Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1653: Have seen the sinisterness of human nature

Nan Yan said, "Go to the house. Even if you really want to go to Reyue Bend, you should at least listen to the people who walked out of Reyue Bend and understand the situation inside, right?"

Hearing her say so, Chu Xin finally stopped insisting.

Xue Ling helped her into the wing room.

This room is not big, because it is only used by the captain's mansion to entertain guests temporarily-this place naturally does not have any important guests, so it is very simple.

There is only one bed, one table, and a few stools.

Xue Ling helped to sit on the bed, while Nan Yan looked around, and poured a glass of water by himself and delivered it to Chu Xin's hand.

This time, Xue Ling was shocked.

The very noble concubine, even pouring water? !

However, Nan Yan didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and only faintly pursed the corners of his lips, then sat on a stool beside him, and said to Xue Ling: "Sit too."

Xue Ling walked over cautiously. Although he didn't dare, the imperial concubine had already spoken, and could only pay a courtesy to Nanyan as a conviction, and then sat on the corner of the stool diagonally.

Nan Yan glanced at her again.

At this time, Chu Xin couldn't wait to say: "You said you were caught by those sand bandits to Reyue Bend. Then tell me, is there a man named Jiang Qu in there?"

"Jiang Fun?"

When Xue Ling heard the name, he frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head: "No."

"Really do not have?"

"At least, I haven't heard of it."


Seeing Chuxin fell silent, Nan Yan took the opportunity to say, "You have been looking for him for more than ten years, and every time he leaves as soon as you arrive, maybe this time, let him escape again."

"no, I can not,"

Chuxin said firmly: "He must still be there."


"Didn't you say that she was taken captive by those sand bandits? How could she know the names of all the sand bandits inside?"

Nan Yan and Xue Ling looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, although the original mind was blind, his ears were still spiritual, and his mind was not blind.

Xue Ling thought for a while and said: "It is true that I was taken into captivity and I don't know all the sand bandits, but I understand one thing, that is, it is very dangerous inside."

Seeing that the original intention was about to speak, she immediately interrupted her.

Then he said: "I'm not talking about the danger of sand bandits, but the terrain inside is very dangerous."


"The road inside is rugged, with hundreds of turns and thousands of times, like a huge maze. Some passages can only pass through one person, and some places have deep rift valleys. Once they fall, they will be an abyss."

Nan Yan looked at her and saw that she was seriously frightening Chu Xin.

"Ordinary people can't get out of the way when they enter, let alone your eyes are inconvenient, how can you rush over?"

At this time, Chu Xin sneered.

She said, "My eyes are blind, so what?"


"I've been to this place in the past few years. Which place is not Longtan and Tiger Den. Didn't I come back alive?"


"Some of you have both eyes. As far as I can see, you may not be able to see everything clearly."

Xue Ling had kindly persuaded her, but she didn't know what to say when she was robbed of such a meal.

Nan Yan frowned slightly, and said, "Initially, don't say that either."


"Miss Xue's advice to you is for your own good."


"Furthermore, even if you don't mention how sinister the terrain is, don't you think about the sand bandits? They are killing people one by one, and how many innocent people around here have been killed by them. That is a group of murderers who do not blink. Devil, if you go in like this, how can they let you go?"

This time, it was Xue Ling.

She hesitated and said softly, "Also, not all sand bandits are demons who kill people without blinking."

Nan Yan glanced at her again.

Chuxin sneered.

She said coldly: "What is the sand bandit?"

Hearing these words, Nan Yan and Xue Ling both raised their heads and looked at her, but they said coldly when they saw Chuxin: "The most vicious and dangerous in this world are not the sand bandits who kill without blinking, but The person closest to you, the closest."


"Those who keep saying love you and will be with you forever."


"Such people are the most dangerous."


"Because they can't tell when they will stretch out their claws and fangs, and tear you to pieces. When they betray you, they won't even turn their heads."


"You can resist the sand bandits."


"But what can you do when you meet such a person?"

Xue Ling was a little baffled, but seeing her blindfolded, her face was painful and gritted her teeth, she seemed to understand something.

Nan Yan certainly knew better, she was talking about herself.

She was betrayed and hurt by the person next to her pillow. Such a painful experience made her no longer be able to trust others easily.

But Xue Ling gradually frowned.

After all, not everyone will have this experience, and not everyone can accept such cruel facts.

She said: "Not everyone is like this."


"In this world, there is always someone worthy of you to treat each other sincerely."


Nan Yan glanced at her again.

This Xue Ling, although she had talked many times since we met, because of her vigilance and her cautiousness, she never understood the girl who was rescued from the bandit's nest.

But these few words made her feel something.

When Chuxin heard what she said, she sneered.

After laughing, he said with a ridiculous expression: "It seems that you haven't seen the sinisterness of human nature."


"When you see it, come and say this to me again."

Xue Ling frowned.

She thought for a while, stood up and said to Nan Yan: "Gui——Madam, I remembered that there was still something to do, I'll do it first."

Nan Yan knew that she didn't want to talk to Chu Xin anymore.

Then nodded: "Go ahead."

Xue Ling turned and left.

Nan Yan stayed here, took a little time to calm Chu Xin, finally convinced her, and then left.

When you get out of this room, you have to prepare to leave the East Chamber.

However, when she walked to the door, she hesitated inexplicably and turned to look at the West Chamber.

Xue Ling and Li Lai both live on the West Chamber, and there is only a door between them, so you can see the situation there at a glance.

You can even see that there are still figures shaking in Li Lai's room.

Nan Yan thought for a while, and walked towards the West Chamber after a turn.

As soon as I walked over, I saw a person coming out of Li Lai's room, not someone else, but the doctor from the captain's mansion.

Seeing Nan Yan, he hurriedly bowed: "The concubine empress."

Nan Yan said: "Are you here to see Li?"


"What happened to him?"

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