When everyone was worried, the white-clothed man slowly turned around.

This person is tall and straight like a bamboo, dressed in a white dress that wins snow, and his long hair is pitch black like ink, which is scattered behind his head like a waterfall, only tied with a white hairband.

In this kind of dress, in such a den of bandits, some are not as thunderous, but there is a sense of grace and elegance.

However, this person did not give birth to a dusty face.

On the contrary, he has a mouse face, a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, and a beard on his upper lip. Because of some buck teeth, his beard is also slightly raised, which looks a little funny.

This person is the military division of Reyue Wan, Long Tingyun.

Facing everyone's worried speculation, he confidently said: "No."

"You said yes?"

It was Ulun's second brother Hussein who spoke.

As sand bandits, they were all cruel and cruel people who licked blood with knife-edges. They were very uncomfortable with Long Tingyun's little white face dress, but the face was not white enough, it was a joke in this sand bandit den.

He sneered: "If we are really caught, will there be news to tell us?"

Long Tingyun also sneered: "Then, what did Brother Hu plan?"

Hussein said immediately: "According to me, let's not wait for any news, let alone those tricks of internal and external rapes, just go in, kill them all without leaving!"


Hearing him say this, not only Long Tingyun sneered, but even the former bandit leader Wu Taisui frowned.

Although the sand bandits are accustomed to killing people and ignoring goods, and rushing forward before talking about anything they encounter, this time, they also feel that they cannot do this anymore.

After all, no one else is here.

But the emperor.

If the emperor was really injured, it would be different from hurting some ordinary soldiers, officials, and even the captain of Shazhouwei. If the army of the Great Yan Dynasty pressed the land, they would really have no way out.

So Long Tingyun sneered and said: "Second brother is as always, still so brave."


"However, the dispatch of troops on New Year's Eve did not satisfy your wishes? How about letting so many brothers go to Shazhouwei?"


Hearing this, Houthis could not speak.

Before, because Long Tingyun inserted a chess piece to Shazhouwei, this kind of thing made them and the sand bandits very annoyed. They thought it was a waste of effort. It was better to go straight in and get in quickly. Therefore, the two could not dispute, and Houthihei even pressed for questioning. After starting Ulun, do you still recognize him as a brother?

As a result, Ulun also hesitated.

After all, as a sand bandit, it is their temperament to kill and slay, and lick blood on the edge of the knife.

So he approved the Houthihei action, and Houthihei also allocated his strongest subordinate Kanji, let him lead a team into the Shazhou Guard.

And the result can be imagined.

If it weren't for that night, Shazhouwei's governor Ye Zhen was shot to the end by a cold arrow, I'm afraid that they would all die in vain that night.

So, since then, Houthi Hei has been a little speechless.

And Wu Lun also knew that he was wrong, and he was even more obedient to Long Tingyun. This time, the arrangement of the rape, the contact between the two sides, and even the formation of troops afterwards were all handed over to him.

So, he interrupted them and asked, "Military officer, there has been no news. It's not a solution."

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

I saw a subordinate ran in and said: "Brother, there is news, there is news!"

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