For fear that things will fall on them.

So he asked in a low voice: "Manny, what should we do?"

"Do something?"

Nan Yan smiled faintly, and said, "Of course, we can't interfere in this matter anymore."


"It's good to watch the show."

Nianqiu looked at her, then looked at Ran Xiaoyu, who was dignified next to her, and nodded obediently.

Outside, another gust of wind blew by, blowing the dark clouds in the distant sky above their heads. The clouds over the imperial city became thicker and even more pressured.

Three more days passed.

Early this morning, I heard joyous laughter from outside. Nan Yan walked over and pushed the window in his clothes, and what came into view was a crystal clear white world.


Thick snow accumulated on the ground, on the window sills, on the treetops, and even on the walls, covering up all the dirt below, and the whole world became quiet.

There are also sporadic snow foam falling with the wind.

She smiled and said, "It's so snowy."

A sudden heavy snow made everyone feel good. Nian Qiuyuan and Ting Fu had a snowball fight in the yard. Aunt Tongyun was scolding them while laughing and sweeping the snow. He saw Nan Yan standing by the window. Everyone stopped what they were doing and hurried in.

He clothed her with clothes and held hot water for her.

Aunt Tongyun continued to babble: "It's snowing outside, mother, you have to be careful, don't catch cold anymore."

Nan Yan smiled and said: "Auntie is really true, how can I be so naive."

Nianqiu held hot water to wash her face again.

After freshening up, Nan Yan asked, "When did this snow begin to fall? It has accumulated so thick?"

"It started in the middle of the night."

Nianqiu tidyed up the basin and towels, and said, "This snow is so big, the outer area is so thick."

Aunt Tongyun said: "I saw that the weather was so bad a few days ago, and it would be fine if a snow fell. It may be a little later today, and the sun may still appear."

"Isn't that going to warm up?"

"Silly girl," Aunt Tongyun poked Nianqiu's head with her finger out: "It's the snow that makes it cold."


"How can there be so many why."

While they were talking, they clamored and walked out. Nan Yan also looked at them with a smile. When Aunt Tongyun and the others walked out of the yard, Ran Xiaoyu came in.


She still had a chill on her body, and a little snow foam dropped on her shoulders. She stood at the door and dusted it before walking over.

South flue: "Is it cold? Drink some hot tea."

Ran Xiaoyu shook her head. She is in good health. This bit of coldness is nothing to her.

Instead, she poured a cup of hot tea for Nan Yan and put it in her hand, and then said: "The empress let the slave and maid pay attention to the hospital. From that day Qin Ruolan went to Jianfu Palace to find the trouble, she helped Ning Concubine Shao. The imperial doctor has never been in the palace again."


"However, just after hearing the news, he seems to be entering the palace again."

"Oh? Are you here to ask for your pulse again?"

"No," Ran Xiaoyu shook her head, lowered her head, and whispered in her ear, "I heard that the empress made him enter the palace."

"Queen Empress?"

Nan Yan was stunned for a moment, and said, "What are you looking for?"

"I heard that I wanted to ask Ning Fei about her situation."


Nan Yan did not speak any more, but frowned slightly, concentrating on something.

Ran Xiaoyu whispered: "Niang Niang, you said that Concubine Ning must have a problem. Did the empress do not think it was right for the empress to ask Doctor Shao to ask her about it?

Nan Yan glanced at her and acquiesced.

"But," Ran Xiaoyu asked in a puzzled way: "Why didn't she ask that day, so she didn't ask until so many days have passed?"

Nan Yan thought for a while, and said: "Qin Ruolan just went to Jianfu Palace to make a fuss that day, and he clearly pointed to the doctor Shao. The empress lady called the doctor Shao for questioning, which inevitably made people suspicious."


"The queen empress is just waiting for this matter to cool down and no one is paying attention."

Ran Xiaoyu said, "But, Niang Niang is paying attention."

Nan Yan looked up at her, only smiled faintly, and said, "Maybe, it's not just me."


Nan Yan stretched out her hand to pick up the hot tea she had brought, took a sip, and then said: "In this palace, there are many smart people, and fools can't live."


Ran Xiaoyu blinked, as if seriously thinking about how many "smart people" are still in the palace.

Nan Yan looked at her and only smiled faintly.

At this time, on another road, Grand Doctor Shao Ren carried his medicine box on his back with a panic face, and walked out of Yonghe Palace step by step.

There was panic in his eyes.

Today, the queen called him to Yonghe Palace for questioning.

Although the queen had been interrogating Concubine Ning's fetus, she had often called herself over for questioning before, but today, what she said made people feel a little strange.

Shao Ren trembled when he remembered that he had just walked into the Yonghe Palace, the light inside was dim, and the queen was sitting on the couch with his back against the window.

The sun shone in through the window ridges, and countless messy lights and shadows were projected behind the queen, and she seemed to be sitting in the mottled light and shadow, like a Bodhisattva who sees through the world.

When I looked up, I could see through myself.

Shao Ren hurriedly lowered his head in fright.

The queen spoke, without talking about the concubine's fetus, but asking herself.

"Doctor Shao, you have just been promoted to the hospital's magistrate. Don't disappoint the emperor's trust in you, let alone the high expectations of the palace."

This sentence is obviously just an ordinary order.

But Shao Ren frightened.

Especially the earth dragon in Yonghe Palace burned too much, and the doors and windows were tightly closed and airtight, giving people a feeling of being in lava hell. When Shao Ren walked out, his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

He can only nod continuously.

Only then did the queen let him go.

As he walked, Shao Ren raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, muttering in his heart: Did the queen see anything?

It shouldn't.

If you can see anything, when Qin Ruolan was making a fuss at Jianfu Palace that day, the queen would just ask herself to go.

If you don't see it, what do those words just mean?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt more bottomless, and he went to a step in a panic, and when he was about to go down, suddenly, behind him, he did not know who reached out and pushed him.

Shao Ren was caught off guard and rolled down the stairs.


Screaming all the way, snow splashing everywhere, when he fell down, his face and body were wounded, Shao Ren screamed.

The people around were also frightened and rushed up.

"What's wrong with Doctor Shao?"

"What happened?"

"Hurry up, get up quickly."

Everyone was surrounded by hands and feet. Shao Renzheng didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, he didn't know who stepped on his foot heavily, and his bones made a creak.


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