Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1648: "Evidence" burned out by fire

Nan Yan's busy hands suddenly stopped and looked up at him: "Why?"

Zhu Feng looked down at her.

Then he said: "Your people have done a good job."


Nan Yan only hesitated for a while, and immediately understood that what he was talking about was Ran Xiaoyu's cooking in the kitchen yesterday, but this matter had not been dealt with yesterday, and Ran Xiaoyu also suffered the board.

Why are you still talking today?

Seeing Nan Yan looking at him with some doubts, Zhu Feng pursed the corners of his lips and said: "She burned the kitchen, and the workers were repairing overnight last night. As a result, some... strange things came out from behind the stove."

"Weird thing?"

Nan Yan's eyes widened in surprise: "What strange thing?"

"Want to know?"


"Put on your clothes and come with me to take a look."


Nan Yan was about to put on his clothes immediately. As soon as he turned around, he heard Zhu Feng's "um", and when he looked back, he was only half dressed. When he was excited, he forgot about him.

Staring at himself.

Nan Yan couldn't help laughing, and said hurriedly, "Concubine."

He hurried forward to tie him a belt, and Zhu Feng snorted with the tip of his nose.

The two of them put on their clothes, washed them briefly, and went out. It was still early at this time, and the sun had just risen from the east. Because of yesterday’s wind and sand, everyone was a little tired and many of them were still resting. .

The entire captain's mansion is very quiet.

Zhu Feng took Nan Yan directly to his study. When he wanted to, he must have ordered people to send the "strange things" to the study.

As soon as I walked in, I smelled something burnt.

Looking down, there was a piece of cloth on the ground with a pile on it. It had been burnt to darkness, and there was nothing to tell-strange things.

Nan Yan frowned suddenly.

"this is--"

Standing next to him, Xiao Shunzi said softly: "The emperor, my mother, this is what the workers found in the kitchen."

Zhu Feng walked over slowly, squatted down, and watched carefully.

Those things probably knew that they would be sent over to the emperor for inspection, so someone cleaned them up a bit beforehand and sorted out all the carbon dust on them. However, because they were burned, they were still dark and there were some places. It has even been charred into charcoal.

But it can be seen that it is wooden.

Several large and small pieces of different shapes.

Nan Yan also squatted down and watched, but couldn't see why he came, and only asked softly, "The emperor, what is this?"

Zhu Feng picked up a piece.

After looking at it for a long time, he said: "It's a crossbow machine."


Nan Yan's eyes lit up when he heard the word.

She still remembered that the arrow in Ye Yu's chest was a crossbow arrow, which was used by the murderer, but ordinary soldiers in Shazhouwei did not have a crossbow.

However, after searching for a long time, they did not find the crossbow.

So this matter has always been helpless.

And this--

She immediately looked at Zhu Feng and said eagerly, "The emperor, is it this crossbow machine that shot Ye Yu?"

Zhu Feng was silent for a while, and said: "Yes."


"After the murderer used it, it was thrown into the kitchen fire."

Having said this, he sneered: "No wonder, Yang Dai and the others searched it all over and they couldn't find this thing."

It turned out that the murderer intended to destroy the evidence.

It was just unexpected that Ran Xiaoyu burned half of the kitchen on fire, but this evidence was also burned out.

Nan Yan's voice sank--

"Then, the murderer is in the captain's mansion?"

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