"The emperor, Master Gu and Master Tong have news to come back."


When Zhu Feng heard this, he immediately raised his head and his eyes lit up. Nan Yan heard the news and his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "The emperor!"

Although they seemed to have nothing to do for these two days, in fact, everyone's heart was stretched.

This time, can you enter the hot moon bend?

If you can eliminate the sand bandits who have harmed one side in the Hot Moon Bend, just watch if Yiyou can find the way!

Now, finally there is movement.

Zhu Feng stretched out his hand to help Nan Yan's shoulder and signaled her not to get excited. After all, the ups and downs in her mood were not good for the child, so she sat firmly and got up and walked to the door.

After opening the door, Xiao Shunzi stood at the door.

At the bottom of the steps stood a guard who was covered with mud and snow foam, panting and looking very tired and exhausted.

The two said together: "Meet the emperor."

Zhu Feng said: "Where are the two of them?"

The guard, one of the members who followed Gu Yiyou and Tong Sinian to investigate, bowed down and said, "If you go back to the emperor, Gu, Master Gu and Master Tong, they, they have not yet come back."

"Not back?"

"Yes, they, they asked the little one to come back and report the news... to the emperor first."


Obviously, this person came back quickly, and returned to the captain's mansion. Without even taking a breath, he immediately reported to him.

Zhu Feng frowned slightly.

Before Gu Yiyou and Tong Sinian set off, he had already made it clear to both of them that this line was to explore the road that might lead to the inside of the hot moon bend. If they did not find it, there would be no news , But if they find it, they should come back immediately and report it.

Now, only let one guard come back?

What means?

He said: "What news?"

The man stretched out his trembling hand and took out something from his arms. Xiao Shunzi hurriedly took it, took a look, and then cautiously offered it to Zhu Feng.


Zhu Feng looked down. It was a letter.

Although it was a letter, there was not even an envelope, just a simple piece of paper, which was folded and sent back after writing.

Zhu Feng took it and asked again: "Did anyone see him when he came back?"

Xiao Shunzi hurriedly said: "The emperor can rest assured that no one has seen it."

Zhu Feng nodded, just about to unfold the letter paper to read, but heard Xiao Shunzi say: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Looking up, it was the guard.

He probably rushed back quickly, already exhausted to the limit. At this time, he believed the letter to Zhu Feng, and the whole person was a little unable to hold it, and fell softly.

Xiao Shunzi hurriedly supported him: "Are you okay?"

The man was still panting and said: "The villain deserve to die, the guardian loses...yi."

Zhu Feng frowned and told Xiao Shunzi: "Take it down immediately so that he can rest well."


Xiao Shunzi beckoned to the side, and a few eunuchs immediately ran over and helped the guard to go down, while Zhu Feng took the letter and turned and walked into the house while opening it.

Nan Yan stood by the table, looking at him anxiously.

"The emperor, are you talking about them?"


"What's on the letter?"

Although she was anxious to know the news over there, she still restrained herself as much as she could, and did not crane her neck to look over. Zhu Feng took a deep breath after taking apart the paper and reading only the first sentence.

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