Qin Ruolan bit her lower lip, frowning and staring at her.

Nanyan Road: "The concubine thinks that she should be put into the cold palace, and think about it!"

Feng Qianyan frowned as soon as she finished speaking, and the faces of everyone present showed complicated expressions. Look at me and I will look at you.

Only did not speak.

Xu Miaoyin heard this, but didn't make a difference, and only turned to look at Qin Ruolan: "Qin Ruolan, do you obey Qin Ruolan?


Qin Ruolan knelt on her face, her face pale.

Although she came for Concubine Ning today, she was also fully prepared to pay the price, but it was Sinanyan who made her pay for this price. For a while, she was a little confused.

After being quiet for a while, she slowly lowered her head.

"Concubine, there is nothing to say."

Feng Qianyan became even more anxious when she heard her say so, and immediately took a step forward: "The emperor--"

But before the rest of the story was over, Nan Yan took her first step and said: "You shouldn't have spared you so lightly in this harem, but you have worked so hard to serve the emperor for so many years. Besides, the harem. My sisters are all in the family, and harmony should be the most important thing. Therefore, the palace will be punished lightly, and I hope you can think about it in the cold palace. If you have a heart to repent, you will naturally have a day of amnesty.

Qin Ruolan lowered his head and said solemnly: "Concubine, follow the will of the concubine."

Xu Miaoyin also nodded gently and said, "Exactly."


"The sisters in the harem should have loved each other, and the emperor often said that if the harem could be calmer, he wouldn't be so troubled. Sisters should take a warning and live in peace, and avoid such things like chasing the wind and turning black and white."

Everyone stood up and said: "Yes."

Among the crowd, Feng Qianyan's face turned green.

At this moment, her words could not be said.

She originally wanted to accuse the imperial concubine of avoiding the important and protecting Qin Ruolan, but Xu Miaoyin's remarks just now were also clearly trying to avoid the important and the light. For the peace of the harem, she was unwilling to deal with Qin Ruolan seriously.

By the way, the queen who is the lord of the sixth house and the noble concubine who has the power of the sixth house said so. She had no choice but to grit her teeth and endure this tone and said, "Concubine understands."

Xu Miaoyin turned around and said: "Come here."

The Donghai **** and another old maid immediately stepped forward: "The slave is here."

"Put Qin Ruolan into the cold palace!"


The group of people walked forward, Qin Ruolan knocked at the queen and concubine, and then followed them.

When she walked in front of Nan Yan, she looked at her with a complex expression.

Nan Yan's expression was faint, as if nothing had happened.

A gust of wind blew them and they walked away.

Xu Miaoyin looked at the empty door. At this time, he stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his forehead, then turned to Feng Qianyan, and said: "Ning Fei, you just said that Doctor Shao came here and left again?"

Feng Qianyan originally looked at Qin Ruolan's back with a bitter expression on his face. At this moment, hearing her voice, he immediately took a step forward: "Yes."

"When did you leave?"

"Great, probably, a quarter of an hour ago."

Xu Miaoyin nodded gently, and then said: "You are pregnant with Liujia, take care of the child in your stomach. Okay, it's time for my palace to go back."

When she said this, everyone got up and left with her.

Seeing everyone left, there were only a few of them left in the huge Jianfu Palace. Feng Qianyan was still standing at the door, staring at the distant figures outside.

Hanxiang stepped forward and whispered softly, "Niang Niang, it's not bad today, at least let that **** be beaten into the cold palace."

"what do you know!?"

Feng Qianyan said angrily: "Any cat or dog dared to bully this palace, that Qin Ruolan, who is not even a concubine, dare to criticize this palace indiscriminately, and that Sinanyan, she actually shielded her like this, just broke into the cold palace. That's it!"

Originally, in this round today, I just wanted to clean up Qin Ruolan.

On that day, Hanxiang sent Shao Ren back. Mentioned that the people from Yanxi Palace were staring outside, Feng Qianyan had already realized that Qin Ruolan might have to attack himself again, so today, Shao Ren was called into the palace much earlier than usual. After finishing the method of inducing labor, he deliberately let him leave by the side door.

Sure enough, the people in Yanxi Palace were fooled and immediately came to ask for trouble.

She heard the disputes outside, and knew that things got worse, but she deliberately refused to show up, just to make Qin Ruolan believe that she must have a ghost, and made a "military order". When she came in, she couldn't find anything. The crime of false accusation.

But I didn't expect--

Sinanyan unexpectedly appeared at this time, and calmly protected Qin Ruolan.

She gritted her teeth and said: "They really belong to the same group!"

"The mother calmed down her anger."

Hanxiang also knew that today’s game was done in vain, so she could only comfort her constantly, and delivered another bowl of tea to her. Feng Qianyan looked up and shivered with fright when she saw that she couldn’t even speak. The court lady Qin'er.

Today this bureau did not tell her.

It is to make her nervous and scared, so that people outside can be convinced and enter her trap.

At this time, Qin'er hadn't recovered from the panic just now, but seeing her like this, Feng Qianyan was furious, and said angrily: "Get out, useless things!"

Qin'er was so scared that tears flowed out, and hurriedly quit Yanchun Pavilion.

Hanxiang didn't dare to say anything, and could only stand aside carefully.

The anger on this side was raging, and on the other side, after Nan Yan separated from the Queen and the others, they slowly walked towards Yikun Palace with a sense of leisure.

Ran Xiaoyu and Nianqiu both followed her.

After walking for a while, feeling the people behind him hesitate to speak several times, Nan Yan stopped and looked back at them: "What's wrong?"

As soon as her voice fell, Nian Qiu immediately said, "Why is your mother?"

South flue: "What and why?"

"Why do you want to help Qin Ruolan?"

Ran Xiaoyu on the side was also a little puzzled, and said: "She didn't have a title in the first place. Today's thing is enough to send her to prison, but the empress just put her into the cold palace. Why?"


"Besides, didn't the empress say before, don't you care about them?"

Nan Yan licked her lips faintly.

She said: "My palace is talking about Concubine Ning's affairs."


"But if Concubine Ning set up a situation to frame her, my palace can't just sit idly by."

"Set up a frame?"

Ran Xiaoyu and Nianqiu looked at each other, and the two of them lowered their heads and thought about it, and they suddenly realized.

Only then did I know that today’s chaos is not Qin Ruolan's attack on Feng Qianyan, but Feng Qianyan's attack on Qin Ruolan.


Ran Xiaoyu asked in a puzzled way: "Why did the empress save her?"

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