The most important thing is that Shao Ren has reminded her a long time ago, "I live forever."

If it is delayed for eight months, it will be really troublesome!

As she said, she stretched out her hand worriedly and stroked her high bulging belly, Xiao Duozi hurriedly said: "You can rest assured about this, the doctor said, he also has arrangements for this."

"Is it?"

Hearing this, although he didn't know what kind of "arrangement" it was, Feng Qianyan was relieved a lot.

She nodded and said, "Okay. Tomorrow, that Wang Baizhi will come again."


"Let's take a look, these medicines don't work, Shao Ren, what can he do?"

After finishing speaking, close the lid of the medicine box and hand it to Qin'er: "Take it away and give it to my palace tomorrow."


After doing this, Feng Qianyan took a sigh of relief, and Hanxiang hurriedly took another cushion and put it on her back, and said softly: "Manny, take a break first, you haven't taken a break this afternoon."

However, Feng Qianyan gritted his teeth and said viciously, "How can this palace rest?"

When she said that, Hanxiang and Xiaoduozi looked at each other.

Hanxiang whispered softly: "Is the empress suspect that the doctor Shao was injured this time, there is a problem?"

"of course!"

Feng Qianyan panted slightly, and said bitterly: "He has just been qualified for the post of the hospital's ambassador, and he has no complaints with the people in the palace. Who would deal with him like this? Dealing with him at this time is basically directed at the palace. !"

Having said that, she gritted her teeth again.

"It seems that when Qin Ruolan came to make trouble, some people discovered it."

Hanxiang suddenly panicked and they asked quietly, "Will it be, empress empress?"


Feng Qianyan was silent for a while, and shook his head slightly.

"It should not be the queen."


"As the lord of the sixth house, if she really doubts this house, she doesn't have to start with Doctor Shao."


"The people who dealt with Emperor Shao wanted to provoke the queen to investigate this matter."

"Then, will it be a noble concubine?"


"She has been in the palace for so many years, and she has only given birth to a princess. Now she has to drag His Royal Highness Wei to help her fight for favor. She must be most afraid of giving birth to a prince and taking her favor and glory."


Feng Qianyan's expression became even uglier when she heard the word "concubine". She gritted her teeth and said, "This woman, it really doesn't make me peaceful for a moment!"

"Then what shall we do?"

"Don't pay attention to her yet. She has the power to assist the sixth house. If you really get any evidence, she will come directly to Jianfu Palace. Since she only dared to attack Dr. Shao, she didn't dare to directly investigate the house, that is There is no absolute certainty."


"Let's not mess around."


"We have to be more careful next. Doctor Shao said that he had already made arrangements. As long as this period of time is passed, my palace will sit back and relax. As for her--"

Having said this, a fierce light flashed in her eyes.

Wait until I give birth to a prince!

When I give birth to the prince in the future, she will definitely not be better!


She cursed viciously in her heart like this, and on the other side, Nan Yan also sneezed several times.

Aunt Tongyun immediately said, "Have a cold?"

Nan Yan rubbed his nose and smiled: "So it's so easy to catch a cold? I dress like a bear, so I can catch a cold. Is there a warm place under the sky?"

"What about—"

"Maybe, someone is scolding me."

"The empress is real, what nonsense."

Nan Yan smiled himself, and saw Ran Xiaoyu coming from outside and told her about what happened outside today. Nan Yan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Really?"

"I heard it was."

"Is it hurt badly?"

"The leg was broken, and the muscles and bones were injured for a hundred days. I can't enter the palace for at least three months to ask for Ning Fei's pulse.

"Why happened at this time?"

"Yes, people outside say it's weird."

Nan Yan thought for a while, and said, "How did the empress do with her?"

"I heard that Empress Empress immediately asked the people of the Taiyuan Hospital to treat him, and then sent him home, and ordered Dr. Wang from the Taiyuan Hospital to ask for her pulse in person."


Nan Yan's eyes lit up slightly: "The result?"

"Result, no result."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that Empress Empress and Doctor Wang went over and met Concubine Ning and fell asleep, so they failed."

Hearing this, Nan Yan laughed himself.

Ran Xiaoyu said softly: "The empress said before that Concubine Ning must have a problem. Now it seems that it is true."


"I just don't know who did it this time."

Nan Yan smiled faintly, and said, "There are only a few in the palace. Who else can dare to do something with Concubine Ning?"

Ran Xiaoyu had obviously guessed it himself, so he was not surprised to hear Nan Yan say this.

Just said: "Their purpose is to let the empress woman find out about Concubine Ning's problem, but looking at Concubine Ning's attitude, he should have thought of a way to deal with it."

Nan Yan stretched out her hand and gently fiddled with her eyebrows with her small nails.

Smiled and said, "This scene is getting better and better."

Ran Xiaoyu said, "Do you want to be in the play?"

Nan Yan tilted his head and glanced at her: "Me? Why do I want to—"

As soon as she finished her words, she saw Nianqiu carrying a pot of hot water, muttering and walking in from the outside, with a lot of mud on her body, she walked in and put down the basin, and then reached out and wiped the stain on her Snow foam.

Aunt Tongyun immediately said: "You crazy girl, where did you go crazy?"

Nan Yan also raised his head and looked at her.

Nianqiu pursed his lips and said: "No. You say that you are not angry. I just brought hot water to serve the lady to wash, but when I walked on the road, I met Hanxiang and them, and they tripped me on purpose! "


"The water splashed all over the floor, I said to them, they still accused me of not having eyes when I walked."


"Hmph, if it weren't for the empress who is eager to wait for water to wash, I must have a fight with them."

Hearing what she said, Ran Xiaoyu looked back at Nan Yan.

"Mother, did they—did you suspect that you did it?"

Nan Yan laughed blankly: "Probably so."

Nianqiu didn't know what was going on, so he hurriedly asked, "What? What's wrong?"

Ran Xiaoyu simply told her what happened today.

Nianqiu opened her eyes wide and was stunned to hear. Aunt Tongyun frowned and said: "They thought that the thing was done by the mother, so they came to retaliate against us, exasperating?"

"I think that's it."

"Then shall we—"

Nan Yan reached out and stopped her: "Of course not."


"We didn't do anything, because they resented the wrong person; the people who really wanted to harm them were not guarded, and they should be responsible for anything in the future."

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