Said: "If I don't show up like that, do you think this can be the case?"


Nan Yan was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what was coming.

I couldn't help but laughed and said, "So the emperor knows it too."


Zhu Feng snorted coldly before letting go. Nan Yan's cheek was turned red by him, so he could only stretch his hand and rub it, and then looked at Zhu Feng: "How does the emperor know her bowl of soup... ?"

Zhu Feng calmed his face and poured a glass of water on his own.

He drank and said, "She was messing around in the kitchen for an afternoon, don't I know?"


"The people in the kitchen have long since been in charge and filed a complaint."


"If it weren't for me to listen and stop them, the person in charge will have to take someone over and drive her out of the kitchen!"

"Ah, so..."

Nan Yan listened, lowered his head gently, and Zhu Feng poured two more glasses of water, finally overwhelming the bitter taste in his mouth, and then stared at Nan Yan: "She is yours, I won't beg her Like other girls, you can go out of the hall or the kitchen, but can you make it look past?"


"Just like this, how can I dare to hand Ye Zhen to her?"


Hearing this, Nan Yan was slightly startled.

Suddenly said with joy: "The emperor!"


"The emperor still allows them both--"

And Zhu Feng had already sinked his face, interrupted her, and said: "It's not that easy now. She looks like this, I don't worry!"

At this moment, Nan Yan couldn't even bother to think about how his tone was so strange.

It seems that the tone of marrying a daughter.

However, at least from his tone of voice, he still approves of Ye Yu and Ran Xiaoyu's affairs, as long as--

Just don't give him any more soup like this.

So Nan Yan hurriedly laughed and said: "Of course, she is like this, the concubine is not relieved, otherwise she is murdering her husband for three meals a day. Naturally, the concubine will order to let her practice again."

Zhu Feng said angrily: "If you practice again, I'm afraid I will order the kitchen!"

"No one won't."

Nan Yan accompanied with a smile and said, "If she orders the kitchen, my concubine will pay her monthly salary."

When Zhu Feng heard it, the fire became bigger and he glared at her: "The monthly salary I gave you, you spend on her? You—"


The two laughed and quarreled, but they mingled again.

After a while, Nan Yan remembered and asked, "The emperor, have Yiyou and Sinian come back?"

Zhu Feng said: "It should be back tomorrow."


Hearing what he said, Nan Yan couldn't help but raise his head and looked at the cloud in the sky that seemed to be burned by the fire. Thoughtfully, Zhu Feng said: "What's wrong, what are you thinking?"

Nan Yan smiled: "It's nothing."


"The concubine is just worried, afraid that the weather tomorrow will be bad."

Zhu Feng sneered and said, "You still know the weather here."

Nan Yan only smiled.

As a result, by the next day, the sun was still shining in the morning, if it weren’t for the ice and snow all around, this kind of sunshine almost gave everyone the illusion of spring back to the earth.

But after noon, the sky changed.

A cloud of dark clouds floated from somewhere in the sky, blocking the sun, and then there was a strong wind.

At the beginning of the strong wind, snow foam was engulfed, and it was cold and **** people's faces, just like cutting with a knife. Later, the wind gradually turned yellowish, and the things mixed in the wind changed from snow foam to sand.

An overwhelming sandstorm swept across the earth and struck towards this little Shazhou Guard.

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