At this moment, the voice of the noble concubine came from the side——


His Majesty's voice was cold and hard, full of oppression, and even the study made this study become short and squat, and it was too heavy for people to breathe.

However, when the concubine's voice rang, it was completely different.

The voice was soft and soft, with a touch of kindness.

When she spoke, it seemed that His Majesty's breathing had become softer, and she turned her head to face her: "Huh?"

I saw the imperial concubine stand up, salute the emperor respectfully, and then said: "The emperor don't blame Li Lai."


"Watching the heavens and speculating about the holy will, this is of course his fault, even if the emperor drags him out and chops him out."


Hearing this, Li Lai knelt on the ground, crying without tears.

Just now, when she took away the road view map, she was not in this way at all!

The imperial concubine went on to say: "But the concubine thinks that the sand bandits in Hot Moon Bay are rampant and unscrupulous, making the people miserable. It is natural for them to hope that the court can send troops to destroy these bandits."


"What's more, this Li Lai, like that girl Xue, was kidnapped and detained by sand bandits."


"They have suffered even more."


"The emperor don't blame him."

After saying this, the imperial concubine glanced at Li Lai again and said: "Don't confess your mistake to the emperor quickly."

Li Lai hurriedly squatted his head at His Majesty the Emperor: "The Cao Min has convicted, and I beg the emperor for forgiveness, and the emperor for forgiveness."


The study was quiet for a while.

Then, I heard His Majesty the Emperor snorted coldly and said: "Since the concubine has already interceded for you, get up."

Li Lai broke out in a cold sweat.

Knocking their heads at the emperor and the imperial concubine, they stood up cautiously.

After getting up, he did not dare to look up.

Just put two hands in front of his knees, standing properly.

In fact, he didn’t know that this was only the royal family, or the most common method in officialdom. When they met, they would label people as guilty. It is very easy to say and do anything.

At this moment, Li Lai didn't even dare to pant loudly. He watched his Majesty the Emperor sit on a chair, reached out and picked up the road view map that he drew on the table, and then said: "You drew it. Can this road lead to the inside of Hot Moon Bend?"

Li Lai whispered: "Yes."

The emperor sneered: "Why should I believe you?"


"You know, you didn't escape from Hot Moon Bend by yourself."


"There is nothing trivial about the military. If I send troops there, but cannot enter Hot Moon Bend, wouldn't it be a futile return; if there is any accident, who will bear the consequences of sending troops?"

Li Lai was taken aback.

He thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said: "The emperor, this picture is absolutely true, and the minister can guarantee his life."


Zhu Feng sneered: "How much is your life worth?"


"If you send troops and lose back, even if you punish your Nine Clans, it will be of no use."

Li Lai fell silent.

The atmosphere in the study became more and more boring, making people's heartbeat a little difficult.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and said, "The emperor, the grassroots can lead the way!"

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