In the night, her face was slightly pale.

When he opened the door and walked in, his expression even looked a little sad. When he looked up and saw Zhu Feng standing in front of him, he was shocked: "The emperor...?"

Zhu Feng looked at her with a calm face: "You still know how to come back."


"What are you doing so desperately?"


Nan Yan didn't speak, only looking at him.

After being silent for a while, Zhu Feng gradually felt that something was wrong with her. From the expression in her eyes to the breath on her body, there was a somewhat sad smell.

I do not know how it is.

He frowned immediately: "What's the matter?"


"What happened?"


Nan Yan still didn't speak, just looked at him, and after a while, he said softly, "The emperor..."


"I am a little cold."

As soon as Zhu Feng stretched out his hand, he grabbed her hand, pulled her in from the outside, half-held her, walked to the couch and sat down.

He grabbed a thin blanket to cover her knees.

"Is it cold?"


Nan Yan did not speak. Actually, the weather today is not too cold, and she is wearing a thick coat, so it is logically not cold.

But her whole person was trembling.

It seemed that the chill was born in her heart.

Zhu Feng simply held her two small hands with two hands, and held them firmly in her palms. After a while, he felt that her cold fingertips were finally warming, and then asked, "Better Is it?"

Nan Yan leaned in his arms.

At this time, he slowly raised his head to look at him, his eyelashes trembling slightly, like a butterfly in the wind, which made people feel slender and weak, and would be destroyed by the storm at any time.

Zhu Feng's tone became softer: "Talk."


"Where does it hurt?"


Nan Yan looked at him for a long time, but did not answer his question, but said softly: "The emperor, will you always do this to me?"

Zhu Feng was taken aback: "What?"

"Will you always treat me well?"


"Still, you will change."


"Will you suddenly stop loving me, no longer hurt me, you won't feel as happy when you see me smiling, or feel sad when you see me suffering."


Zhu Feng's brows wrinkled slowly.

Girls are sentimental, and when the flowers are in the moonlight, they will naturally ask such things to their sweetheart.

However, Nanyan is Nanyan.

No matter how sentimental she is, she is already her own imperial concubine, and she has experienced so many things with herself, how could she suddenly ask such a dull question?

Zhu Feng immediately realized--

That blind woman!

Nan Yan has been looking at her from the side room, only what she said will make Nan Yan feel this way.

He thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "Anyone will change."


"I am so."


"You, isn't it the same?"


"Everyone is constantly growing up. People who cannot keep up with me will naturally be left behind by me. And you, the reason why you have been by my side and in my arms is not because I hold You, take you."


"It's because you are constantly improving yourself."


"In that way, would you still worry that I no longer love you?"


Nan Yan's chest was hot, and she raised her head, looking at him with redness in the corner of her eyes.

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