Ying Shao was hiding in the damp and dark ground, holding the handle of the knife, his finger bones almost creaking.

After a long silence, he gritted his teeth and retreated.

Back this time, because there were already a few sand bandits on the side of the boulder, he had to be more careful not to make any noise. He bit the boot knife in his mouth again, supporting the boulder above his head with one hand and touching the stone wall next to him with the other, moving forward step by step.

The hand that rested on the boulder above his head has never been put down.

After a long, almost suffocating dark passage, he finally reached the other side of the boulder.

The people here are still in the dark, and there is no light at all. When they see him emerge, they immediately move forward.

"Master Ying!"


Ying Shao hurriedly signaled for them to be quiet. Everyone closed their mouths and did not dare to send a glance. Qiu Jiang stepped forward and helped Ying Shao get out of the gap under the boulder, and immediately said in a silent voice: "My lord, that voice is ——"

They apparently heard the sound of pounding too.

It's just that because of the cover of a huge stone, the sound that can be heard here is even smaller, just a faint sound.

Ying Shao remained silent: "retire first!"


Everyone was surprised again.

Originally, they thought there would be an ambush in this place, but they didn't have any when they walked to the boulder. They also thought there would be an ambush on the other side of the boulder. Everyone was nervously preparing for the battle, and only waited for Ying Shao's order to kill.

Unexpectedly, Ying Shao passed for a long time, and there was a sound of pounding in the night sky.

If they come back again, they will retire!

How is this going?

Even Li Lai, who led the way, didn't understand, and asked in confusion, "Master Ying, why on earth?"

"Don't talk yet, quit!"

Ying Shao only glanced at him and waved his big hand. Everyone didn't dare to say anything. They could only touch the stone wall and walk back and forth cautiously step by step.

Although the footsteps were a little messy, life on the side of the boulder was noisy, and the sound of the cymbals was constant. The sand bandits seemed to have not heard them at all. They were able to retreat safely until they were hundreds of feet away. Another fork in the road.

It can be ensured that it will not be discovered.

Qiu Jiang lit a small cluster of flames.

The flames shone, illuminating everyone’s frightened faces, and then looking at Ying Shao, he saw that his handsome face was covered with mud, which was contaminated under the boulder, but he didn’t care, just The thick eyebrows frowned, as if they had encountered a huge problem.

Qiu Jiang asked first: "My lord, the boulder is over there--"

I dare not finish talking.

After all, judging from the current situation, there is no ambush here, and Li Lai's words seem to be at least half credible.

Sure enough, Ying Shao also glanced at Li Lai.

Then said: "Over there, as he said."


"It is indeed a road leading to the inside of Hot Moon Bend, the sand bandits' nest."


"This, this is great!"

Everyone was excited.

Li Lai listened by the side, only quietly, not talking much.

Although everyone was excited, Qiu Jiang was still calm. When he heard him say this, he frowned and said, "What else do you see?"

"There are only a few sand bandits guarding there."

One of the young generals immediately said: "If this is the case, why don't you call us to kill them together? I'm afraid that Reyue Bend will be wiped out tonight."

Ying Shao glanced at him.

Then he said: "Just us, killing those guards is no problem, but the strength of the hot moon bend is not something we can contend."

Li Lai only spoke at this time, and said with a bit of justified dissatisfaction: "I said that people like you are not enough. There are too many people inside, and there are not enough people here. Lord Ye brought you here before. People of, many times, still suffered. You just don’t listen to what I said, now it’s all right..."

He is complaining.

After all, this way, he himself was risking his life.

But it was obvious at this time that Yingshao and the others did not completely believe him.

Seeing him like this, Ying Shao didn't take the words. He just turned his head and looked at everyone again. Everyone was passionate and said, "But we can't come back empty-handed."

"Speaking harder, the thief won't go empty."

"Since it's here, even take one or two heads back."

Ying Shao raised his hand and stopped them from speaking.

Said: "No."


"Didn't you hear the sound of the sound over there?"


Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

Obviously, everyone heard it.

Sand bandits would not have this kind of equipment that a regular army had. This sound of screams was obviously made by a general on another road, that is--

Mingjin retreat!

They, want all the soldiers entering the hot moon bend to withdraw.

Ying Shao said: "This is the meaning of Mingjin's retreat. You must know that the soldiers must obey. Since the order over there is for us to withdraw, we will withdraw."


"I know your mood. If the thief doesn't go empty, it's good to take a few heads."

"That's right."

"But not tonight, especially on this road, absolutely not!"


"If we kill these sand bandits, the sand bandits in Reyue Bend’s nest will surely find that this place has been invaded. If you check carefully, you will find this road, and you will definitely block this road immediately, or Send more people to guard. I've seen this road. If you are a man, you can't open it. If it really is—"


"Then this road will be abandoned."

When everyone heard it, they immediately recovered.

The reason why Ying Shao didn’t do it was because he heard the gold retreat from there. Obviously, the road east of the main battlefield did not win, so he must reserve another way for the battlefield on this side. I hope to win in the future.

Everyone nodded immediately.

Ying Shao said: "Let's go."

Everyone immediately returned in full gear, but Ying Shao turned his head and glanced at the dark sky.

The sound is still echoing.

At this moment, Qiu Jiang leaned in his ear and whispered softly: "My lord, this voice—"

Ying Shao said calmly: "Don't mess up everyone's heart now, let's talk about it when you go back."


With that, everyone left together.

The young soldier here may not be able to tell, but before he became the commander of the imperial army, Ying Shao had fought with Zhu Feng, and he was very clear about Ming Jin's retreat.

It was even more audible, the sound of the sound just now, with a little whine.

It's a warning of casualties!

Ordinary soldiers are casualties, and the army will never retreat because of this.

The casualties are--

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