"My child, I just want my daughter to be safe, why is someone refusing to let me go?"

The person who had just given birth was already weak. Although Hanxiang tried his best to help her stand up, Feng Qianyan didn't have any strength at all. He only knelt on the ground, crying sadly.


At this time, the atmosphere of the entire Yanchun Pavilion sank.

Everyone immediately took a step back.

It wasn't that she wanted to stay out of the matter, but she showed a good look at the show one after another. It was clear that Concubine Ning was about to fire on the concubine and King Wei.

I just don't know who will fall.

For a while, the entire Yanchun Pavilion was quiet.

Nan Yan looked at the various expressions on the faces of the people around him, and then at Feng Qianyan's grief, feeling that Ran Xiaoyu's breathing became heavy behind her, as if she was about to step forward uncontrollably, she stretched out her hand. Stopped her.

Ran Xiaoyu said: "Niang Niang."

Nan Yan shook her head and motioned her not to act rashly.

Then, she raised her head and just about to speak, she heard a low voice suddenly ringing in the quiet Yanchun Pavilion——

"Wang Wei."

It turned out to be Zhu Feng, who had been silent all the time.

When he spoke, everyone around him was taken aback. Wei Wang Zhu Chengxuan shivered and raised his head hurriedly: "Father."

Zhu Feng said: "You heard what Ning Fei said."

"...Yes, I heard it."

"Who pushed her?"


Zhu Chengxuan couldn't believe his ears and looked at Zhu Feng with his eyes wide open.

The people around were also shocked and looked at the emperor in surprise.

The words of Concubine Ning and her palace maid had just been made very clear. The imperial concubine walked behind her, and Wang Wei walked to her side. It was these two who pushed her, and Zhu Feng actually asked Wei first. Wang, is he trying to—

Xu Miaoyin frowned subconsciously.

Ran Xiaoyu was even more anxious, and almost uncontrollably wanted to step forward, Nan Yan's hand directly buckled her backhand, not allowing her to act rashly.

She looked at Zhu Feng quietly.

In fact, this sentence was what she just wanted to ask Wei Wang.

Zhu Feng asked the same thing, is it the same as he thought?

Just as everyone’s eyes were focused on King Wei’s body, almost waiting for the moment when the sentence of life and death was made, King Wei kept whizzing and did not speak, holding a jade card hanging from his waist with both hands, palms It was all cold sweat.

Zhu Feng said coldly: "Can you not hear what I ask you?"

Wang Wei was even more frightened and knelt down.

"Father, son, son—"

"Just say what you see, I just want to hear you tell the truth!"

Zhu Chengxuan lowered his head, sweat dripping down from his forehead.

"Erchen, no erchen..."

Hearing this, Nan Yan and Zhu Feng frowned almost at the same time, and even though Feng Qianyan was also kneeling on the ground, weak, the corners of his mouth had already aroused a cold smile.

But, immediately afterwards, Zhu Chengxuan tremblingly said: "Erchen didn't see the imperial concubine pushing the concubine Ning."


Upon hearing this, everyone around was taken aback.

You know, the crime lies on both of them now, either he is the noble concubine, or the noble concubine is him. Smart people know that at this time they will exonerate themselves, even if they drag the other party into the water.

And he was still helping the concubine to excuse it.


Everyone already knows that if the emperor loves the imperial concubine in this way, if he can't catch the imperial concubine's handle, and he has always disliked this son, Qin Ruolan has been beaten into the cold palace. There is not even a person who sacrificed his life to protect him. Disaster, I'm afraid Wang Wei is about to collapse.

The others are okay. Debi and some of their kind-hearted people couldn't help but step forward and whispered: "The emperor..."

Although Xu Miaoyin didn't speak, looking at him, there was an expression of unbearable expression in his eyes.

Sigh: This kid...

At this moment, Zhu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

He said, "Can you guarantee it?"

Zhu Chengxuan lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know anything else, but I only tell the truth."


"Erchen, Erchen did not see the imperial concubine empress Concubine Ning."

Feng Qianyan couldn't help gritting his teeth.

I heard her kowtowing her head suddenly, and said bitterly: "I beg the emperor to be a concubine, and be the master of the concubine's child!"

For her, even if the imperial concubine cannot be moved, there is no way to make the imperial concubine and Wei Wang turn against each other, but it is not bad to take down a Wei Wang, at least there is no second prince in the palace. If she can give birth to a prince in the future, It is also an opportunity.

Besides, Qin Ruolan troubled herself as before.

It was revenge on her.

So, she wept bitterly and said: "I beg the emperor to call the shots!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Miaoyin frowned and said, "Fei Ning, you have just given birth, so you should go back and lie down first and have a good rest."

With that said, let Chuner and the others behind him help her.

Feng Qianyan remained motionless, only cried and said: "The queen, the concubine's child is really wronged!"


Having said this, Xu Miaoyin suddenly raised her head and asked, "How is the princess?"

Everyone just came back to their senses. Everyone just took care of the imperial concubine and Wei Wang. The most important thing tonight is this newly born princess who hasn't made a sound. They don't know how she is.

So everyone looked inside.

I saw Wang Baizhi walked out again, sweating profusely, and said to Zhu Feng and Xu Miaoyin: "If you go back to the emperor, the empress and the empress, the ministers and others have seen it for the little princess and cleaned it up. The movement, the ministers and others doubt, the princess’s heart and lungs, I’m afraid it’s inherently damaged.


Upon hearing this, Zhu Feng's brow wrung up.

Naturally damaged?

How could this be?

He said solemnly: "Then, what should I do?"

Wang Baizhi said: "Weimen and others dare to ask the emperor for an order, I'm afraid they need to administer needles to the princess..."

Such a small child, who was just born, was as weak as a wisp of smoke in the palm of his hand. A little carelessness would hurt her. But now, her heart and lungs are naturally damaged, and she needs acupuncture.

Even Xu Miaoyin showed an unbearable expression on his face, looking at Zhu Feng: "The emperor..."

Zhu Feng said solemnly: "Help her!"

When Wang Baizhi heard this, he immediately said, "Yes."

After speaking, he hurriedly turned and walked in, but this time, the curtain was hung to one side, revealing a corner of the inside, watching them take out the bright silver needles from the medicine box, reflecting the coldness. The light pierced everyone's eyes.

At this moment, Xinping, who had been quiet, suddenly said: "Manny...a needle."

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