Golden Age Of Phoenix: Tyrant’s First Class Virtuous Imperial Concubine

Chapter 1679: It's easy to lie, but hard to lie


Zhu Chengxuan didn't know how to respond for a while, and was stunned.

Seeing him like this, Xu Miaoyin's brows frowned, and her expression became even more displeased: "What's the matter?"

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while.

At this time, Xu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Auntie, I heard from my second uncle that the emperor went to visit Kansai and handed over all the affairs of the court to His Royal Highness Wei. I am afraid that His Majesty is thinking about major events in the court. "

With that, he tilted his head and looked at Zhu Chengxuan.

"His Royal Highness, isn't it?"


Zhu Chengxuan did not expect that she would speak for herself like this, and said hurriedly: "Yes, it is."


"Master Heyi sent some people to inspect the places where the Yellow River was easier to burst in previous years. The results were just presented yesterday. You can't wait until the beginning of spring. The court needs to take precautions before they happen."


Hearing what he said, Xu Miaoyin nodded.

His complexion then eased a bit, even a little smile appeared, and said: "Just put it straight, what are you stammering about?"


"You can handle these things well, that's a good thing, and you can rest assured when your father comes back."

"Children understand."

Zhu Chengxuan broke out in a cold sweat on his back.

Seeing his face that had lost a lot of weight, Xu Miaoyin sighed again and said, "My palace also knows that you are tired recently and you should pay attention to your body."

Speaking, pointing to the refreshment on the table.

"I also heard that you haven't eaten anything in the morning. Sit down and eat some, and accompany your sister."

Zhu Chengxuan raised his head and saw Xu Xiaoxiao smiling at him. He was also grateful for what Xu Xiaoxiao had just done for him, and said softly: "Yes."

After speaking, the two young men sat down together.

He pushed a dish of Hundred Flower Cakes in front of Xu Xiaoxiao: "You can eat this."

"His Royal Highness."

Xu Xiaoxiao was born slightly fat, naturally because of a good appetite, and she was different from others when she entered the palace, and she did not have so many taboos to talk to her aunt. She was natural and generous, and she picked up a piece and ate it.

Miss aristocratic family, naturally it goes without saying.

Even if you eat with big mouthfuls, it looks lively and beautiful.

Seeing her eating, Xu Miaoyin smiled and said: "My palace remembers that you have a sweet snack from the moment you eat it, and you can chew for a long time even if the tasteless thing is delivered to your mouth. It's still like this now, eating so much. blessed."

Xu Xiaoxiao said, "Aunty, don't make fun of me."

Xu Miaoyin laughed and said, "Why is it making fun of you? I just hope that Xuan'er can have half of this appetite."

As he said, he looked at Zhu Chengxuan who took a piece of loose-flavored goose oil roll in his hand, but only took a small bite for a long time.

He froze for a moment: "Hey?"

Xu Miaoyin shook his head.

Xu Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed.

The two children got together. Although Zhu Chengxuan's appetite was not very good, he ate some at the urging of Xu Miaoyin. With Xu Xiaoxiao, the cakes went to most of the table.

She got up and smiled: "It's good to come to my aunt's place. Not to mention anything else, the food is much better than the family's."

Xu Miaoyin smiled and said, "It's not just for food? There is so much fun in this palace."


Xu Xiaoxiao looked at her with eyes wide open: "What else?"

Xu Miaoyin smiled and said, "The scenery over the Royal Garden, it snowed last night, and now, there must be good scenery."

"Ah, I'm going to see it!"


After Xu Miaoyin said, he wanted to get up, but he took another look at Zhu Chengxuan who was standing next to him. After thinking for a while, he sat back and said, "My palace didn't sleep well last night. Now I am a little tired. Xuan'er, you accompany me. Take my sister to the Royal Garden for a while."


Zhu Chengxuan thought that after eating, he would be able to go back, but he didn't expect to have fun with him.

He hesitated and looked at Xu Xiaoxiao.

But seeing the latter looking at himself with a smile.

Not to mention anything else, the queen alone can't dismiss it if she speaks like this.

He could only whisper: "Yes."

As a result, the two turned around and left Yonghe Palace together and headed to the Imperial Garden. Xu Miaoyin sat in a chair, watching their back disappear into the sun, before laughing.

Bihe stood by and smiled: "His Royal Highness and Miss Xiaoxiao stand together like this, it's a perfect match."

Xu Miaoyin let out an "um" and then groaned, "Don't talk nonsense."

Bihe could see that she was in a good mood and said boldly: "Isn't the empress like this?"


Xu Miaoyin held back for a while, but couldn't help laughing after all.

Then he said: "Of course you can see clearly what you think in this palace, but don't go out and talk nonsense."


"Now that things haven't been done yet, don't ruin their reputation."

Bi He smiled and said, "The slave girl understands."


The two young men left Yonghe Palace and walked to the Royal Garden in a short while.

Zhu Chengxuan was suffering from nothing to say, and didn't want to speak, so he walked in front of her head. Although Xu Xiaoxiao was a very lively girl, she was also very quiet at this time.

Walked into the Royal Garden.

As the Queen said, there was a snowfall, and the surrounding area was white, and the branches of the treetops were all covered with snow, and they were very beautiful.

Xu Xiaoxiao ran to take a look, and immediately smiled and said, "The scenery of the Royal Garden is really different from the garden at home."

Zhu Chengxuan stood aside, only making a perfunctory "um".

Xu Xiaoxiao looked back at him.

With a sudden smile, he said, "His Royal Highness, now, regret it."


Zhu Chengxuan was taken aback by her sudden and endless words, and looked up at her: "What did you say?"

Xu Xiaoxiao said: "His Royal Highness definitely regrets that I didn't refuse my aunt just now, so now I have to come and walk with me around this meaningless imperial garden, right?"

It seems that there is no deep meaning in her words.

Zhu Chengxuan did not speak immediately.

Just look at her.

Xu Xiaoxiao touched a flowering branch next to her with her hand, and the snow covered it suddenly swayed and scattered one after another. She smiled and said, "Why doesn't Your Highness make inferences about it?"


Zhu Chengxuan was even more inexplicable when she heard her words.

Xu Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "When my aunt asked you before, you were able to push the management of the Yellow River to such a major event. Why did your aunt ask you to accompany me out to play, but you didn't know that you still had major issues to deal with."


Zhu Chengxuan was taken aback by her words.

Xu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "In that case, you don't have to be with me now, right?"


Zhu Chengxuan looked at her round face with a confident and somewhat triumphant smile, full of vitality. Although she was about the same age as Gu Qiqing, she was completely different.

He thought for a while and said: "But this is always lying in front of the queen mother. It is easier to lie than to lie."


"Is anyone willing to help me lie?"

Xu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "If you don't ask, how do you know if others are willing?"

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