Nan Yan frowned and whispered: "What are you talking about?"


Ran Xiaoyu didn't seem to have recovered yet. He was completely immersed in his thoughts, and said softly: "Didn't they say that companionship is like companion tiger."


"The emperor respects him so much, who knows what will happen in the future?"


Originally, Nan Yan was going to be irritated by these words, but his thoughts turned, but he stopped again.

She remembered what Zhu Feng had just told her about Emperor Gao and Lan Shiming.

Perhaps Ran Xiaoyu's words are really correct.

The emperor’s ruthlessness, how much has she seen, heard, and even, how many years has she experienced in her concubine in the palace? Why don't you understand?

It was probably because he had seen how he climbed up and down, so when Ran Xiaoyu said these words, he seemed to be particularly emotional.

After a long silence, Nan Yan whispered in a slightly hoarse voice: "You, don't talk nonsense."


"If you let others hear this, I won't be able to protect you."


Suddenly realizing how much he should have said just now, Ran Xiaoyu hurriedly got up: "Niangniang forgive me."

Nan Yan looked up at her and sighed.

"Forget it."


"Don't think about it, even if you want Ye Yu to stay quietly, is it a good man that he wants to lie down like this every day?"


"If you really understand him, you should also understand that it is not easy for a man to be ambitious and ambitious, willing to make progress."


"This quality is more noble than the identity of the born prince and prince."


"You, be content."

Ran Xiaoyu's face suddenly blushed again, and turned his face to one side: "I don't know what the empress is talking about."

Nan Yan laughed.

He took another sip of tea, put the cup down, and left.

At this time, Ran Xiaoyu caught up with him a few more steps: "That's right, Niang."


Nan Yan looked back at her.

Ran Xiaoyu said, "What is going on with Ye Yu's condition? The slave maid saw Dr. Wang come here today and gave him needles and medicine. It seems that there are some ways of doing things, but after a long time I asked him what he has. Refused to say."


"I'm really worried."


Nan Yan glanced at Ye Yu on the bed again.

Now that Wang Baizhi has a direction, what he needs to do now is naturally to detoxify. Moreover, it is not only to detoxify, except for the kind of poison that dissolves at the sight of blood, so that everyone will not be aware of the fact that Ye Yu is poisoned In addition, there were poisons that caused him to become unconscious.

This is a big deal for Wang Baizhi.

And Zhu Feng made another order to prevent him from leaking out, no wonder Ran Xiaoyu was worried.

Nan Yan stretched out her hand and stroked her shoulder, and said softly, "Don't worry too much. You know the doctor Wang's medical skills. He must have a direction when he does this. Maybe it won't be long before Ye Qi will wake up. ."


"Anyway, you just need to take good care of his body."

Ran Xiaoyu nodded helplessly: "Yes."

After Nan Yan saw her side, she was a little tired. After all, she got up early in the morning and was busy with the West Wing. Later, it was Li Lai and Lu Guantu. It was only then that she reluctantly. Relax a little.

Back in the room, without even eating, fell asleep.

This time, I slept the next day.

When I was still in a daze, I listened to the sound of the wind outside the window, some small things hit the window paper, making a rustling sound, Nan Yan got up in his clothes and opened the window to see——

Outside, a vast expanse of whiteness.

It's snowing again.

The snow in the northwest is a little different from that in the capital. It is like a spring breeze coming all night, and thousands of trees and pears bloom. The trees in the yard in front of the gate were covered with frost flowers, white as jade, and suddenly, like the jade tree in the moon palace.

However, I am not Chang'e.

Seeing her getting up, naturally a little girl came in to help her dress and wash, and the kitchen brought hot porridge and a table of side dishes.

Nan Yan ate and asked, "Where is the emperor?"

Listening to Fu stood by and served, and heard her ask, whispering softly: "I heard that the emperor stayed up until midnight last night and got up late this morning. I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"What? Something else?"


Tingfu followed the imperial concubine, so he was naturally concerned about the emperor's affairs, and said softly: "Listen to Xiao Shunzi, just sit and sit until midnight."


Nan Yan frowned when she heard it.

She thought for a while and said: "Let the kitchen prepare some shredded chicken porridge, boil it to the ground and heat it up, and send it to the emperor when he gets up."


Listening to the blessing immediately went down to spread the word.

After breakfast, Nan Yan went to the west wing again.

In the past few days, she has spent more time going to the West Wing room than staying in the room or going to Zhu Feng's study.

However, this time I went, but I was a little surprised.

Because when she walked to the door of Chu Xin's room, she heard a voice coming from inside, it turned out to be Xue Ling.

Today, she didn't even go to the door of Ye Xun's room to guard. Instead, she came to Chu Xin's room, put a cup of tea in her hand, and said, "You drink a little."

Nan Yan had some doubts.

Before, she even stated clearly that she didn't want to get close to Chuxin, why today, she came by herself before she called her.

Moreover, he also passed on for the original intention.

Not only was Nan Yan puzzled, but Chuxin himself was also puzzled, tilting his head to face Xue Ling.

If she still has eyes, I am afraid that at this moment, she is looking at her up and down. Even if she does not have eyes, the meaning of the shuttle is very clear.

Chuxin said: "What are you doing to take care of me."


Xue Ling was silent for a while, and then said: "Gui-Madam said, your eyes are inconvenient, you should come and see you more."


When I first heard it, I heard the compassion in her words.

Coldly said: "You sympathize with me."


"I do not need!"

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, he almost swept the teacup on the table to the ground. Fortunately, Xue Ling's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he protected it.

She frowned and said, "You—"

Chuxin sneered: "You think you have a pair of eyes and see everything, you think I'm pitiful, don't you?"


"But I tell you, I don't need people to be pitiful."


"Not only do I don't need people's pity, I look at you, even more pitiful."

Xue Ling said: "What do you mean by this?"

Chuxin sneered and said, "What about eyes? Some people have a pair of eyes and still can't penetrate people's hearts. It's better to have no eyes."


"Although I don't have eyes, I can see through."


"Your self-righteous, hypocritical kindness, I don't need it."

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