Nan Yan said calmly: "When my concubine just came in, I saw everyone put away the incense burner on the windowsill for Ning Fei's production."


"I don't know what fragrance is inside."

Seeing Feng Qianyan's face pale, sweaty, and completely speechless, Xu Miaoyin frowned, and immediately said, "Don't get it now."


A few little palace ladies hurried over, held the incense burner taken from the window sill, and brought it to the emperor and empress. After opening the lid, Xu Miaoyin's face sank.

"The emperor, it really is—the fragrant chicken tongue."


When Zhu Feng heard this, his face sank and he looked at Feng Qianyan coldly.

And Nan Yan's face showed a faint smile, and said: "Ning Fei, what else do you have to say?"

Fei Ning, of course could not speak.

When everyone around heard these words, they couldn't help but whispered.

This is what the imperial concubine said.

Now it seems that this is the case-Princess Xinping entered Jianfu Palace before, but because she was young, no one noticed, she ran outside the window of Yanchun Pavilion and was caught by the chicken in the incense burner on the window sill. The smell of the tongue is smelling, so there is a rash on my neck, but because of this, I can see the situation inside.

I'm afraid it's what she said, the empress gets the needle!

After that, she walked out with the cat in her arms and was hit by the concubine again, and then there was the scene that everyone saw later.

The question now is -

What kind of needle did the empress **** the needle? !

When everyone thought of this, they all looked at Feng Qianyan, Feng Qianyan almost collapsed to the ground, and the palace maid Hanxiang who was guarding her also paled at this time, as if her courage was about to break.

Nan Yan also walked over and glanced at the incense burner.

Then she stretched out her hand, picked up a piece of chicken tongue that hadn't burnt up, walked slowly to Feng Qianyan, smiled and said: "Ning Fei, although children's words can't be trusted, of course, don't forget. I will lie. All of this confirms that that day, Princess Xinping visited your Jianfu Palace, lay on this windowsill, and saw the situation in your Yanchun Pavilion."


"So, should you answer the emperor and the empress, who is giving you the needle and why?"


Where did Feng Qianyan speak.

She originally thought that what happened today was a sure thing. Whether it was Wei Wang Zhu Chengxuan or the imperial concubine Sinanyan, it was always good for her to let her fight one another, no matter who it was.

She didn't expect that in the end, a child's words would make her almost into a desperate situation.

She was trembling all over, lying on the ground.

Zhu Feng looked at her coldly, a cold murderous intent flashed across his face, and said: "Ning Fei, don't you tell me?"


"Or, do you want to be questioned before you say?"


Feng Qianyan suddenly raised his head, looking at him with tears in his eyes: "The emperor, concubine..."

She originally thought that she had just given birth to a daughter for him. Even if she was only a princess, she was still the child of two people. Why, in Zhu Feng’s eyes, there is not the warmth that a family should have, but such a cold treatment Yourself.

Is the past, the warm past, all fake?

At this moment, the cold sweat faded, and Feng Qianyan's tears gurgled out.

She cried and said: "The emperor, how does the emperor ask the concubine to answer?"


"How can a concubine harm her child?"

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng couldn't help frowning.

But at this moment, Concubine Hui and An Bi who were watching the good show sneered all the time. Wu Wan stepped forward and said, "Concubine Ning, you should answer the emperor's words first. No one said you. If you want to harm your own children, you can administer injections. It may not be your own person."


As soon as she saw her falling into the pit like this, Feng Qianyan immediately turned her head and stared at her: "Hui Fei, what do you mean by this?"

Wu Wan sneered and said: "The meaning of this palace is that you'd better speak clearly, and don't just talk about it."


"Otherwise, it will only make people more suspicious."

Hearing her say so, Feng Qianyan felt like it itched with hatred.

But at this time, not only did she have no strength to grit her teeth, she didn't even have the strength to stand up to refute her, so she could only kneel on the ground, trembling all over.

An Bi also sneered: "You say it."


"Why have you gone quiet?"

Feng Qianyan looked at them with red eyes: "You, you--"

She didn't finish her words, she could hardly get up in one breath, her face flushed, and she fell on the ground and coughed violently.

Nan Yan also glanced at them twice.

She doesn’t have a lot of affection for the person who came forward to beat the dog in the water at this time. Although she doesn’t know what role Wu Yu and Gao Yurong played in this matter, she has no brains as simple as "the enemy’s enemy is a friend" , For these two people, she didn't like or didn't like it. At any time, she would not give birth to the slightest sense of intimacy.

At this time, Zhu Feng said: "Ning Fei, are you still not talking?"


Feng Qianyan had no way to speak at this time, so she could only kneel on the ground with her teeth, as if she wanted to carry it like this.

After all, she just gave birth.

Regardless of whether this child is alive or dead, she does not believe what the emperor can do to her.

However, just when she made up her mind like this, she heard Nan Yan let out a sneer and said: "Ning Fei, do you think you can get past without talking?"


"In this palace, there is no such simple thing."


"Otherwise, wouldn't this palace and Wei Wang be wronged for nothing?"


"If you don't speak again, I will take care of this matter for you."

Hearing this, Feng Qianyan's heart sank, and she raised her head with difficulty to look at her. She couldn't believe that she would find any evidence at this time.

She looked at Nan Yan nervously.

Xu Miaoyin was also a little surprised, thinking that things have passed so long, how could Nan Yan prove it.

She whispered: "Noble concubine, you--can you really?"

Nan Yan turned to her and said calmly: "Queens, my concubine dare not say anything."

"Then how do you prove it?"

"This matter is also very simple." At this point, Nan Yan looked at Feng Qianyan from the corner of her eyes, and she saw that her whole body was cold, but after another look, she found that Nan Yan was not looking at herself.



Nan Yan said coldly: "You are Concubine Ning's close-knit maid. Naturally you know everything about Concubine Ning best."


"My palace asks you, when Concubine Ning gave birth, you were going to serve her to take medicine. What kind of medicine?"

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