But even if she couldn't say it, Zhu Feng understood what she was going to say, and his face suddenly sank.

"Do you compare her to you?!"

Nan Yan was taken aback.

What this sentence means...

Before he fully recovered, Zhu Feng gritted his teeth again and said fiercely: "I still want to chop her off, why, do you want to try it too?"


Nan Yan was silent for a while, and said softly, "Concubine, that's not what I meant."


Zhu Feng got up, walked to the table and sat down with his back facing her.

Nan Yan hesitated for a moment, or got up and walked slowly to his side. After hesitating for a while, he didn't know what to say, so he could only go aside by himself, brew a cup of hot tea, and carefully held it to his hand.




Nan Yan was a little bit dumbfounded when facing him.

He is obviously the supreme Nine-Five Lord, once commanded thousands of troops and pacified the war **** Yan King of the Northern Territory for the Great Yan Dynasty. In many cases, he was harsher than anyone, and more sinister.

But for some reason, in front of him, he would show this way.

just like--

Like a shameless child.

Although this comparison is wrong, Nan Yan can't find any other words to compare him at this moment.

This, whether he has amnesia or not, it has always been the case.

And thinking of this, Nan Yan's originally a bit sour heart even more unspeakable bitterness, he is like this in front of him, but he does not know what kind of past he and himself have, they What kind of hatred is there between?

If you know, can all of this be like this?

If, I really lead him to Yumen Pass...

Did all this disappear from now on?

Thinking of this, Nan Yan's nose was a little sour, holding the tea cup at a loss, but Zhu Feng raised his head to look at her, and saw that she was holding the tea cup silently, and her pale fingertips shrank slightly.

Reached out and took her hand.

"Is it cold?"


Nan Yan looked down at him and shook his head gently.

Zhu Feng sighed, as if he couldn't help her, took the tea cup and put it on the table, then took her hand to let her sit down next to herself, and then said: "You...how do you want me to follow? You said, can you not have those messy thoughts?"

Nan Yan lowered his head and whispered: "Concubine, I don't mean anything else, I just feel that looking at her is a bit pitiful."


"The concubine went to Lenggong today and only gave Qin Ruolan some warm clothes. I want to go again tomorrow and give Feng Shu two too."

Zhu Feng frowned and looked at her: "You--"

Nan Yan whispered: "The concubine doesn't think she is pitiful. If she wants to save her, she deserves it."


"It's just that people are already crazy, really pitiful, and my concubine has compassion."

Hearing her say this, Zhu Feng's expression softened a little. He stretched out a hand to touch a strand of hair that was hanging from her ear, and struck down the drops of snow foam, and said, "Well, it's up to you."

"Xie Emperor."

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, Ran Xiaoyu can go with her concubine. The emperor shouldn't go to a place like that."


When the two people said this, their voices eased.

Zhu Feng's hand ran through her hair, and then slowly stroked her cheek, Nan Yan suddenly felt the temperature of his palm, which was hotter than when he held his hand.

Her face suddenly turned red.

He lowered his eyelids subconsciously, but he could even feel Zhu Feng's fiery eyes looking at her, and said in a deep voice: "Now at night, are you still sleeping well?"


Nan Yan suddenly remembered that night when he opened the quilt and let him sleep beside him.

His face was hot.

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng naturally understood that she must have remembered what happened that night. Although several days have passed, the warm and sweet taste seems to be still in her heart.

Nan Yan's head was about to be buried in his arms, and he whispered softly, "It's much better."

"is it?"

Zhu Feng looked at her, stretched out her hand and squeezed the chin that she hadn't been able to round up these days, and said, "I'm here today to see if you are'much better'."


That's what I said, but at night, Zhu Feng didn't do anything.

Nan Yan's body was not completely well, and he was tired these days, so he just slept together, wrapped the fragrant thin body in his arms, and did nothing.

This night, Zhu Feng slept well.

But he didn't know that Nan Yan hardly closed his eyes this night.

Even if he closes his eyes, listening to the sound of his even and long breathing in his ears, he still can't help but open his eyes and look at the familiar silhouette that is close at hand by the dim light outside the window.

In the darkness, her eyes flickered.

Contradictory thoughts, like a mess, entangled in her heart, Nan Yan sighed helplessly and silently.

Finally arrived the next morning.

Zhu Feng slept very well, and it is rare to have a good night's sleep after busy these days.

When he opened his eyes, he heard the sound of falling snow outside, and the morning light shone out, but reflected in the white snow, there was still a glorious outside.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Nan Yan in his arms.

The little woman was leaning on her arms, her cheeks pressed against his chest, and her eyelashes flicked as she breathed.

Zhu Feng couldn't help it, bowed his head and pecked on her forehead.

Nan Yan couldn't stand it until dawn, closed his eyes and took a nap. At this moment, he opened his eyes and looked at him blankly: "The emperor..."

"Woke up."


Zhu Feng smiled: "It's snowing outside."


Nan Yan slowly got up from his arms and looked to the window.

Aunt Tongyun and the others came in to serve them wash up when they heard the noise, because there is still a court meeting today, Zhu Feng puts on clothes, and will go there without eating.

He walked to the door, looked back at the red smoke in the corner of his eyes, and said, "It's snowing outside. If it's too cold, I will go tomorrow."

Nan Yan whispered: "The concubine is not afraid."

"Let Ran Xiaoyu stay with you well."


Zhu Feng just left.

Ran Xiaoyu was combing Nan Yan's hair. Seeing him leaving, she whispered: "Did the empress tell the emperor about Feng Shu?"

"Yeah. The people in the cold palace are naturally going to report it, or it's better to tell him directly."


After a while, the hair was combed, and Ran Xiaoyu also prepared a few coats for Feng Shu in advance. The two of them, holding the oiled paper umbrellas, walked out of the Yikun Palace to the Cold Palace.

Along the road yesterday, after a while, I saw the dilapidated house.

However, today, the atmosphere is a little different.

As soon as Nan Yan approached, she saw several mothers who were guarding here standing at the door, with horrified expressions. Nan Yan said in a puzzled manner: "What's the matter?"

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