarse.

"You, how could you—"

"How would it appear here?"

Hearing these words, the other party seemed to chuckle slightly, and then slowly turned around.

"Of course it's because I want to see the imperial concubine."

He stood by the window. Although the window was hidden, the sunlight still came in through the window paper, which also illuminated his familiar appearance. Compared to any time before, only one figure could be seen through the screen. This time , Is Nan Yan's closest to him.

It can be clearly seen that he is a thin man with a very close-fitting gown and a thick fox fur.

The fluffy fur on the collar almost concealed most of his face.

In the private room, the curtain that had been hung before was put down at this moment, and it just blocked the other half of his face.

Nan Yan still couldn't see him.

She frowned and walked in subconsciously.

But after two steps, I heard the man smiling and calmly saying: "If the concubine wants to see this seat, it is actually very easy, but-in your heart, you should not worry about your daughter. Is there that Royal Highness King Wei?"


Nan Yan's heart beat when he heard this sentence.

Xinping, and Zhu Chengxuan!

The two of them haven't come back until now, is it—

"They, you, what did you do?"

Although the mysterious person's face was completely covered, he should not be able to see Nan Yan's panic expression, but it seems that at this moment, he has fully grasped Nan Yan's emotions, so even if he can't see it, he can feel it.

He smiled calmly: "The concubine can rest assured."


"I am not interested in the two children."


"On the contrary, they are more interested in the excitement on the street."

Nan Yan's heartbeat almost missed a beat.

She didn't know that at the moment, her heart was flat, she was rushing through the crowd like she was crazy, holding a bunch of red candied haws in her hand, laughing and jumping, and Zhu Chengxuan behind her was afraid that she would fall, and followed all the way. Two hands are around her.

Constantly shouting: "Heart is peace, heart is peace, sister don't run around, she will be scolded soon."

"Haha, hahahaha."

"Don't run, brother can't chase him anymore."


When I heard that my brother could not chase, Xin Ping stopped again, tilted his head and looked at Zhu Chengxuan, who was panting and following behind him. He ran back and threw himself in his arms and gave the candied haws in his hand. To his mouth--

"Brother, eat."

"Brother won't eat, you eat."

Zhu Chengxuan finally caught her and hurriedly hugged her. He looked back at her surroundings, her heads were crowded. Just now because of her peace of mind, she ran with her again, and everyone who followed was lost.

He hugged his sister tightly and said: "Don't run around anymore, you won't be able to go back in a while."

While talking, he walked back carefully along the way he came, mixed in the crowd.

Nan Yan's palm was full of sweat, and her voice trembled slightly: "You, you swear that you didn't touch my daughter or King Wei."

The man behind the curtain said calmly, "I don't need to swear."


"My identity, I don't need to lie to you."


"Like the things I told you before, you should have been confirmed."


Upon hearing these words, Nan Yan became more nervous than when he talked about Xinping and Zhu Chengxuan.

The whole body shuddered slightly.

She was a little flustered: "What did you say?"

The other party's tone suddenly became cold: "Don't you know what I said?"


"You said, you have to find evidence to believe it. Now that it has been so long, you should have found it."


Nan Yan stood still.

But there was already cold sweat in his palm.

She bit her lower lip, was silent for a long time, and said in a dumb voice: "I, I haven't had a chance to find it yet."


"You have to give me some more time."


This time, the other party did not speak immediately, but stood quietly on the balcony.

Although motionless, the opponent's gaze became fierce, as if to see through the curtain in the middle, and even more so as to see through Nan Yan's body and soul.

He said sharply: "You already know the result."


Nan Yan's heart twitched violently again, almost stopping her heartbeat, and suffocating her breathing.

She lowered her head in a panic.

The other party said: "But you, hesitated."


"Why do you hesitate?"


"Could it be because—"

The other party prolonged his voice for a while, but suddenly chuckled and said: "It seems that women are women."

Nan Yan frowned: "What do you mean?"

The other party smiled faintly: "If you guessed correctly, you have suffered a lot of grievances a few days ago."


"But now, the emperor has taken you out of the cold palace, and before that, he still let you live in his palace, caring for you."


"Now, you are back to Yikun Palace."


"The old concubine, who was adored by three thousand in the past, is back again."


"Of course you don't want to face the hatred between you and him. After all, that means you have to abandon the glory and wealth you enjoy now, and everything he has given you."

Nan Yan gritted his teeth and said coldly: "You can agitate, but you can't use such words to humiliate me."


"No matter how hard it is, I have lived through it. I am not afraid to go back to the time when I had nothing, and I will not let me bow my head."

"Then, why do you hesitate?"


Just when she hesitated again, the other party let out a chuckle and said: "You won't tell me, it's for your child?"


Nan Yan's eyes flashed slightly.

She took a deep breath suddenly, and then said, "Indeed, it's for the children."

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