In the Jianfu Palace on the other side, it was so quiet that you could not hear the wind.

All of them held their breaths and opened their eyes to look at the doctor Wang, who was sitting in the middle of the room, reaching out for Ning Fei's pulse, and Ning Fei Feng Qianyan, who reached out to let the doctor Wang see her pulse.

Time passed little by little.

Wu Wan's brows were tight and loose, loose and tight, and he could not hold back several times.

It was Gao Yurong who stopped her.

She shook her head gently at Wu Wan, motioning her to stay calm, Wu Wan could only grit his teeth, suppress the throbbing in his heart, and wait quietly.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the time is far beyond the usual time for the imperial physician to request a pulse for the concubine.

The queen sitting on the side could not help but frown.

She gave a soft "um".

At this time, Wang Baizhi finally took a long breath and put his hand back. Everyone immediately got up and stepped forward.

Xu Miaoyin also said, "How?"


Wang Baizhi didn't speak immediately. Instead, he glanced at Feng Qianyan again, but saw that the lady of Ning concubine slowly wiped off her sleeves, took the teacup offered by the maid next to her, and took a sip.

From beginning to end, I didn't even look at him.

Wang Baizhi stood up and bowed to the empress: "If you return to the empress, the pulse condition of Concubine Ning... is not abnormal."


This time, it was not the queen who spoke, but the concubines around him.

As soon as they spoke, they seemed to regret their failures, and hurriedly lowered their heads, reaching out and covering their mouths.

Feng Qianyan held the tea cup in his hand and only glanced at them. The lid of the cup covered a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he still drank the tea calmly.

Xu Miaoyin frowned slightly, and then said, "Are you sure?"

Wang Baizhi looked back at Concubine Ning again, his eyes paused complicatedly, and then said to the queen again: "Yes, Concubine Ning's pulse is peaceful, and the fetus is normal."

"That's it, that's good."

A smile appeared on Xu Miaoyin's face, and she nodded gently.

The concubines around, look at me and I look at you, with doubts in their eyes, but a little at a loss.

Before Qin Ruolan made the scene, everyone guessed that Concubine Ning must have a problem, but was covered up by her. This time, Doctor Shao was injured, and everyone thought that the people in the hospital would definitely look for her. What's wrong.

As a result, Wang Baizhi came and still did not diagnose any abnormalities.

Is she really safe and sound?

Concubine Hui Wu Wan looked back at Gao Yurong, who also showed a puzzled look in Gao Yurong's eyes, but after all, she was calm and did not say anything from beginning to end.

At this time, Concubine Ning put down the tea cup, raised her head to face the complicated expressions and eyes around her, smiling and saying, "Thank you for your concern, sisters, this palace is fine for the time being."

Xu Miaoyin said: "It's fine if it's all right."


"Next, you should take good care of it."

"Concubine understands."

After saying this, Xu Miaoyin also stood up, looked at Wu Wan and the others, and then said: "You guys, do you want to stay and talk to Concubine Ning for a while?"

Wu Wan stood up with an embarrassed face, and said with a smile: "The concubine is worried about Concubine Ning, come and take a look, but she should rest well after all, and the concubine will not bother her here."

"Exactly. Let's go back with this palace."


The group immediately followed the queen and left Jianfu Palace.

When they all left, Hanxiang immediately rushed forward, closed the door, and then looked back, and saw Feng Qianyan sitting back in the chair. In an instant, cold sweat came out of her forehead like a torrent, dripping drop by drop.

"Manny, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay."

Feng Qianyan stretched out her hand and pushed her hand away, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and let out a long sigh of relief: "My palace just was just worried about showing off her feet."

When she said that, Hanxiang looked at each other.

It was also sweating profusely.

"Don't talk about the maid, the maidservant is also terrified, for fear that Wang Baizhi will see anything."

Xiaoduozi came up and said, "This time, fortunately, I was prepared."


While talking, Hanxiang brewed another cup of hot tea and delivered it to her, and said, "Unexpectedly, the medicine of Dr. Shao is really so effective."


Feng Qianyan was drinking tea and nodded.

Yesterday, she asked Xiao Duozi to Shao Ren’s house, and when she came back, she brought the box with all vermilion pills inside. According to Shao Ren, he had prepared these medicines a long time ago. need. If another imperial doctor from the Imperial Hospital came to diagnose Ning Fei's pulse, she could change her pulse condition only by taking the medicine bowl a quarter of an hour in advance.

So just now, Wang Baizhi took longer than usual to diagnose the pulse, but he didn't notice any movement.

Thanks to Shao Ren!

Hanxiang said: "This time, Empress can finally sit back and relax."

"sit back and relax?"

Speaking of these four words, Feng Qianyan mentioned it again with a sigh of relief.

She calmly said: "Right now, this palace can't sit back and relax."


"Even if you can deal with Wang Baizhi, but-no one will help our house to induce birth and protect the baby. If the baby cannot give birth smoothly, this house can't sit back and relax!"

Hearing her say this, Hanxiang and Xiaoduozi looked at each other and both lowered their heads.

Indeed, the matter was only half resolved.

At this moment, the atmosphere in Jianfu Palace became dull again, and everyone was worried.

At this moment, someone outside knocked gently on the door.

When Xiao Duozi heard this, he hurriedly walked over, but it was the little **** at the gate of Jianfu Palace and said to them: "Please Ann, Concubine Ning, the **** from the hospital is here."


They froze for a moment, and Hanxiang immediately said, "Didn't you just leave? Why are you here again?"

Little Duozi said, "The slave and maidservant go out and have a look."

After speaking, he ran out.

After a while, he walked in with a young imperial physician, and the imperial physician respectfully saluted Feng Qianyan: "Weichen Han Guangqi, pay homage to Concubine Ning."


Feng Qianyan frowned. Just as he was about to say something, Han Guangqi lowered his head and said, "Weichen is a protégé of the imperial physician Shao. The current judge of the Imperial Hospital is here to ask Concubine Ning for her pulse."

He lowered the tone of the words "please pulse."

Feng Qianyan immediately understood.

"Are you a disciple of Doctor Shao?"


"Then, Doctor Shao explained--"

"Weichen knows."

"That's good!"

A smile suddenly appeared on Feng Qianyan's face, and he immediately said: "However, the Queen and the others just left, why did you come here, so you are not afraid of being discovered by them?"

Then Han Guangqi smiled and said, "It is precisely this way that no one can discover it."

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