Xue Ling whispered: "What's wrong? Don't you want to go back to rest?"

Chu Xin said: "Just now--"


"Just now, who was talking?"

"Yes, it's the one serving by the lady."

"No, I'm talking about the person who responded to him."

"That man, he is Li Lai, just like me, he was arrested by the sand bandits, and later he was rescued by Ye—by someone under that lady."

"He... what kind of person is he?"


Xue Ling thought for a while, and said, "I'm just an ordinary person, nothing special."

Having said this, Xue Ling looked at her, his eyes flashing: "What's wrong? Do you have any thoughts about him?"


Chuxin didn't speak, but frowned slightly, as if a little light appeared in front of the dull eyes, and it was like a sparkling firefly in the dark night, people watched intently, but couldn't catch it.

She thought for a while, and said, "That person, how does the voice sound a bit strange?"

Xue Ling said: "Oh, because there was water in the kitchen a few days ago. When he went to fight the fire, he was smoked in his throat, so his voice is like this."


Chu Xin raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xue Ling looked at her for a while, and then said: "If it's okay, you should go back soon. It's so cold outside, it's not good if you catch a cold."

Chuxin was silent for a while and nodded gently.

With one hand holding the bamboo pole and lighting it on the ground, the other holding Xue Ling's hand, the two slowly returned to their wing together.

On the other side, Li Lai followed Xiao Shunzi to the emperor’s study. When halfway there, Nan Yan stopped and did not go with them. He only told Xiao Shunzi: "Serve the emperor well, what's the matter? , Go back to the palace immediately."

Xiao Shunzi responded, and took Li Lai on to move on.

After a while, he arrived at the emperor's study.

When Li Lai walked in, he already felt that the atmosphere here was different from the previous one. Just walking to the door, he felt the heavy pressure in the air. He took a deep breath and walked in.

In front of him, Zhu Feng was sitting behind the table.

A hand is resting on the edge of the table, and the table is covered with a map near Shazhouwei. However, the terrain of Reyue Bend is always blank. There is only one place where the entrance is marked with cinnabar, a royal pen used by the emperor.

It is exactly the place marked on the road view map that Li Lai painted for him before.

Li Lai only glanced quickly.

Immediately bowed to the ground: "Caomin, see the emperor, long live my emperor long live long live long live long live."

After kneeling, he tilted his head slightly, and there were several pairs of feet beside him, Yang Dai and several other lieutenants.

Li Lai lived in the captain's mansion these days, and of course I have seen them, but, I saw them in the past, and they wore not official or ordinary household clothes, but today I saw a few of them. Pressing the sword at the waist.

Li Lai's breathing became tight.

"Li Lai!"

Suddenly, Zhu Feng spoke, and Li Lai's whole body trembled with a deep and deep voice, and he hurriedly lowered his head: "What is the emperor's order."

Zhu Feng squinted his eyes slightly: "Your voice has recovered."

"Yes, thanks to the care of the emperor and the imperial concubine, the doctor in the mansion came to see the grassroots, and now he is much better."

"You just came in, and I saw that your legs and feet are also much better."


Li Lai lowered his head and said, "Cao Min has been recovering from his injuries these days."

"Oh, how much did you recover?"

"It has probably been fully recovered," Li said when he reached here, adding: "Even if you travel far, the grassroots will be fine."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "This sentence of you seems to know what I am looking for you to do, as if you are very loyal."

Li Lai buried his head even lower.

He whispered: "The emperor is the emperor of the true dragon. Everything in this world, together with the grass people, belongs to the emperor."


"Caomin should be loyal to the emperor."

Zhu Feng smiled and said, "Okay, well said."


"Then, I will let you show your loyalty. You said before that you can still lead the way in the road view map you drew. Today, I am going to send troops to Hot Moon Bend. Someone needs to lead a team to fight in and disturb the heat. Inside the Moon Bend, then, ambush soldiers outside, and when they come out, they will be swept away."


When he said these words, several generals waiting by the side, especially Yang Dai, suddenly widened their eyes.

Some look at the emperor in amazement.

The fact that they want to send troops is not a secret in the captain's mansion, but how to send troops and how to use them should be considered a major secret matter.


Yang Dai gave Li Lai a complicated look.

In the past few days, in addition to training soldiers in the army and mobilizing their combat power, he has one more thing to do, which is to urge several of his men to copy the dismantled and burnt crossbow that he found in the ashes of the kitchen.

Although the emperor and the imperial concubine didn't say much, his heart was the same.

It was the crossbow that shot Master Ye, but it was thrown into the kitchen and burned. Obviously, the man was in the captain's mansion, and he was still hiding.

There are not many people who can doubt.

But his Majesty the Emperor is now making military arrangements, but he directly called him and told him some details.


Yang Dai gritted her teeth and said nothing.

Zhu Feng continued: "But in this way, the road is very important."


"This team needs a guide, a guide."

When Li came, he immediately raised his head.

His eyes lit up, and he said, "Caomin——"

Zhu Feng also looked at him. Compared with Li Lai's shining eyes, his eyes looked deep and gloomy, and he even couldn't see what emotions were inside, so he squinted slightly and stared at Li Lai closely.

"Can you?"

Li Lai hurriedly knelt and straightened his body: "The Cao Min can do it.


Yang Dai on the side seemed to want to say something, and took a step forward, but looking at Zhu Feng's somber expression, she also knew that the emperor's shrewdness in war matters could not be matched by any of them.

There is no room for them to speak.

So, after thinking about it, he retreated silently.

Zhu Feng looked at Li Lai for a while.

Suddenly said: "Come on."

At this moment, a tall figure walked in immediately outside the door and bowed his hand to Zhu Feng: "The emperor."

When everyone looked up, it was the imperial army commanding Yingshao.

Zhu Feng said: "Have you rectified your crew?"

Ying Shao said: "The rectification has been completed, only waiting for the emperor's instructions, you can leave at any time."

At this moment, Yang Dai couldn't help but speak out——


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