The two ran farther and farther.

Gradually, the guards behind him were thrown away.

And Nan Yan looked at the wasteland ahead, something appeared.

Originally, after it had snowed, there was a white snowfield all around. Except for the occasional black hills and rocks, almost nothing could be seen. Nan Yan could only move forward by following Zhu Feng’s back. Can't recognize the direction.

However, in the white snow, a silver blue appeared.

what is that?

Nan Yan squinted his eyes in the wind, carefully identifying what was in front of him, but saw Zhu Feng's legs pinched his horse's belly, speeding up, and galloping forward.

Nanyan naturally refused to admit defeat.

Raising his arm hurriedly, he shook the whip in his hand in the air, and heard the sound of wind.

She said loudly: "Drive!"

The steed under the seat was even more struggling to move forward. Zhu Feng had already opened up a little distance, and soon he caught up with him, and even started to advance together.

Zhu Feng turned his head to look at her, his eyebrows were slightly raised, and his eyes seemed to say: Not bad.

Nan Yan also raised an eyebrow at him.

Zhu Feng laughed, then turned his head and glanced forward, and then said loudly: "Don't be in a hurry to be proud, let's talk over there!"

After finishing speaking, he strove hard again.

At this time, they climbed a small high slope. Although the **** on this side is not very steep, the horse leapt up with a little effort, but after crossing the top of the slope, they found that the other side was a higher one. The slope.

Although Zhu Feng had the desire to win, he couldn't help slowing down at this time, and turned back: "Be careful—"

As soon as the word "dot" was uttered, I heard a strong hiss behind him.

Opening his eyes wide, Nan Yan rode his horse and leapt down. The horse's toned body and her high flying hair drew a graceful arc in the air. This leap took almost several feet.

As if flying high!

Zhu Feng was taken aback, and Nan Yan surpassed him in this one. While continuing to drive forward and gallop, he turned around and smiled at him: "The emperor, if you catch up with your concubine, I can promise you one more thing. What's up!"


Zhu Feng was so excited and funny by her, and the eagerness to win in her heart rose.

Immediately pinched the horse's stomach: "Go!"

Suddenly, the two horses leaped and galloped on the sloping hillside, like two lightning bolts on the snow, sometimes you passed me, sometimes I passed you, and after a while, they gradually approached the azure blue place.

When I got closer, it turned out to be a lake!

The surface of the lake was completely frozen, like a whole piece of fine jade, embedded in the white snow, especially warm and dazzling.

Nan Yan has been "closed" in the captain's mansion for so many days, it is rare to see such a scenery, and after riding a horse galloping for a while, she has become excited all over. At this time, the horse runs fast and her mind is faster. Almost the whole person has already rushed to the lake.

Seeing, it was getting closer and closer to the icy blue lake.

Feeling the horse rushing up almost unstoppable, Nan Yan held the reins in both hands and circled each one, tightened them tightly, and pulled back hard—

The steed under the seat made a long cry.

At the same time, beside her, Zhu Feng stood up with the horsemen under her seat, horseshoes flying, arousing a cloud of snow.

The two stopped at the same time.

When the steed landed, Nan Yan shook his figure along with it, then turned to look at Zhu Feng, but saw that he was also smiling, looking at herself with concern: "How?"

"The emperor... not bad."

Zhu Feng originally asked her if she was tired. Who knows, Nan Yan deliberately misinterpreted his words to ask how his riding skills were.

Deliberately "evaluate" him this way.

Zhu Feng is so angry and funny. She has been on the battlefield for so many years, but it is her turn to "develop her" and smile: "Well, thanks for the praise!"

The two men laughed and got off their horses.

This is different from the city. Although the snow is heavy, someone cleans the captain's mansion and does not accumulate too much snow, but the snow here barely covers the calves. Once they landed, the two people seemed to have taken root.

Nan Yan was a little tired after riding the horse for so long.

I can't even lift my legs.

"Ouch, oops..."

Seeing her like this, Zhu Feng laughed again, walked over with one foot deep and the other shallow, holding her hand: "Be careful and follow me."

Nan Yan grabbed his hand and finally pulled his leg out of the snow nest.

Going a little further, the snow here is a little thinner, but you can move freely. After a while, I walked to the lake and saw a large icy blue ice surface under my feet.

Crystal clear.

When the sun is shining, you can even see the slowly flowing lake under the ice.

Nan Yan couldn't help saying: "It's so beautiful!"

Zhu Feng smiled and held her hand, slowly strolling around the lake, just like playing in the flowers of the imperial garden in spring, leisure and comfort.

He also smiled and said, "Such scenery is not available in the city."

"of course,"

Nan Yan looked at the ice surface for a while, and suddenly remembered something, and said: "The emperor had shown his concubine a map here before. Why doesn't it seem that this lake is marked on the map?"

As she said, she raised her head and looked around.

The area of ​​this lake is not small.

At least at this moment, the transparent blue ice under my feet can hardly be seen at a glance.

Zhu Feng said: "This lake is alive."


"Well, most of the time, there is no lake in this place, but a wasteland; but sometimes, water will emerge from the ground to form this lake."

"There is such a thing?"

Nan Yan's eyes widened in surprise.

Not to mention that she has never seen such a scenery, and she has never heard of such an anecdote.

She looked at it for a while, then turned to look at Zhu Feng: "The emperor, how did you know?"

Zhu Feng was so angry that she laughed, and said: "Ye Wei is here to guard Shazhouwei, does he know? He knows, can you tell me?"

"Oh, that's right."

Nan Yan laughed himself.

Zhu Feng looked at her and said with a smile: "Have you been chilled by the wind here recently? Why are you stupid?"


Nan Yan glared at him and ignored him.

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes from behind, and the guards who accompanied them followed them panting, but when they saw the emperor and the imperial concubine walking by the lake holding hands, they could be regarded as discerning. , Dare not come up.

Dismounted from a distance, and stood there waiting.

The two of them walked slowly holding hands, although it was icy and snowy, they didn't feel cold at all.

After walking for a while, Nan Yan felt a little strange.

Is it possible that he intends to take a stroll in the ice and snow with himself?

As I was thinking, I heard Zhu Feng say: "Can you make a snowman?"

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