Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1496: Going the evil way, you will encounter ghosts!

You know, this crime of murdering the emperor's heir is to be copied all over. He can approach Feng Qianyan, and there should be no personal grievances with her. What is his purpose for doing this?

Could it be--

Nan Yan's heart twitched suddenly, and a terrible thought came out of her heart.

She seemed to feel her trembling, and the person in her arms moved uneasy.


Nan Yan immediately held his breath carefully and looked down at him.

But seeing Zhu Feng tilted his head, rubbed her arms, whispered vaguely, and then fell asleep again.


Nan Yan didn’t know for a while that he should be envious that he could still fall asleep at this time. He didn’t need to think about such complicated and annoying things as he did. He didn’t know if he should be angry. He slept comfortably like this, and he still Have to think about such complicated and annoying things.

While sulking, the voice of Father Yu came from outside the window.

"What will the empress do?"

Xu Miaoyin sighed, and said, "Shao Ren has already been brought to justice. It is handed over to the Criminal Ministry. Whatever should be done. It's just that Han Guangqi, I'm afraid I have to send more people to look for."


"My palace is always worried that this person's purpose is not simple."


After that, the two people said a few more words, and the queen also heard that Zhu Feng would not wake up in a short time, and said: "Okay, I will go home first. This matter, after the emperor wakes up, Please trouble the father-in-law to tell the emperor."

"The empress, this is a slave servant, this is the slave's duty."

"If the emperor is not awake, don't bother him."

Having said this, she glanced at the closed doors and windows of the Piandian, and sighed slightly: "It's rare for him to rest like this."

"Yes, the servant understands."

"Well, just keep it."

"Manny walk slowly."

Nan Yan listened to the footsteps of Xu Miaoyin's slowly leaving. After that, Grandpa Yu walked back to the courtyard, still instructing the other eunuchs to stare here, and immediately prepare to serve as soon as there is a sound.

Then, the surroundings became quiet again.

Such quietness also gave Nan Yan a chance to think calmly.

Han Guangqi...inducing labor...

Fei Ning...stillborn...

In the eyes of ordinary people, this was just a bold crime, but Nan Yan's heart sank when he thought of what he said to him the night when he was looted by that mysterious man on his way back to Beijing.

At that time, the mysterious person urged himself to quickly lead Zhu Feng to Yumen Pass, and he told him that Fei Ning's child had not yet been born.

After all, there is no result for the emperor's heir, and the emperor will certainly not leave the imperial city.

And the mysterious man said--

This matter must have a result, and there is not necessarily the only way to let the child be born.

At that time, he refused, and the mysterious person did not comment. Nan Yan thought that he had given up, but now it seems that the person has not given up at all.

Han Guangqi is very likely to be his.

This person has his eyeliner and tentacles in the court, even in the palace!

However, he failed to deal with Zhu Feng directly, and still hoped that he would lead Zhu Feng to Yumen Pass. Firstly, it may be difficult to do it in the imperial city. Secondly, probably his subordinates are like Han Guangqi. , The grade is not high, you can't come into contact with Zhu Feng, and even don't deserve to come into contact with yourself.

Even Concubine Ning was hard to reach at first.

However, because Shao Ren was injured and Concubine Ning started to go the wrong way again, she joined Han Guangqi.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan couldn't help but gasped.

Therefore, people still can't take evil paths.

Going the evil way, you will encounter ghosts!

She thought of this, and somehow she chuckled again. It was already this time, and she still had time to think about it.

She lowered her head and looked at Zhu Feng, who was lying prone in her arms, sleeping without knowing anything, frowning her eyebrows, and squeezing the corners of her mouth, not knowing whether she should cry or laugh.

But when she smiled, the mysterious person's voice echoed in her ears——

"The imperial concubine still has things that cannot be given up until now. It seems that your attachment to hatred is not as deep as I thought."

"Also, this hatred is not so unforgivable to you."

"Then, can you think that maybe one day you will forgive the emperor?"


Nan Yan's heart sank suddenly.

Lowering her head again, looking at Zhu Feng in her arms, her expression became complicated and contradictory.

Hatred, to oneself, is really not that important.

But is it not important at all?

Of course not, she knows very well that now she and him are so vain and arrogant, just to win his trust, and to let him be led to Yumen Pass without defense.

Now, Feng Qianyan's business is over.

Next, shouldn't I be--


Feng Qianyan's downfall not only had an impact on the former court, but also shocked the harem.

Although everyone went back to their palaces very late last night, and waited until they stopped, I'm afraid it was already after the third watch, but this morning, everyone got up early.

Then, they gathered at the Queen's Yonghe Palace.

However, when everyone arrived, the Empress had already left the house, and everyone waited for a long time before she came back.

Everyone immediately stepped forward and saluted: "Meet the Queen Empress."

Xu Miaoyin had dealt with many things. He was already a little tired. He planned to come back and take a break. When he saw everyone gathered in Yonghe Palace, he could only cheer up and smiled: "You are all here."

"Wait, concubine, specially come to greet the empress."

"Well, you are interested."

After that, Xu Miaoyin waved his hand to everyone, let everyone get up and sit down. He also sat on the couch. As soon as he sat down, she felt a soreness in her back and her brows wrinkled.

Chun'er and they hurriedly got up and beat her back.

Debi said carefully: "The empress is too hard. I'm afraid that people from the hospital have to come and see."

"This, I know it myself."

Xu Miaoyin smiled bitterly and said: "Feng Qianyan's affairs are also not strictly governed by the palace. At this point, the palace can hardly be blamed. Before the emperor punishes the palace, the matter must be resolved first."

"The mother said so, how should the concubine wait?"

Everyone got up, bowed their heads in silence.

Xu Miaoyin sighed again and waved to them: "Okay, all sit down."

An 嫔 Gao Yurong on the other side looked at Xu Miaoyin's complexion and said, "What did the empress do just now? Is there anything I need to work for?"

Xu Miaoyin glanced at her.

Faintly said: "It's nothing. My palace just went to Lenggong."

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