Early in the morning, the door to the wing room where Chu Xin lived was opened, facing the outside door, you can see the people coming and going outside at a glance.

But of course she can't see it.

Because the mansion was flustered for the past two days, they were asked to stay in the room "securely", that is, they could not go out and wander around. She did not set foot outside, but Xue Ling came to her room early in the morning. With.

Embroider something with a needle and thread.

However, listening to her movement, there was always a moment of movement and a moment of silence, but I didn't know if she stopped in a trance or what she was looking at.

I didn't care about it at first.

In a short while, her sensitive ears heard a rush of footsteps outside, which seemed a little messy and hurried, and many people walked by.

The work in Xue Ling's hands also stopped, and even his breathing was choked.

The footsteps didn't stop, and they walked over quickly.

Xue Ling's breath almost couldn't hold back.

Her room was a little closer to the inside, and you couldn't see the movement outside, so she didn't sleep all night, and couldn't sleep, got up early and came to Chuxin's room and looked outside.

The road outside is the only way from the imperial concubine’s room to the emperor’s study.

She knew that the emperor returned to the captain's mansion with the wounded last night. Later, she heard that the emperor had returned to her room with the frightened concubine. After that, she could not sleep.

It's not that I never thought that the emperor could come back.

After all, that is the emperor, the emperor, the man with the destiny, and the man with the blessing of God. The ordinary conspiracy and tricks are afraid that he will not be able to kill him.

But when she really saw him come back unscathed, she was still a little frightened.

I was even more afraid of being exposed too early.

Although it was both her own intention and the savvy concubine found out, but anyway, if the concubine sees her brother is injured, she becomes furious and loses her mind. She ignores their agreement and tells her directly. emperor--

Then I'm afraid it's not enough to divide the body by five horses.

It's fine if you die.


Thinking of this, her heart felt sore and reluctant.

But, no matter what, seeing the emperor walking past just now, he didn't stop at all, and he didn't even look inside.

It seems that the imperial concubine kept the agreement with herself and did not expose herself.

Xue Ling breathed a long sigh of relief.

However, she also had some doubts.

By the way, the matter has been found out, what way can the imperial concubine think of to slow down this matter?

She couldn't help muttering to herself: "How did she do it...?"

At this time, a cold voice sounded in the ear: "Your mind is not with me, why do you still come to me every day? Also, what's the matter with the mess outside?"

"It's Gui-it's the lady's brother who was hurt."

"Injured? Why are you injured?"

"It seems to be injured by the sand bandits."

"Injured by sand bandits?"

Hearing this, Chu Xin's brows wrinkled, and his face suddenly became depressed.

Xue Ling thought she was still worrying about the sand bandits, and was about to comfort him, but heard Chu Xin sneer: "That lady's brother, it is so useless, and deserves it."

Xue Ling was taken aback.

"Why do you bother to say that? Those sand bandits do a lot of evil, they are the ones who killed people."

"The sand bandits killed someone, and it depends on who they killed."

Chuxin sneered and said, "Men, they are all horrible men. What is a pity if you die one by one?"

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