Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1447: What is the secret of Jianfu Palace?

Xu Miaoyin frowned when he walked to the gate of Jianfu Palace and saw this large group of people.

"what happened?"

Just now Donghai stood here, and he had already figured out the whole story, but it was not clear why Qin'er held them so hard to prevent them from entering, and immediately stepped forward to bow to the queen and said the matter again.

Xu Miaoyin frowned when she listened.

She turned her head and looked at Qin Ruolan.

"My sister's cat went to Jianfu Palace?"


"It's not a big deal, why is it so bad?"

Hearing these words, Qin'er and Xiao Lian both lowered their heads in cold sweat, and Debi Xinqing, who was standing behind Xu Miaoyin, also looked at Qin Ruolan with some worry.

But seeing Qin Ruolan step forward, he calmly said: "The empress empress is right, it was originally just a little beast, and should not be disturbed by the empress. However, these days, concubines have been thinking behind closed doors in Yanxi Palace. There is only such a small thing to accompany the concubine."


"It's gone, my concubine is alone, so I miss it very much."


"That's why people came out to look for it."

Although this sentence was a cat, Xu Miaoyin's eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if they were touching a string in her heart.

No matter how annoyed she is with Qin Ruolan, and no matter how coldly treated Qin Ruolan is, her identity is special after all.

There are some things she doesn't want to do.


She turned her head and glanced at Jianfu Palace, and then slowly said: "Just look for it, and it's like this. What kind of style is it?"

Qin Ruolan winked at Xiao Lian.

Xiao Lian took a deep breath, took a step forward, and said, "If you go back to the empress, the maidservant just came to find the cat. I originally saw the cat ran into Jianfu Palace and wanted to go in, so I caught it out. That's it, but she has never allowed slaves to go in."


Xu Miaoyin frowned slightly and looked at Qin'er, who was standing aside with a pale face.

"You won't let her in?"

"Niangniang...back to Niangniang's words, slave maid—"

"Why not let her in?"

"Here, that cat did not enter Jianfu Palace."

Xiao Lian immediately stepped forward and said, "If you didn't see it, you said you didn't go in, but I obviously saw it."

At this time, someone next to him said softly: "In this case, can't you just go in and find it?"

It was Jieyu Liu Ying who was talking.

At this point, everyone immediately fell silent.

Indeed, this was originally the easiest thing, just go in and find it.

But Qin'er's attitude made people wonder. She always stood at the door. Even after the emperor came, she didn't back down for a while, but her face was pale and trance, as if something was hiding.

Xu Miaoyin's expression gradually became serious.

She turned to look at Qin'er, then glanced at her back.

Then he said, "Where is your master?"

When Qin'er heard it, she was so scared that she shuddered, and said hurriedly, "Manny Ning, she is resting inside."


This time, it was An Bin Gao Yurong who spoke.

Standing in the crowd, she didn't even raise her head, just a light voice came over, and smiled: "It's all like this outside, and she can rest. It's really fun."

At this time, Qin Ruolan also took a step forward and said to Xu Miaoyin: "Empress Empress."

Xu Miaoyin turned to look at her.


"The concubine is not trying to embarrass anyone today, just to find her own cat. As long as the concubine enters Jianfu Palace and retrieves the cat, that's it."


"I just don't know why Concubine Ning always refuses to show her face and never allows people to enter Jianfu Palace."


"Even the empress is here, she is like this."


"Is there any place in this harem that the empress women can't enter?"

Her words are already clearly provocative.

However, at this time, it is also the most useful.

When Xu Miaoyin received the news, he originally heard that there was a dispute here, and worried that something would happen in the harem, so he came over to take a look. If there is no major incident, he will suppress it.

By the way, when she came here, it was a trivial matter, but it was infinitely magnified by the people in Jianfu Palace.

Moreover, until now, Fei Ning has not appeared.

This is inevitably suspicious.

This time, Qin'er also changed his face in fright.

She hurriedly bowed down and said to Xu Miaoyin, "The empress empress is relieved of her anger, she definitely didn't mean that, and she would never be disrespectful to the empress."

"Hehe, it's better to say than to sing."

There was a sneer voice behind him.

It was Hui Fei Feng Qianyan who spoke.

She slowly walked behind Xu Miaoyin, raised her head, forgot to look at Jianfu Palace, and said with a smile, "The question is, what is Ning Fei doing?"


"Why the empress, there are so many people here, and she hasn't come forward yet?"


"Originally, just a cat ran in and caught it out. Why didn't people allow it in?"


"You built Fu Palace-what's the secret?"

Qin'er's face turned pale when she heard this.

She was so frightened that she was sweating and shook her head hurriedly: "No, really not."

"If not, why are you still blocking the door and not letting us in?"

"This this--"

"The way you look makes my palace feel that you build the Fu Palace as if you have some secret."


After all, Qin'er is just a little palace lady. No one has seen such a battle. At this time, she almost fainted. She could only cry at the queen: "Empress, you really haven't!"


Xu Miaoyin looked at her calmly without speaking.

There was a slight gleam in those eyes.

At this time, Qin Ruolan's voice rang coldly: "Is there any, go in and search, otherwise it will be clear and clear."


At this moment, everyone was also taken aback.

In fact, everyone felt wrong from Qin'er's attitude and the atmosphere of Jianfu Palace. It's just that Ning Fei was pregnant with Liujia after all, and everyone was jealous of her, and they were all cautious.

After all, the matter of the emperor's heir is of great importance, and no one dares to bear it lightly.

But Qin Ruolan directly said that he wanted to search and build the Fu Palace.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Xu Miaoyin again.

Xu Miaoyin frowned slightly and said, "Ms. Qin, do you know what the consequences of your words are?"

Qin Ruolan raised her head and said calmly: "Concubine understands."

"You want to search for the Jianfu Palace?"

"Doesn't the empress think that they seem to have ghosts?"


Xu Miaoyin did not answer this.

Shen Shen said: "Then you know, in your identity, if you ask to search and build a fortune palace, if you can't find anything, what a serious crime?"

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