
Somehow, Xue Ling seemed a little flustered.

Since meeting on the first day, she was frightened by the battle between the emperor and the imperial concubine. In the following few days, when she saw Nan Yan again, she was very calm and never showed such an expression again.

At this time, Nan Yan frowned slightly.

She asked: "What's the matter?"


"What are you doing here?"


However, Xue Ling quickly calmed down and said respectfully to Nan Yan: "Minnv just went to visit Big Brother Li Lai."


Nan Yan looked up and looked forward.

This place is a special building on both sides of the captain's mansion, it is for guests, but now, the guests in the captain's mansion are indeed only a few of them.

However, she came to see Li Lai?

In my impression, although both of them were rescued by Ye Xu from the sand bandits' den, the two of them were probably only met by the water, so there was not much overlap. In the past few days, I have not seen the two of them together.

Unexpectedly, she would come to see Li Lai.

Xue Ling said again: "He has an uncomfortable voice and inconvenient legs and feet, so Minnyu came over to help him get something."

"Take what?"

"Pen, ink and some paper."

"Pen, ink and paper?" Nan Yan frowned slightly: "What does he do with these things?"

"This, Minnv doesn't know, I only saw him writing and painting there."


Nan Yan thought to herself, she didn't know, she would know if she went to see it for herself.


She looked at Xue Ling again, smiled and said, "I just walked over here and heard the arguing voices here. I thought you two were arguing."

Xue Ling was taken aback, and immediately smiled and said, "How come Minnu quarrels with Brother Li."


"Furthermore, his throat was so bad that he couldn't speak."


"I think it's the imperial concubine empress who got it wrong."

Nan Yan smiled and said, "It seems that I heard it wrong."

Xue Ling said, "Is the empress also here to visit Big Brother Li Lai?"

"Yes, Xiaoyu burned the kitchen before. Fortunately, he worked hard to put out the fire. Otherwise, I still don't know if the Du Wei Mansion is there."


"Now that he is injured, my palace should visit him too."

Xue Ling said: "He is in the room, please, please."

"How about you? Don't you go with this palace?"

"Minnv just came out from there, so she stopped going in."

"Well, where are you going now?"

"The girl is a little tired and wants to go back to her room to rest."

"Then you go back, if it's cold today, don't catch the wind chill."

"Yes, Niang Niang Xie will take care of you."

After that, Xue Ling respectfully bowed to Nan Yan, and then walked carefully to her room. Nan Yan watched her back disappear before turning to look at Li Lai's room.

After only a while, he walked over.

The door was tightly closed, and Nan Yan knocked on the door lightly.

Li Lai's somewhat hoarse voice resounded in the room, "What else?"

This was obviously said to her thinking that Xue Ling had gone and returned, and Nan Yan said, "It's my palace."


Li Lai seemed surprised when it was the voice of the imperial concubine. There was a flustered sound of opening and closing drawers in the room, as if he had taken something and put it away.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of rapid footsteps.

Li Lai opened the door in a panic, and when he saw Nan Yan, he immediately changed to kneel and salute: "Caomin pays homage to the concubine empress."

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