Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1637: The overtones of the imperial concubine

After yelling twice, I heard a hoarse voice coming from the side——


Nan Yan hurriedly turned his head and said, "Xiaoyu!"

Sure enough, among the yellow sand and black smoke, I saw a familiar figure walking by, it was Ran Xiaoyu, and she was holding a person in her hand, not to mention others, but the person named Li Lai.

The crutches in his hand were gone, and one leg was still injured. He was supported by Ran Xiaoyu, and walked over limply.

Seeing Nan Yan, Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly let go of him, walked over and knelt down to Nan Yan.

"Manny, slave girl, slave girl **** it!"


Nan Yan didn't know what to say for a while.

In theory, whether this matter is put in the palace or in any big mansion door, it cannot be taken lightly. Ran Xiaoyu was too foolish and even burned the kitchen.

What if the fire is not extinguished in time, and even burns the captain's mansion?

This time, I can't spare her lightly anyway!

So sternly: "What are you doing!?"

Ran Xiaoyu lowered his head, remorse hardly: "The slave and maid convicted."

Nanyan Road: "Explain clearly what's going on!"

Ran Xiaoyu bit her lower lip and said in embarrassment, "The slave and maid had just cooked in the kitchen, but the sandstorm today was so big that it blew up the charcoal in the stove."


"Those charcoal ashes fell into the pot, and the servants went to clean the pot, but didn't notice that the charcoal ashes fell on the haystack nearby."


"The slave servant was blindfolded by the yellow sand at the time, and failed to put out the fire immediately. When I saw it clearly, the fire was already big, then—"


Nan Yan glared at her.

Since this is the case, it seems that I can't blame her at all.

In today's weather, no one really knew what to do. I heard that several places in the city were almost on fire, but fortunately they were all put out in time.

But Nan Yan still said, "But even so, you still did something wrong."

Ran Xiaoyu lowered his head and said frankly: "The slave servant knows."


"Slaves and maidservants will be punished."

Nan Yan said, "Although you are from this palace, this palace cannot protect you in this matter. It's in charge."

The man in charge immediately took a step forward.

Nanyan Road: "Go outside the second door in a while and hit her twenty boards."


This kind of punishment, although it may hurt one's muscles and bones, is really light when it comes to it, and it can be regarded as an explanation for the inside and the outside.

Moreover, Ran Xiaoyu is also a practising family, and he will punish her with a small amount of twenty strokes, but it will not hurt her too much.

Therefore, she lowered her head and said in shame: "Xie Guifei Empress."

At this time, Nan Yan's gaze was placed on the person just now, it was Li Lai who was kneeling on the ground, still panting slightly.

So he asked: "Why are you here?"

Then Li Lai raised his head and wanted to say something to Nan Yan, but when he opened his mouth, he coughed first.

Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly said: "If you return to Niang Niang, there was a fire in the kitchen just now. He and a few others rushed in to put out the fire. It was smoked."


Nan Yan heard the hoarse voices of those people all the way.

Unexpectedly, Li Lai was also recruited.

So he sighed and said, "I'm hurting you."

Li Lai hurriedly shook his head, knelt on the ground and said, "Don't dare."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the sound was like a broken gong, and Nanyan said, "Don't talk, get up, the ground is still cold."

He just stumbled to his feet, probably when he extinguished the fire, the walking stick also dropped, and he was very embarrassed.

Nan Yan said, "My palace will reward you with merits. You go down first and let the doctor come over and show you later."

Then Li Lai bowed to her and left.

Nan Yan glanced at Ran Xiaoyu again and sighed.

The people in the captain's mansion were very swift. Everyone immediately cleaned up the kitchen. Fortunately, the fire was not big. Only one wall on one side was blackened, and the roof collapsed a bit, so people were immediately repaired.

Pots and pans must be purchased separately.

Fortunately, the stoves can be used normally, otherwise today, everyone will have nothing to eat.

After dealing with the matter here, Nan Yan said to Ran Xiaoyu: "Go down and receive the punishment by yourself, you don't need to come and serve anymore."

Ran Xiaoyu said: "The slave servant understands."

After speaking, he left by himself.

Nan Yan turned around and walked to the side room.

Although she was dealing with the kitchen, part of her mind followed Zhu Feng to the side room.

After all, in such a sandy world, people say that even camels are reluctant to walk around.

How could a woman appear on the wasteland.

They were also picked up by Gu Yiyou.

It feels a little strange.

In particular, there was one thing hanging in Nan Yan's heart, that the mysterious man said that his people would take the initiative to find Nan Yan, but it has been several days since she came to Shazhouwei, and that person still did not show up.

This made Nan Yan's heart always hang in the air.

Can't go up, can't come down.

I don't know what happened to this woman who was picked up by Gu Yiyou and the others.

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace and walked to the side room.

However, as soon as I walked to the door, I saw a slender shadow coming out of it, and the two ran into each other face to face. The other side immediately took a step back and lowered their heads.

"The people's daughter pays homage to the imperial concubine."


Nan Yan's footsteps stopped instead.

Xue Ling...

Although she knew in the past two days that she would go to Ye Yi's room every day to visit her savior, but nothing happened, so she didn't care about her too much.

Basically, she left her behind.

But this time I met again.

Nan Yan twitched her eyebrows slightly: "Miss Xue, what are you doing here?"

Xue Ling knelt on the ground, and said respectfully: "Men's girl... just lives here."

Nan Yan smiled and said: "Looking at the memory of this palace, I just think that the wing of the capital's mansion is living with some guests. I almost forgot that you have been here too."


Naturally, these words have different meanings.

Xue Ling is not stupid as a transparent person, of course he heard the overtones of the imperial concubine.

Only smiled awkwardly.

Nan Yan said again: "Someone sent over there just now, you guys have seen it too."


"This wing room is also to be used for serious purposes. If there are more people, I am afraid it will not be able to live."


"At that time, you know what to do."

Na Xue Ling raised his head and glanced at her, biting his lower lip, but did not dare to speak.

Nan Yan just smiled and said, "Where are you going now?"

Xue Ling said: "The Minnv... Minnv went to visit Lord Ye."

"No need for today."


"Why, the words of this palace won't work here?"


Xue Ling knelt there, with an aggrieved expression, biting his lower lip and whispered: "Don't dare."

After speaking, he bowed to Nan Yan, and could only turn around and return to his room.

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