Hearing these words, Ran Xiaoyu, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly coughed.

"Ahem, ahem, ahem!"

Zhu Feng frowned and looked at her: "What's the matter?"

"No, the servant is okay."

With that, Ran Xiaoyu's head was buried lower.

And in this originally quiet hall, the atmosphere was tense and weird. Nan Yan looked at Father Yu kneeling on the ground, and his whole body was shaking. He didn't know if it was scared or suffocated.

Zhu Feng only sternly gave them a faint look.

Then he turned to Nanyan and said, "How are you?"


"I seemed to hear you say that my back hurts?"


Nan Yan also coughed lightly before saying: "It's nothing, the emperor should have heard it wrong."

Although it is true that my back hurts, I am not talking about back pain right now.

Zhu Feng looked at her for a while.

Still said softly: "If you feel uncomfortable, don't be sloppy. I will ask Wang Baizhi to come and take a look."


Nan Yan was speechless.

Before, before Zhu Feng fell into a coma, when the two were facing each other, the atmosphere almost collapsed, but now, although nothing happened, he just slept, but it seemed to ease a lot naturally.

Time really is a good thing to smooth everything out.

Or perhaps, Ran Xiaoyu helped him instead.

Nan Yan was a little weak, but there was nothing wrong with her in the current situation, so she nodded gently: "Yeah."

A smile appeared on Zhu Feng's face when she agreed to let someone from the hospital come to see her.

Although this is just a small matter, it means that Nan Yan is no longer stalemate with him.

This couldn't be better.

When he saw the two of them doing this, Jade Duke was also relieved for a long time. A big stone almost fell to the ground, and he immediately stepped forward and said: "The emperor, madam, why don't you get up and wash up first, the emperor and the madam are still here today? I didn't eat anything."

When I heard that Nan Yan didn't say anything, Zhu Feng seemed to realize it.

Get up hastily.

He was well-dressed, but he slept all night in Nan Yan's arms, and his clothes were wrinkled. Fortunately, Grandpa Yu had asked someone to get a new robe, and Ran Xiaoyu naturally came forward to serve. Nan Yan dressed and freshened up.

The imperial dining room had already prepared, and soon a table of congee and vegetables was delivered.

Because the two of them hadn’t eaten for a whole day. After being hungry for so long, they couldn’t eat more meat. Instead, some congee and vegetables were just right to their appetites. They ate quietly, although they didn’t say anything. But the atmosphere is not bad.

Zhu Feng ate several bowls.

When the dinner was over, Nan Yan rinsed his mouth and said to Zhu Feng: "The emperor, the concubine has left first."

Zhu Feng raised his head: "Where are you going?"


Nan Yan glanced at him and said helplessly: "The concubine is going back to Yikun Palace."

Here, after all, is Jianfu Palace.

And when he heard her answer, Zhu Feng also regretted his failure and said: "I will send you back."

Nanyan Road: "Doesn't the emperor still handle government affairs?"

Zhu Feng looked at her and frowned again.

He felt that Nan Yan was consciously alienating himself after this day of "accompany". But he knew it well—he couldn't force it.

Just when Nan Yan turned and walked to the door, when he opened the door, he saw a familiar figure walking outside.

"younger sister."

Nanyan Road: "The Queen Empress?"

Xu Miaoyin walked over the moonlight and said with a smile: "You happen to be here. There is one thing I want to tell you."

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